Arts & EntertainmentLiterature

Fairy tales about cars. Modern fairy tales for children

Tales of cars are no less interesting to children than about animals or fairy-tale heroes, fairies and sorcerers. All because the machines became our companions, as once the permanent neighbors of our ancestors were animals and mystical stories about what people could not explain in the absence of science.

What is a fairy tale?

Although modern tales differ slightly from folk, ancient, the main features of the classical genre persist. So what is a fairy tale?

Its name comes from the Old Russian word "skaz", that is, a story, a conversation. It is a folklore genre of oral narration about fictional, fantastic events and characters. The peculiarity of this genre is that the fairy tale ends happily, the conflict between good and bad characters is resolved in favor of the first. That is, in simple terms, good conquers evil. In addition, animals and plants, objects and natural phenomena in such works can act and talk like people.

The best fairy tales for children not only entertain, but also teach goodness and justice, respect the elders, stranger labor and care, not to offend the weak and animals. Argumented by the fact that the departed from these norms will be punished, because evil is always punishable. In these short stories lies the poetry of the folk word, its wisdom and vital moral lessons.

What are the tales?

As we said above, folk tales are also called folklore. There is a second kind of this amazing genre - author's, or literary.

Modern tales do not differ so much from folklore. These amazing works today are only enriched by characters, respectively, and species.

Folklore stories were previously divided into only three categories:

  • about animals;
  • Magic;
  • Household.

Literary critics believe that the first appeared tales about animals. They had a simple plot, often had a small amount. Behind animals that have played heroes, certain features or characteristics of character have always been fixed. For example, the image of the fox embodied the cunning, the wolf - cruelty, the hare - cowardice, the ass - stubbornness, crows - stupidity and tyranny.

The best fairy tales of this genre are retold to children till now. Over time, this species has given way to few magical tales. Here the characters were various characters, endowed with extraordinary abilities.

The latter arose household tale (social). They were already more for adults than for children, they could contain elements of humor and satire.

Now the genres of these works were supplemented by fairy tales about cars. They are due to the fact that cars have become our constant companions. We see them on the street and in the cinema, on the river, at the dacha and even in the forest. Conditionally they can be divided into these types:

  • About ordinary typewriters;
  • About transformers;
  • About specialized vehicles (remember cartoons about cars, for example "Chuck-truck", "Adventures of trains" or a cartoon about the bus of Tayo).

Why should children tell tales at night?

Let's go back to ancient times, where fairy tales were stored for decades as family jewelry, passed from mouth to mouth from great-grandmother to grandmother and family circle further. If they were not valuable, would such stories survive to the present day? No, they would not have survived. Now folk genres are being replaced by author's genres. In this there is nothing wrong, if not abused.

Good tales about cars are a good alternative to folklore, the main thing is to choose really positive, teaching and educating options. And to read them to the kids is in any case. A good fairy tale and her characters will not only serve as "sleeping pills", but they can also give an idea of a kid's life, become a useful lesson, or talk about different situations. Plots in which cars are the main characters are no less interesting to children than about animals, heroes, heroes or fairies.

Fairy tales about cars can become a good substitute for folk genres for boys, who begin to be interested in technology from an early age. Such works are becoming more and more. Their huge plus is also in the fact that in a short game form the kid can be told about the arrangement of cars, give information that will become the starting point for the future of the man. Children like to listen to something new and modern. You can please the kids with the author's fairy tales, placed below, or come up with an interesting story by yourself. It's not as difficult as it might seem at first glance.

The Tale of a Fire Truck

So, let's start with the traditional "vein-was."

Once upon a time there was a fire engine. She went with the fire brigade around the city and waited for a call on the radio of her driver. If the signal was received, the machine was happy, because she had to put out a real fire! But the trouble, fortunately for the city, the fires were very rare. Often the typewriter had to extinguish a burning rag in the kitchen at the careless housewife or a box with unnecessary papers in the yard, which the children set fire to. And here the machine for calls began to drive more slowly and, that the most bad, began to be lazy to pick up water from the big small river in the countryside. It happened this way: the machine came to the river, it included a special pump, and he took water in the compartments. To fill the tanks completely, it took a lot of time, and the machine was bored to draw water. She began to cheat and, typing one of the compartments, turned off the pump.

