HomelinessPest Control

Sleigh belt for trees: will not let pests to the crown

How to protect your garden from insatiable pests? Of course, there is a whole arsenal of chemical plant protection products. Well, if you want, and protection of trees from pests was, and the chemistry of their pets once again do not bother? There is also such a tool.

Remember: the vast majority of garden pests feed on leaf juices. Therefore, they all aspire to the crown - and beetles, and caterpillars, and ants, carefully transferring to the "pastures" aphids. And to the crown of the tree leads the widest road - its trunk. Can not put on it an insurmountable barrier to harmful insects?

Can. This barrier is called the hunting belts for trees. Their task is to physically prevent the attainment of foliage of garden plantations by pests, including their capture and destruction.

Each hunting belt for trees is constructively very simple and does not require special delicacies in the manufacture. Most often it is made in the form of a funnel, wrapped around the trunk and directed with its bell from top to bottom, to the ground. Practice shows that it is the funnel that most effectively "catches" traveling harmful insects along the trunk.

So, the design, in principle, is understandable. But here's the question: if you make a hunting belt for trees, then from what material?

Easier and faster to make such obstacles from paper or cardboard. But immediately it becomes clear: such fishing belts - until the first rain. Although, if there is an opportunity to quickly shoot them before the weather, this tool is the best one-time. Mackerel or glass wool is much better suited for the manufacture of fishing belts. And that's why.

To strengthen the "collective" ability of the trap, its inner side should preferably be impregnated with either an effective insecticide or an adhesive. Then all the evil evil spirits trying to overcome the obstacle, just will not pass - either die, or adhere firmly to the inside. In addition, fiberglass itself is incredibly difficult to overcome, even without impregnation.

A more "long-playing" variant of the hunting belt, thanks to which the trees are protected, is a "skirt" made of rubber. Pre-prepared pattern can easily be wrapped around the trunk, firmly tied to it or glued together with glue. To enhance the effect, you can still wrap the edges of the "skirt", and pour a little sticky substance or sunflower oil into the formed groove. The insects that have entered the gutter will not be able to get out of there.

Each hunting belt for trees must be attached to the trunk so that there are no cracks between it and the bark. If they did not manage to be avoided, there's nothing to worry about: an ordinary clay is useful for putty.

Another tip: if you can paint the fishing belts, paint them in green. This will immediately make them attractive to pests and not of any interest to beneficial insects, for example, honey.

Regularly check every hunting belt for trees; If necessary, soak it again with an insecticide. As soon as a sufficient number of insects accumulate inside the trap, carefully untie it from the trunk, take it out of the garden and burn it. Only this method will mean the irretrievable destruction of garden pests.

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