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Continuous medical experience. Allowances for continuous medical experience

What is the continuous medical experience? How is it calculated and is there any sense in this component of labor for medical workers? All these questions are interesting when a person is going to devote his life to medicine. This area of work is extremely responsible and serious. So, for these features you can expect any extra charges and bonuses. How is this going in Russia? What can the medical staff in this country expect?


Unfortunately, the concept of continuity of medical experience is not always clear to citizens. And not in all cases it is possible to correctly calculate its duration.

Continuous medical work experience is the time that an employee has worked in the medical field, while having only officially allowed pauses in labor activity. For example, annual leave.

Continuity of work experience in the field of medicine plays an important role for many. After all, this indicator helps to receive certain surcharges to the established salary. And it's not about premiums at all. What are the features of a continuous medical record? What should I look for? And what surcharges are put to employees under certain circumstances?

Peculiarities of the calculus

Let's clarify the situation in which the length of service will not be considered interrupted. The fact is that this moment is extremely important. With the break of continuous medical experience, all bonuses and allowances disappear, and the employee has a risk to remain without additional payments.

At the moment, in Russia, continuous medical experience is preserved provided that work is done without unemployment periods lasting more than a month. But in this case it is important not to change the scope of activity. That is, if the employee decided to change the place of work, he can do it. But to ensure the continuity of medical experience will have to continue to perform job duties in the field of medicine.

Pay attention to what periods can be considered counted in the length of service :

  • Holiday to care for the child;
  • "Rest" for pregnancy and due to forthcoming births;
  • Service in the army on urgent appeal;
  • Service under the contract;
  • Alternative service in the armed forces of the Russian Federation;
  • Period of care for people with disabilities and the elderly who have reached the age of 80 years.

In these periods, the termination of the performance of official duties is not considered an interruption in the conduct of work. So, all bonuses and bonuses will be saved for the employee.

When you leave

It has already been said that dismissal is not a sentence for the continuity of work experience. This is normal. All employees are allowed to search for a new job for some time and at the same time have the opportunity to accumulate a continuous service. But what about employment in the medical field? How much time is given to find a new place of work?

Continuous medical experience after dismissal is maintained for a month. During this time, the citizen must again start working in the field of medicine. It is not necessary to work as a doctor or to seek employment in high-ranking places. The main thing is to work and be registered as medical personnel.

Accordingly, all allowances will be preserved - you do not have to worry about this. But their size can change. After all, there is one very important factor on which the size of co-payments to earnings depends. About him a little later. The first step is to understand how to maintain the continuity of work experience.

Reduction and elimination

Sometimes it turns out that a person is losing his job due to a reduction in the staffing or liquidation of the company. How to be then? How long can you search for a new job?

Continuous medical experience after the reduction or liquidation of an organization lasts 3 months from the moment of termination of employment. The citizen has 90 days to find a new job. Again, it is very important to keep employment in the medical sphere, otherwise there will simply be no continuity.

It can be concluded that far from always continuing experience in the field of medicine after the dismissal disappears. So, it is possible to hope under certain circumstances for bonuses and bonuses provided for by law.

Their exact size, unfortunately, is difficult to calculate. There is a possibility that after the next employment, payments will either increase or decrease. But they are unlikely to remain unchanged.

Where to work

The next question that interests many is employment in a new medical institution. The fact is that now you can divide all activities into several components. Allocate state medical institutions and private. Is the work reflected in this or that place on premiums and continuity of experience?

Not always. On payments often - yes, but on experience - no. In other words, continuous medical experience after dismissal, for example, from the state clinic and employment in a private hospital will be preserved. And vice versa. The main thing is to keep within the time limits established in Russia at the legislative level.

Does everyone get paid

Some are interested in exactly what kind of employees are paid for continuous work in the medical field. Does the role play a role for calculating additional money?

This is a difficult question. In general, a lot of features have continuous medical experience. The legislation of Russia indicates that the position plays a role in the calculation of corresponding payments. But there is no such thing that someone is paid extra, but someone does not. All employees who have long and continuous time working in the field of medicine will, to some extent, be rewarded.

The only thing that affects the position of an employee is the amount of money accrued. And nothing more. Therefore, do not worry about the loss of additional charges, if from the status of a doctor, the employee has become a nurse. All the bonuses for continuing medical experience will still remain.