On this fairy tale about the fire engine could have ended, if there had not been a real fire in the city. The big big house caught fire. All fire trucks rushed there. I flew to the call and our machine. She rushed the first and boldly rushed to put out the fire. The fire had almost given up, but suddenly the hose of the machine hung like a rag, and no more water flowed out of it. The machine cheated and filled only one compartment. Fortunately, other cars arrived in time and put out the fire. And our car sad went home, in his garage. If she was not lazy to gain water, then the fire itself would have won and became a typewriter-heroine.

Tale of a tractor

Once upon a time there was a tractor on a distant farm. He carried loads every day. From the farm tractor traveled with a full trailer of potatoes or wheat, and returned with feeds for cows and chickens, the owner's purchases and fuel for himself.

Often the tired driver fell asleep on the way back, and the tractor itself was traveling slowly along a familiar road. He always brought his cargo in safety and integrity.

Once our hero still slowly returned home. In the tank splashed fuel, in the trailer lay a juicy fodder for cows. Suddenly a tractor appeared in the forest. Interest made him turn off the road and see what was there. Climbing closer, the tractor saw a huge trailer that carries animals. He lonely stood in the clearing, and in his trailer pawed mournfully cows.

- What happened to you? Asked the tractor. "Why are you standing here?"

"In the dark, I moved out of the way," the trailer replied sadly. - And while wandering through the forest, I spent all my fuel. Now I can not get home, but my cows are hungry and ask to eat.

The tractor was sorry for both the trailer and the cows, but he did not know how to help. The owner always ordered him to deliver the goods intact.

"Listen, tractor, do you have fuel and food for my cows?" Share with me, so I can leave the forest! - suddenly asked for a trailer.

Our fairy tale about the tractor could end sadly if the protagonist were not kind and sympathetic. He sighed and gave food to the cows, and shared the fuel with the trailer. They went home alone together. And suddenly, when there was very little left before the farm, the tractor felt something hit his wheel. He stopped and, in the light of his headlights, saw that he had hit a nail, and air came out from his wheel with hissing. Here our hero is very much desperate, not knowing how to be. But he forgot that next to him is traveling a new friend - a trailer. He has several pairs of wheels. Seeing that the friend in need, the trailer took one and gave it to the tractor. So they got to the farm together.

After hearing the history of the tractor and trailer, the owners praised them, saying that they both did the right thing. On the road, you always need to help others, because you do not know when you might need help.

About the rider-braggart

A fairy tale about a racing car begins with a story about a large garage where cars lived. It was cozy here, but sometimes the older cars were too boastful of their victories, and the beginners were uncomfortable with this boasting. After all, they only arrived in this garage and did not take part in these races.

Among the novice riders was one that likes to brag about more than others. He was happy to tell how he won in a hundred races. Wherever he went, he is always the first winner. Cars-beginners hesitated to ask him and quietly listened to stories.

Once, one brave newcomer asked the braggart about why he spends so much time in the garage, and not at the races. And he proudly replied that here he was gaining strength before a very important rally, where he would win. Our heroes listened to fairy tales for the night about cars from their mothers and went to bed.

Here comes the day of the great rally. All the cars rushed there, even kids-beginners called. The race began, and the newcomers looked out for the acquaintance among the participants, who should become the winner. But he was not there. Therefore, when the leading car drove up to the cars, they could not resist asking about their familiar winner. Imagine the surprise when she smiled and said:

"Ah, are you talking about this braggart?" So he does not participate in the rally at all!

- How? The cars were surprised. - After all, he told us that he always wins!

Then the host sighed bitterly and told the newcomers a story. It turns out that the braggart never took part in the race. All because he was very afraid. And to look more solid in the eyes of kids, he boasted before them.

Surprised and distressed cars drove home. Today they received two good lessons. The first - never brag, and the second - do not trust the imaginary successes of braggarts. Sometimes their stories are just fiction and fantasy.

Tale of a car with a red body

In a big and big toy store they lived cars. And there was a red car among them. She was so bright that she was insanely proud of her beauty and unusual. All her conversations with friends were reduced to the words: "Look at me, how beautiful I am. I'm as red as a poppy, shining like the sun. " Others at first did not pay attention to such boasting, but the red typewriter bragged more and more.

