Education, History
EU countries. History of the European Union
1951 played a decisive role in the development of fundamentally new economic relations between several European countries. This year, one of the most successful economic projects was born. It's about the European Economic Community. At first it was a fairly modest alliance, which consisted of only six European states. They were well- developed countries with a stable economy and excellent prospects for the future.
Germany, France, the Netherlands, Belgium, Italy and Luxembourg - these countries, members of the EU, have pioneered new political and economic relations throughout the world community. In fact, it was a rehearsal of the future economic union. In 1951, a new Western European economic integration was laid. The start of the project of these developed countries at that time was so successful that economists retrospectively from the late 50s to the mid-70s called it the "golden age" in the life of the European community.
The present count of the emergence of the EU began to lead since 1957, because it was then that a treaty was signed on the creation of a completely new type of relationship - the European Economic Community. The countries of the European Union were characterized by unprecedented rates of economic growth. It is also characteristic that continuous progress was also observed in the next 15 years.
The EU countries provided their people with a high standard of living due to the fact that the new organization clearly set goals and implemented them in a certain sequence, and quite successfully. In the first period (50-70 years) a great achievement is the creation of a successful unified agrarian market. The United Kingdom, Ireland and Denmark supplemented the list presented above in 1973.
What was it - an economic miracle or a well thought-out balanced policy of states? Rather, the latter, since the EU countries, immediately resolved many issues by ensuring successful trade within the Union. They removed restrictions for the movement of capital, people and services, introduced a general policy on transport and agriculture and, most importantly, unified the tax system.
Initially, the countries that are members of the European Union have set and successfully realized the goal of creating a single market for goods and capital, and also organized the rational use of labor in the EU zone. The Union of States ensured a high degree of economic development, stable monetary and financial relations, humanitarian cooperation, a balanced foreign policy, as well as the security of the countries that are members of the Union.
Historically, in 1967, the main legal institutions were created within the Union: the European Commission, the Parliament, the Council and the Court. The next event was the admission to Greece in 1981. This led to a conflict caused by the discrepancy between the level of the Greek economy and those states that were part of the union for a long time. The countries of the EU at that time had higher rates of economic development. The accession of Greece entailed a number of difficulties and losses.
In 1986, the countries of the European Union had two more states, thanks to the accession of Spain and Portugal. A major role in the further formation of the EU was played by the Maastricht Treaty, which was signed in February 1992. The countries that are members of the European Union, by that time, numbered 15 members in their ranks. In the same year, a single European bank was created with the most important powers and rights to issue single currency.
On January 1, 1995, the EU included such advanced countries as Finland, Austria and Sweden. The Amsterdam Treaty in June 1997 contained a concrete plan for the expansion of the European Union, it should have been included in the perspective of the countries of Central and Eastern Europe. This plan, as, indeed, all the others, the union performed on "excellent", but at the same time faced additional economic problems.
In 2004, the Commonwealth countries were joined by: Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Cyprus, Malta, Poland, Slovakia, Slovenia, the Czech Republic and Estonia. It was the triumph of Eastern Europe. She gained her lucky chance to join a successful European economic structure, and the inhabitants of these countries moved to a new, better quality of life.
In 2007, the EU adopted Romania and Bulgaria into its ranks.
What is the EU today? This is an international economic education, which still exists successfully, and many countries dream of it. By all indications - this is undoubtedly an international organization, even with the functions of the state. However, formally it is simply an alliance, but one that has the full right to participate in international integration relations, and its influence grows every year. Undoubtedly, the merit of the EU is that it is capable of ensuring lasting peace, prosperity and stability in Europe.
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