
Festal, instructions for use

Almost everyone has digestive problems. Therefore, little to know about the drug "Festal" will not be superfluous.

Digestive enzymes are constantly produced by the pancreas, then by other digestive organs. They should (according to the norm) be enough to digest all the food we eat. But this is normal. And we do not always eat what you can eat. The abundance of heavy, fatty, carbohydrate food forcibly forces the pancreas to work for wear. It can not cope, especially if you already had problems with this body or if you load your GIT in this way not only once a year, but rather periodically. And to help the pancreas it is enough to introduce any enzymes from the outside that contain the medicine "Festal". He is referred to enzyme means.

The composition of this drug is pancreatin, hemicellulose and bile. Enzymes that are in pancreatin (amylase, protease and lipase) help to digest such components of food as carbohydrates, fats and proteins. The drug "Festal" also recommends the instruction for the improvement of the processing of all components of the food taken, which is due to the presence of bovine bile and hemicellulose, which perfectly helps the stomach to cope with plant fiber, which is difficult to digest. In addition to all this, taking the drug significantly increases the production of enzymes by the human body.

When to take?

If the human pancreas (or other digestive organs) can not cope with their tasks due to inflammation or other diseases, after radiotherapy, surgical interventions, then the described medicine can quickly help. The drug "Festal" instructions for use also offers for dystrophic changes in age in any digestive system, with abnormal chewing food or preparing for ultrasound examination (X-ray) of these organs, with overeating or malnutrition.

How to take medicine?

The drug "Festal" is recommended to take 1 pills at a time with food intake. The dragee itself does not need to be chewed or crushed. In very severe cases, you need to take 2 pills. Duration of medication is unlimited. And if enzymes are not produced in the body at all, then it can be taken for many years.

Side effects and contraindications

Festal instruction presents as a drug that does not have very serious side effects. But still it is not recommended to take it in huge doses, because there may be diarrhea, vomiting and unpleasant sensations in the gastric area. Sometimes this medicine can provoke inflammation of the mucous membranes of the nose, rashes on the skin, the flow of tears.

It is forbidden to use it for acute forms of inflammation of the pancreas, and in cases of exacerbation of chronic inflammation of the pancreas . It is also not allowed to use it in liver diseases, which are accompanied by an increase in bilirubin in the blood, intestinal stasis, non-infectious hepatitis, gallbladder disease (empyema), and even with individual intolerance of any components.

The medicine "Festal" influences the assimilation of antibiotics and sulfonamides by the body. Do not overdose with the drug. After all, in such cases, the number of uric acids in the blood plasma and in urine can increase. If it happens by accident that several pellets have just got into the body, then you need to stop using this drug. It is advisable to take medications that reduce the unpleasant feelings caused by the drug "Festal". The instruction reads about the free sale of a medicinal product without a prescription in pharmacies. Do not keep the tablets in damp and warm places. From the date of issue, you can consume it for 3 years.

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