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Cosmopolitan is ... History of the origin and meaning of the concept

Cosmopolitanism is called ideology, which considers the inhabitants of the whole world, regardless of their nationality, citizenship or involvement in a particular genus. In literal translation from the ancient Greek cosmopolitan - this "citizen of the world." Also this concept has other interpretations, depending on the political direction, time. Some of them contradict each other, but we will consider each separately.

Cosmopolitan is ...

According to the dictionary of Brockhaus and Efron, the cosmopolitan is a person who shares the idea of the Fatherland throughout the whole Earth. The basis is taken of the consciousness of the unification of all mankind and the solidarity of the interests of individual countries and peoples as components of a single human race. It is not right to oppose this doctrine to patriotism. This ideology does not exclude love for its native people and country. In other words, the cosmopolitan is one for whom the public good is the highest yardstick for evaluation and corresponds to universal human interests. A vivid example is the teachings of the Christian religion.

The Great Soviet Encyclopedia gives the following definition to the notion: cosmopolitan is a person who denies national and state sovereignty, renounces national and cultural heritage, traditions, and patriotism. TSB calls this ideology reactionary and bourgeois. According to the interpretation of the dictionary on social sciences, cosmopolitanism is an ideology and theory that justifies the rejection of the culture and traditions of its people. Cosmopolitan is one who denies the state's isolation in the name of the unity of the entire human people.

Modern definition of the concept

At the present time, the following interpretation is generally accepted: cosmopolitan is an independent and free from the influence of the place and ambition, referring to any preferences and preferences of other people, thus respecting the individual first and not the national or territorial affiliation. Cosmopolitan in international law is one who does not recognize racial, political, national and other similar privileges. For an adherent of this ideology, it is unacceptable to humiliate, persecute and infringe on the rights of the color of the skin (hair, eyes), religion, mental or physical defects, delusions or beliefs, personal preferences (unless, of course, they negatively affect other people), traditions And hobbies. Such a person dismisses outdated traditions, but accepts new ones, more progressive and convenient, without imposing their opinions. In general, cosmopolitanism manifests itself in a society with different cultural traditions or with pronounced features of separation from an aging heritage.

Neo-Nazism and cosmopolitanism

However, there is also such a category of adherents of this ideology - militant cosmopolitans. These people impose their point of view rather aggressively on those who, in their view, are not civilized enough, are influenced by national traditions, the idea of statehood and racial theories. They do not promote their priority, but they defend the idea of renouncing everything that is obsolete, in their opinion. As such, the concept of "violent cosmopolitanism" does not exist. Therefore, it is often used and replaced by the term "neo-Nazism".

One of the forms of cosmopolitanism is the globalization of intellectual property and business. It also implies the availability of information for every person anywhere in the world, free living and moving, the unification of countries.

The history of cosmopolitanism

The most ancient manifestations of this trend can be seen in the non-violent unification of clans, tribes and communities. This was carried out on the basis of religious, economic, geographical, ideological signs for survival in the aggressive environment of the outside world. This was a kind of opposition to the deceptive formation of principalities, states and empires. The first historical figure, who declared himself a cosmopolitan, was Diogenes. He advocated the idea of the prevalence of personal interests over public interests. It should be noted that this contributed to the decline of Greek cities, which led to the denial of the ideas of local patriotism in society. People who are perceived as citizens of their city, with the loss of importance and independence of individual cities, began to refer themselves to citizens of the whole world. This ideology was developed by the Stoics, but previously voiced by Cynics (the same Diogenes). In the stoic philosophy cosmopolitan is a citizen of an integral world state.

The tangible expression of cosmopolitanism was in the theocratic policy of the Pope, as well as in the idea of creating a worldwide monarchy. Although it was far from perfect. Also in the era of the Enlightenment and the Renaissance, this ideology was directed against fragmented feudalism and encouraged the freedom of the individual. Cosmopolitan (the meaning of the word) has been used as a concept since the 18th century.

Patriotism and cosmopolitanism

Some adherents of this theory reject patriotic attitudes towards the country, replacing them with similar ones in relation to the entire world. The main idea, the slogan, is the unity of all people. In the opinion of cosmopolitans, at this stage mankind has entered the phase of formation of an integral planetary civilization. Putting the rights and interests of the individual above the state, cosmopolitans do not connect the notion of the Motherland with the state foundations or the political regime. According to this ideology, the state as an apparatus of power must serve the protection and interests of its citizens, and not vice versa. In other words, the population of a single country should not sacrifice something for the sake of the interests of the state.

Bezrodny cosmopolitan

This is the man who lost his homeland, often not on his own. This expression first appeared in the 40s of the last century. It was applied mainly to intellectuals who expressed "anti-patriotic ideas", according to the leadership of the USSR.

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