
Kanabinol, what is this and what is dangerous this substance

Not so long ago the question of legalizing cannabis was raised in some countries of the world. The main motivation is the relative harmlessness of the consequences of using canabinol compared with alcohol and nicotine. Let's try to consider the cannabinol itself. What is it and why is it used, is it bad or good.

Kanabinol - a substance that made hemp the most common, conditionally light narcotic drug. Just like the other 60 narcotic ingredients of this plant, it contributes to some mental disorders. Start over.

Canabinol was previously used in most cases for medicinal purposes as an anesthetic, an anticonvulsant. Now the substance is classified as a drug and is banned in most countries of the world. Permission for free consumption (prescription) is obtained only by patients suffering from pain caused by cancer. Canabinol reduces sensitivity to complications caused by chemotherapy, in particular, to pain.

The content of cannabine in hemp usually ranges from 5% to 12%. The greatest content of narcotic substance is found in the flowers of the plant ("boshechkas"). Despite the fact that the effect of smoking the usual tip (the content of cannabine 5%) and the dried flower has quite a different effect, the effect on the body is the same. Equally irreversible and negative. The harm of cannabine for the human body requires more detailed consideration.

How Actually Cannabinol Works

The molecule of the drug, namely its composition, is incredibly similar to a fatty tissue. And since the fat cells are the main defense of the brain substance from the effects of toxins, kanabinol acts according to the principle of the Trojan horse. Unobstructed hit in the brain allows you to act directly. It is because of deep penetration that the drug is so long removed from the body (about 40 days). The harm of kanabinol is precisely its long withdrawal. Most people who use this drug do not stand a pause of 40 days, and the harmful substance begins to accumulate. The greatest concentration is observed in the brain, namely in the areas responsible for memory and emotions. Now it's easy to understand how dangerous cannabino is. Man is simply stupid.

The harm of canabinol in its gradual accumulation. Here is an approximate list of the negative consequences of this:

  • Violation of short-term memory ;
  • mental disorders. Many know about canabinol, that this is an excellent drug for fans to laugh. But after the end of the drug, there is a sharp decline in mood. This is the reason for repeated use of the drug. A kind of dependence does arise. Just in an unusual form;
  • Smoking of a drug can not but have a negative effect on lung tissue. And although smoking of ordinary cigarettes is much higher in terms of cancer, it does not mean that hemp is not harmful;
  • Decreased functions of the reproductive system, both in women and men. And it's not that "I do not want to", in time, even a young organism is already "completely unable";
  • Decrease in concentration. To become "seeded-scattered from the street Basseinaya" is much easier than many imagine;
  • Lack of interest in everyday life.

Consumers speak about canabinol, that this narcotic substance is practically harmless. A pier, cigarettes, and furthermore alcohol, is much more harmful. Of course, there is some truth in these words. But the approach of considering the question is incorrect. With this consideration of two or more evils chosen the most convenient for their self-justification. But doctors and scientists quite clearly described all the consequences of taking this substance and many times proved - kanabinol, what kind of drug it is, that's why it was listed as a prohibited substance.

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