
Ventilation passage through the roof. Duct device

Usually, the creation of a ventilation system involves the development of a project for the distribution of channels inside the premises. Special attention is paid to the materials and forms in which the mines must be made. However, the outlet area of the exhaust air flows is also important. As a rule, for this purpose, a special assembly of ventilation passage through the roof is formed, which organically fits into the structural composition of the roof. When developing the parameters and in general the technical device of this part, specialists take into account both the duct characteristics and the features of the roofing.

What is a roofing ventilation unit?

This can be a design formed by a whole group of elements, although there are also almost monolithic installations that perform the function of removing polluted air. Outwardly such an element looks like a chimney, only in a more compact size. In any case, the basis of the design is a metal pipe that passes through the entire roof and is fixed in a special glass made of reinforced concrete. Depending on which ventilation ducts the roofing unit continues, its dimensions can be from 1 to several millimeters. The same applies to protective coatings. Usually used galvanized steel or stainless steel, able to cope with both physical wind loads, and with the effects of moisture.

Technical parameters of the unit

The most common material for the manufacture of such elements of the duct is black steel, the thickness of which reaches 1.2 mm. However, to equip a small private house, you can find less rigid sheets, the thickness of which will be less than 1 mm. It is much more important to pay attention to the form in which the ventilation duct assembly is made through the roof. Rectangular version is considered traditional, but it is also the most uncomfortable in installation. The optimal solution can be a round bend, which is available in different sizes with a diameter in the range of 10-125 cm. But this nuance depends on the execution of the main shaft. The length is selected depending on the specific operating conditions and the roof parameters. On average, this value is 1 m, although, of course, you can meet and extended options.

Components of structures

The traditional arrangement of this element of the ventilation system is a complex complex of several components. This list includes both functional parts of the roof, and the fasteners of the unit itself, as well as sets with fixing devices. A standard ventilation passage through the roof is a metal channel with air flow control elements. This construction is supplemented with insulating and waterproofing materials in the mine exit areas beyond the roof level. In this zone there is usually mineral wool, vapor-insulating interlayers, welded sealed compounds, and also an outer protective covering is laid.

In the middle and upper parts, more attention is paid to the fixing elements. The basic hardware is self-tapping, although other details may be used, depending on the type of roofing. For example, if the ventilation passage through the roof is mounted on a soft and brittle material in the form of tiles, it is better to bet on the clips from the elastic crimp clips.

Ventilation unit management

The method and the very possibility of controlling the mechanisms of passage depend not on the mounting solutions, but are determined by the basic assembly of the node. Therefore, it is necessary to provide in advance the possibilities of regulating the operation of this system. In particular, the end of the ventilation shaft can be equipped with controlled valves. To regulate the operation of this component, a special mechanism is used. A typical set of its commands involves the installation of closed and open positions. In modern modifications, the ventilation passage through the roof also provides for intermediate valve operation modes with automatic elements. Actually, similar systems provide and self-contained ventilation valves, which are not integrated into the roof covering, but lead to airflow through the walls.

Passage compatibility with roofs

Much in the choice of a specific ventilation unit depends on the location in which it will be installed. Accordingly, the parameters and materials of the roof are taken into account. Since the airway base is a rather massive power structure, the load-bearing capacity of the attic or the attic must first be estimated. Nowadays, almost all types of roofs provide for the possibility of equipping the roof with multi-layer insulators, so there is no problem with the endurance of the same rafters. More important is the angle of the slope, the thickness of the ceiling and the parameters of the under-roof space. If it is planned to install a reinforced concrete floor, then it is desirable to install special panels in the mounting location with holes for fixing the pipe. The angle of the roof, in turn, can affect the configuration of the location of insulation materials and fixing ducts.

Accessories for roofing and ventilation passage

It is not necessary to initially complete the device with all possible functional additions, but before the installation itself it is necessary to calculate the design so that the possibility of future roofing with a new option remains. In particular, the system can be supplemented with valves and deflectors, which will ensure the removal of air flows from the attic and attic rooms. If the end of the shaft is in close contact with other communication systems, then it will not be superfluous to include special seals in the device that seal the outputs of engineering communications. Thus, not only the ventilation ducts are protected, but also roof penetrations. In a separate order it is worthwhile to think over and protect the coating itself from the possible effects of gases and warm air.

Assembly of the unit

First of all, a reinforced concrete base is installed, into which a supporting branch pipe must be inserted. In order to increase the reliability, this structure can be strengthened by fixing flanges or supports. If a ventilation duct assembly is installed through the corrugated roof, metal coating elements can be used as fixing components. This possibility depends on how reliably fixed the elements of the flooring. The thicker the sheet, the more reliable the connection. But to abuse these solutions is not worth it, because the mutual load on different designs in some cases can be dangerous.

In the usual way, the passage is fastened by means of braces, which are also fixed by brackets or clamps on the roof cover. However, if a ventilation duct assembly is being formed through the roofing of metal roofing, then it is not recommended to count on the serious support of the flooring. In extreme cases, you can use a mount with a large area coverage. For example, an installation skirt that is laid on the roof in the place of its contact with the ventilation passage will provide protection of the installation site from both mechanical deformations and the ingress of excessive moisture into it.

How much is the node of the passage?

Although this component can be attributed to additional parts in the ventilation system, it is not cheap compared to other elements. However, a lot depends on the type of equipment in which the ventilation duct assembly is acquired through the roof. The price of a standard passage without a control system and thermal insulation may be 1.8-2 thousand rubles. In the expanded equipment with an automated valve, protective coatings and a ring for the collection of condensate, this system can manage in 2,5-3 thousand rubles.


Not all roofs have additions of this type. This does not mean that users of houses refuse ventilation systems - it is simply organized in a different way. Indeed, in some cases, the use of roofing passages to form the duct itself does not justify itself. For example, the types of roofs in which the ramp has a large slope, do not fit well with such systems. In such a situation it is better to organize the withdrawal of the exhaust air through windows or walls, having made the appropriate communications. If we are talking about roofs with typical roofing coatings, which were laid on slopes with a slight slope, it is quite possible to provide the building with a knot for the ventilation passage.

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