Tired of this another, they stopped calling her to her. On this tale about the red car could end, but suddenly the news came that it would come to the store to choose a toy for itself a very important buyer - a small son of the owner. They began to wait for his toys and makeup. And then the boy came. He looked at the typewriters for a long time and could not choose everything. His papa began to help him, says:

- Here, look, what a beautiful red car. Take it!

But the boy was very serious and not smart for years.

- Not everything that red is beautiful! - he said and chose a small silver car.

Ashamed of the red car for her boasting. She began to wait for her buyer and never again bragged about her bright body.

How the working machines in places changed

There lived in one garage three cars: a bulldozer, a crane and a truck. A fairy tale about working cars will tell us how easy it was for friends to work together until they quarreled.

Cars worked at a construction site nearby and left the garage together. The bulldozer equalized the land for future development, the crane lifted heavy stones, and the truck took all this to a special dump. Machines have been working so long. Their day began in the early morning, and ended when the sun was already setting. Their work was always coordinated, all performed their tasks accurately and on time. Fairy tales about cars usually tell about adventures, ours will tell about friendship and duties.

One day the truck was very tired and began to complain how hard it was to carry heavy stones and loose earth. He cried that everything was already hurting him, and the trailer completely bent over the cargo. The owner heard complaints from the truck and said:

- Do you think only your work is so complicated? And look at the tap, which stones he lifts with his thin "hand"! Or do you think that it's easy for a bulldozer? He works from morning till night without rest, clearing and leveling the ground, picking up stones from the depths bigger than himself!

But the truck still complained that it was harder for the others. The owner became angry and called a bulldozer and a crane. But when the conversation turned to the difficulties, it turned out that these guys also feel that each other's work is easier than their own. The crane complained that the truck was rolling around, resting and seeing new places, he was still standing in one place. And the bulldozer, as it turned out, dreams at least once in the sun to look, and not to the ground and to the rocks. The owner sighed bitterly and said to his working machines:

"You served me for a long time with faith and truth." Each of you has done his work well and quickly. But once you began to think that someone else's work is easier than yours, then take it and change it. Let's see how you work in a foreign place, doing other people's duties. And the cars were delighted and rushed to the construction site.

As working machines in places changed. Continuation

The truck turned into the bulldozer's place, the crane began to transport the goods, and the bulldozer started lifting the stones. At first, friends were happy with such changes, but how did it come to work ...

The truck flattened the truck, but only trampled it even more. And as he jumped on the stone, he stopped altogether and neither back nor forward moved. The bulldozer was glad at first of the sun, but as it began to bake by midday, the eyes blinked the lights and the cabin was heated, there was less joy. And then the truck got stuck, I had to help him get a big stone from the ground. They got it out, only the crane now can not load it to the truck itself. And so, and the friends tried to help him, they loaded the stone with great difficulty, so that they could take it to the dump.

How did the poor crane cobble carry, so hard for him! The stone is all striving to jump off and roll off the mountain, the wheels bend, the neck is long in the wires, it gets confused. Barely reached half way, and then could not, there he threw a stone, and then ran back to the construction site. And there work is worth it. His friends are sad, smashed and tired meet. Here and the owner visited. He asks how the machines worked today. The first crane spoke:

"So," he says, "I'm tired that there are no forces. Like a week without rest worked. I do not want that anymore!

And then the truck supported him:

"Oh, and the bulldozer's hard work." It's easier to carry my loads!

And the bulldozer did not say anything at all. He baked so much sun in the cabin, which he could not speak, poor fellow. The cars returned to the hangar for their night. Barely enough energy to get home, immediately went to bed, even loved their cartoons about the cars did not want to look. They realized that what you can and can do is the easiest job. And the work of any one is complicated, for that it is labor.


There are many fairy tales, stories and stories for children. Their characters are all different, but each in their own way is loved by children and adults.

Fairy tales about cars for children are a good way to distract a child, cheer him up, take him or put him to bed. It so happened that our ancestors grew surrounded by forests and animals, and modern children grow up surrounded by machinery and cars.

Absolutely untrue is the view that stories about cars are interesting only to boys. Girls are just as eager to listen to them. Therefore, tell your children more tales. Folk stories are beyond competition, they are full, instructive, poetic. They have grown more than one generation, they were known even by our great-great-grandmothers. But if a fairy tale about a car becomes a favorite, do not deny the child the pleasure of listening to it. And most importantly in education - spend more time with your kids!

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