What affects the amount of payments

It is also important to understand what affects payments for work in medicine. It has already been said that there are no clearly established amounts to be paid to one degree or another by medical personnel. But there are factors that influence what kind of additional payment will ultimately result in a continuous medical record. It:

  • Place of work of the employee;
  • position;
  • Time of work in the field of medicine;
  • salary.

The most significant item is the latter. And all the rest are only small factors, on which the level of the employee's earnings depends. True, in some cases all the above indicators play the same role.

It turns out, the higher the salary - the more will be the payment. And it is right. After all, all calculations are made as a percentage of the earnings received. So, the allowance for continuous medical experience can not amount to the same amount of money. Everywhere your salary. And it depends very heavily on the surcharge.

Also, the length of continuous medical experience plays an enormous role. It is not difficult to guess that the longer an employee works, the higher the surcharges will be. Therefore, this moment also should not be overlooked. It is this reason that becomes the main factor in deciding whether to further employ a dismissed employee. Additions are not too want to lose!

Features of charges

How correctly to charge the imposed surcharges? The allowance for continuous medical experience of part-time workers and other medical personnel is set in different sizes. How to determine their size correctly?

It has already been said that the accruals will depend directly on the salary. From it in this or that case a certain percentage of money is taken, which will reflect the amount of the due payments. It is important to take into account that we are talking about the so-called net salary - without taking into account previously assigned premiums, bonuses and additional payments.

This point is often not taken into account by the staff. And they are surprised by too little accruals for continuous medical experience. The surcharge is calculated taking into account only the "bare" salary. More than any additional cash paid to medical personnel can not serve as a base for accruals.


What features should I pay attention to? Now that all the basic information about continuing medical experience and the features of calculating additional payments are known, you can study to whom and in what sizes are the surcharges.

For example, what can count employees who work in anti-tuberculosis facilities and are engaged in phthisiology. For such personnel, there are special conditions for calculating payments.

The allowance for continuous medical experience for part-time employees, secondary personnel, as well as the main employees in institutions designed for diagnosis and control of tuberculosis, as well as phthisiatricians is laid down in the following amounts:

  • 30% of the salary received in the first 3 years of labor;
  • 45% - for 5 years;
  • 60% - for 7 or more years of continuous work experience in the field of medicine.

Anti-plague and anti-plague facilities

Further attention should be paid to the anti-divisive units, as well as the institutions that were created to fight the plague. In these cases, all staff are entitled to certain allowances for continuous work in the field of medicine.

Only in the first case, surcharges can not exceed 80% of the salary, and in the second there is a limit of 100%. This is only for medical professionals. All other employees can not receive premiums, which in the amount of more than 50 and 80 percent, respectively.

So how much does the staff have in this or that case? In them, the allowance for continuous work for part-time workers, as well as other personnel, is set at 10% for each year of labor. Accordingly, exact amounts of payments will be known only after finding out information about salary in certain institutions.


In some cases, one should expect a payment equal to 30% of the salary for 3 years, as well as 15% for every subsequent 2 years of labor for work in the field of medicine. But in this case, additional charges can not exceed 60% of the "net" earnings. When are such extra charges for continuing medical experience? For pensioners, they are assessed or not - this is not so important. The main thing is that such an opportunity appears in the following cases:

  • When working in rural areas and boarding schools;
  • If the staff member refers to the average obstetric staff;
  • Feldshers who work in the field of pediatrics and in the therapeutic departments of polyclinics;
  • Physicians working in the field of home care;
  • All chairmen and doctors of medical commissions.

Continuous medical work experience is what many employees of this field of activity strive for. And for that there are reasons. After all, for continuous work, certain surcharges are accrued to the cadres in certain sizes.

What can any staff who works in the medical field count on? Or rather, all employees of health facilities and places of social protection of the population? It does not matter at the same time, continuous medical experience in private clinics is implied or in public. The main thing is its availability and duration. All the cadres who work in the field of health and social protection are paid a surcharge of 20% of the salaries paid for the first 26 months of labor, and 10% for each subsequent 24 months of work (but not more than 30% in total).

Continuous medical work experience is an important moment for those who plan to work in the field of medicine constantly. Previously, for the continuity of any work, certain bonuses were relying, but in modern Russia they are not. Therefore, one should not be very worried about this component, unless regular work is planned in medicine.

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