
Cystitis: Causes, Treatment and Prevention

Cystitis is an inflammation of the bladder, triggered by bacteria that get there. Women are much more likely than men to have cystitis. The reasons for this are, first of all, that the urethra is shorter in women, which allows parasites to get into the bladder more quickly . The length of the female urethra is only 2.8-5.6 cm, and that of the male ñ from 10 to 18 cm. In addition, the entrance to the urethra in women is located in the immediate vicinity of the vagina and anus, so that usually the bacteria in this area Easily penetrate into the urethra, causing cystitis, the causes of which may be inadequate personal hygiene, unprotected sexual intercourse.
The disease manifests itself by painful urination, which becomes frequent. Urine leaves in small portions, becomes turbid, sometimes with an admixture of blood.
If you have such symptoms, as well as high fever, chills, painful sensations in the lower abdomen and lower back, you should always consult a doctor who will take urine for analysis in order to detect bacteria and leukocytes in it. They testify about inflammation in the urinary tract, Always accompanying cystitis, the reasons for which can also be clarified after the examination. During pregnancy, a woman is more prone to infectious diseases of the urinary tract due to hormonal changes and weakening of the muscular wall of the bladder. In time unnoticed cystitis can lead to premature birth, so during this period you need to carefully treat such symptoms.
Since the causes of cystitis in women are often associated with sexual activity, you can prevent this disease if you follow the recommendations for safe sex. Then you will be able to protect yourself from diseases that can affect the urinary tract. Before and after intercourse, it is also desirable to wash the genitals with warm water in the front to back direction. Try to urinate more often to excrete bacteria, not allowing their reproduction, it helps to remove bacteria that penetrated into the urethra after sexual intercourse.
Diseases of the urinary tract, such as cystitis, the causes of which are caused by infection, are treated fairly quickly with antibiotics. But you can not take them by yourself, these medicines are prescribed only by a doctor.
It is also recommended to drink more liquid to wash out the bacteria that entered the bladder and reduce burning sensation. A very good diuretic and some anti-inflammatory effect is provided by cranberry juice, although this means only additional therapy, it can not completely destroy pathogens. During the acute stage of the disease, especially if the fever has risen, it is best to adhere to a bed or a sparing regimen. Try to keep your legs and pelvic organs warm, if you have cystitis, the reasons for its sudden occurrence often consist in hypothermia and a decrease in human immunity.

Very often, cystitis after recovery occurs in a person again and again. Especially if you do not take preventive measures, it will most likely be renewed. But if you do everything right, but the disease persists, then you can have some kind of anomaly in your urinary ways that interferes with a free outflow of urine. Incomplete emptying creates favorable conditions for the colonization of bacteria and from reproduction. Cystitis can also have a relapse if you do not follow the rules for taking the antibiotic prescribed by your doctor (dosage, frequency and duration of the course), which contributes to the preservation of bacteria in the urinary tract.

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