
Examples of aphorisms and sentences with the word "monkey"

A task like "think up a sentence with the word " monkey "is often used in elementary school in Russian lessons (grammar) .Practors are usually asked to write phrases of varying degrees of complexity, where one or more words will appear.

Examples of proposals of varying complexity

The sentence with the word "monkey" can be simple or complex, depending on the age of the student and his level of proficiency in Russian.


  • The little monkey was sitting in a cage.
  • The children approached the monkey and fed her.
  • The cleaner went into the cage where the hungry gorilla sat.
  • A monkey in a pink waistcoat and hat, snapping a whip, chased the lion in the circle of the arena.

One more variant of tasks - to make sentences with the word "monkey" and describing the action or using the derivatives of the word.


  • The monkey jumped on a branch and teased the hunters.
  • A family of monkeys fled the zoo.
  • Vova went to the mirror and long ape before him (grimacing).
  • When the monkey guessed to take a stick, they began to be called people.

In general, tasks with sentences with the word "monkey" are quite popular among modern teachers. A rare textbook for primary classes does without them.

Statements and aphorisms

The word "monkey" has its place in fiction. Most often it is used in a negative sense, meaning hooligan or ugly behavior, grimaces or image.

Do not ignore the axiom that people descended from primates. For example, the following quotes about the monkey are popular:

  • If people have descended from a monkey, then a woman is from a man.
  • Evolution happened, because some monkeys decided on the adventure.
  • The devil is the monkey of God.
  • Rest without money again makes a person of primacy.
  • At first there was a word, and only then - a story about a monkey.
  • Man came from primates. But they were from Noah's Ark.
  • Man - sounds proud. But the monkey is promising.

In general, aphorisms about humanoid primates are many, and they are used in different situations.

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