Health, Diseases and Conditions
How to eliminate constipation, what should I do?
If you have constipation, what should you do? How to cope with such a delicate situation, without resorting to the help of doctors and the conservative method of colonoscopy treatment? It is necessary, first of all, to understand the reasons for its appearance. Set the goal to lead a healthy lifestyle. If due to regular exercise and proper nutrition, the well-being will improve noticeably, then you have correctly determined the root of the problem. Rarely constipation can cause chronic diseases. It is very important not to let this happen. It should be understood that the appearance of constipation can lead to a lack of fluid in the body, which causes solidification of stool. Therefore, it is necessary to arrange the reception of water in accordance with your individual needs. It is necessary to increase the supply of fluid in the body. It is useful to drink a glass or two an hour before a meal.
If you do not have time to go to the toilet in the morning before you go to work, this is one of the signs that provoke constipation. What to do? Adjust the mode of the day so that after breakfast you had about forty minutes to leave the house. Usually at this time and there are desires for defecation.
To eat it is necessary often, but on slightly, as much as possible healthy food. This will help avoid bloating and problems with defecation. The amount of food you eat directly depends on how qualitatively you go to the toilet. You will again think that if there is no constipation, what should I do? Cleans the intestines of food from coarse fibers. Very good with this cope cabbage, apples, oatmeal. These three products will greatly alleviate the problem of constipation.
The first help in constipation is the release of the intestines from dense feces. This will help glycerin suppository or laxative, which can be purchased at the pharmacy.
And, of course, do not forget about enemas. You can prepare a solution: for one liter of boiled water take three tablespoons of salt. This is a very effective tool. As, however, and microclysters. They are administered in small portions, often at night. This can be herbal tea or ordinary vegetable oil.
It is important to carefully carry out such procedures, to avoid damage to the intestine. There are doubts about how to produce it correctly, what water to make an enema. Of course, the liquid must be purified, filtered, or even better - boiled. Before the enema, the anus should be lubricated with cream. The water temperature should be above twelve degrees. The person takes the procedure in the supine position on the side. The tip is inserted no more than ten centimeters inside. Especially effective washing after natural excrement.
Particularly impressionable people are always interested in whether it is painful to do an enema. This procedure though is not pleasant, but nevertheless it is absolutely painless. Sensations at the same time resemble the usual urge to defecate. Therefore, do not be afraid to do an enema at home. Especially if you follow all the rules and take precautions. By doing this, you eliminate all risks and help yourself to become healthier, become purer from within and look much more attractive. Before you no longer will be the question: "Constipation, what should I do?"
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