HomelinessPest Control

Effective struggle with dandelions

The yellow heads of dandelions immeasurably delight in the spring, when their bright inflorescences cheerfully hover over the green grass. After a boring and long winter, it's like a promise of a hot, sunny summer. But the joy quickly passes, it is worth seeing this disgrace on your own well-groomed lawn. It's not up to sentiment. The fight against dandelions is a very exhausting business.

Destroy the weed not from any special aesthetic considerations. Simply if you leave at least one plant alone, it will multiply instantly and displace other cultural herbs. Dandelion unpretentiousness is known. It does not matter to him whether it's a drought or pouring rain without stopping, he will survive any bad weather. The wind carries its seeds. Light silvery parachutes move on fairly decent distances, it is only for them to fall on the ground, as they are immediately ready to sprout.

The struggle with dandelions on the lawn is complicated by the fact that the powerful root of the plant goes deeper into the soil by 25 centimeters. Extract it completely difficult, because it easily breaks, and any part of it, even a very small one, is capable of giving life to a new escape. So it is necessary to pull out the annoying weed all summer long.

What are the ways mankind invented for all those, perhaps, centuries, that there is an uncompromising struggle with dandelions? The simplest and ecologically absolutely harmless is to dig out the yellow flowers with the root, without waiting for them to bloom and let their seeds in the free flight. However, the word "simple" here is not entirely true. The physical cost of this method requires considerable.

First of all, in order to ease yourself a little work, pour the lawn first: from the moist, pliable earth, the weeds on the lawn are easier to pull. Do not grab the leaves, you can not immediately remove the plant, most likely, just tear off the tip. Undermine the soil in front of the root in several places. The shovel is not good for this. Use a knife or buy a special tool in the store. The latter is a blade consisting of blades, similar to the Latin letter V. The tip of the device is immersed in the ground with a dandelion and press the button. The tool, together with the soil, carefully removes the plant.

There are, of course, more radical methods. Chemical herbicides and insecticides are sold at every corner. Working with them is unsafe, so strictly follow the rules.

Are you afraid of the harm that is caused by chemistry? Try grandmother's recipes. For example, the fight against dandelions can be conducted with the help of table salt. Pour it into the center of the rosette of the dandelion leaves: after a while it will burn as if leaving a brown stain behind it. No wonder that in ancient times the Romans sprinkled their fields with salt to break down the barbarians. No crops - no harvest. Be careful not to hook the right plants. Vinegar has a similar effect.

The fight against dandelions includes not only measures for their active destruction. Sometimes good results are preventive measures. What's easier - do not remove the cropped grass from the lawn. Mulch not only fertilizes the soil, but also prevents the germination of weeds. Seeds are harder to harden on the ground, plant shoots do not have enough sunlight to actively go into growth. Periodically, sow the lawn by planting a new grass in place of the "bald spots".

But the main thing is the attitude to the case itself. If you learn to benefit from seemingly most unpleasant activities, then the process will no longer cause a dull annoyance. Think about how many vitamins are contained in the hated weed! Do not throw away the torn dandelions, preferably add them to the salad, cook jam or honey from the flowers.

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