
GHA and pregnancy

Today, the problem of infertility is faced by millions of couples. If during the year of regular sex without protection does not occur pregnancy, then doctors recommend starting the examination.

According to statistics, in a third of cases, a couple is not able to conceive a child through the fault of a woman. The most common cause of this is the obstruction of the fallopian tubes.

Check it usually with the help of hysterosalpingography (GHA). If questionable results or obstruction are prescribed laparoscopy, which from the diagnostic manipulation can go into surgery.

However, many women note that it cost them to make the GHA, and the pregnancy came after many years of unsuccessful attempts. Doctors explain this by the washing effect of this procedure.

During it, the radiocontrast substance is injected into the uterine cavity, which then normally enters the fallopian tubes and flows into the abdominal cavity. However, the small spikes that were in them and prevented the onset of pregnancy, can disappear. Thus, the GHA contributes to conception.

However, doctors strongly recommend to protect themselves from pregnancy in the cycle when the study is being conducted. This is due, above all, to the harmful effects of X-rays. Irradiation can adversely affect the bearing of the baby and its development.

In addition, complications may occur after the GHA, the most common of which is the inflammatory process in the reproductive organs. In this case, the course of pregnancy can be adversely affected by the presence of the infection in the body, as well as the drugs that the future mother will have to take.

Nevertheless, the GHA and pregnancy for many women have already become concepts very close and interconnected. However, planning of conception after the procedure should be approached responsibly. Active attempts must start after the next menstruation.

When pregnancy occurs in a cycle with GHA, the doctor may raise the issue of its interruption. And this will be the strongest psychological blow for a woman who has been trying unsuccessfully for a long time to become pregnant.

In addition, for most patients, the GHA is a serious stress, they are very worried and worried, especially if doing it for the first time. For some of them, this procedure is a real torture because of severe soreness, although others experience only unpleasant sensations. This is due to the fact that different people have a different threshold of sensitivity.

Such experiences are also better not to experience during pregnancy. And many gynecologists believe that it does not begin at the moment of conception, but at the beginning of the cycle in which it occurred.

To reduce discomfort, patients, at their request, are given mild anesthesia or prescribed anesthetics. Pain can normally persist for a couple of days, especially when sitting. It resembles a sensation on the first day of menstruation. Some in this period also have to take painkillers.

In addition, with the introduction of radiopaque substances, muscle spasm can occur, it can not pass into the tubes and a false result will be obtained. Therefore, patients are advised to drink a no-shpa before the procedure.

Quite often after the GHA, doctors prescribe medications to prevent complications (suppositories, antibiotics, anti-inflammatory drugs). Their use during pregnancy is also undesirable.

The long-awaited pregnancy after the GHA occurs quite often. This is evidenced by statistics, and experts say.

This feature must be used. Nevertheless, it is necessary to combine GHA and pregnancy with caution. It is necessary to take into account on which day of the cycle the research is carried out

Although some experts say that it is necessary to protect themselves after the GHA only for three days, and then start actively planning to not miss this opportunity. After all, the effect of the procedure is not long. There are also cases when women gave birth to quite healthy children, becoming pregnant with the GHA.

So, how to combine GHA and pregnancy, each woman decides to be ashamed of her doctor. However, it is better to transfer active attempts to conceive the baby for cycles after the procedure.

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