
Coronary angiography of the vessels of the heart: how they do, cost, complications. Coronary angiography of the heart: reviews

Currently, the network of cardiological centers is actively expanding. The goal of this process is to bring the planned and urgent help to patients as much as possible. In particular, this concerns the operations of bypass and stenting of damaged vessels. This, in turn, significantly reduces the likelihood of developing a heart attack and subsequent irreversible changes.

Importance of diagnostic activities

The possibilities of treating cardiovascular pathologies, which are now available to specialists, require the precise operation of existing and used support services. Before conducting an intervention, the doctor must have certain information. In particular, a specialist needs to know the degree of atherosclerotic lesion and vasoconstriction, as well as whether there is a clot in them, what size it is and exactly where it is located, and how much the reserve blood supply system is developed. Answers to all these questions can be obtained by conducting an extensive survey. Such a study today is coronary angiography of the heart vessels. Next, consider what this survey represents. The article will tell you about whom coronography of the heart vessels is recommended first of all. How do, the cost, the complications - all this will also be discussed below.

General information

What is coronary angiography of the heart vessels? How is the examination done? These questions worry many patients. Coronary angiography of the heart vessels is a method of examining arteries, which is based on the use of X-rays. Another name for this examination is angiography. This method is used to diagnose various pathologies of the cardiovascular system. The quality of its implementation directly affects the correctness of subsequent treatment. Since the coronary angiography of the heart vessels is performed in out-patient conditions, it is necessary to pre-register. Special equipment is used to perform the research. The doctors conducting the examination have appropriate training. Coronary angiography of the heart vessels is used as an obligatory stage of diagnosis in medical centers after visiting a cardiac surgeon.

Exploratory survey

To consult a cardiac surgeon, you need to pass some tests. In particular, it is necessary:

  • UAC with formula and platelets.
  • Biochemical indicators of the state of the heart muscle.
  • Blood clotting.
  • Lipidogram. It is necessary to confirm the pre-determined degree of atherosclerotic process. In this case, a study of low and high density lipoproteins, total cholesterol, is conducted.
  • Sugar in urine and blood.
  • Electrolyte balance.
  • In some laboratories, the extent of possible complications of atherosclerosis is calculated.
  • Research of hepatic and renal activity.
  • Other analyzes that exclude chronic infectious pathologies and AIDS.

The following hardware research is also required:

  • Fluorography . This study allows not only to assess the state of lung tissue, but also to determine the contours and dimensions of the heart.
  • ECG . Electrocardiography in dynamics provides confirmation of the need for consultation, a conclusion about the rhythm of contractions, the state of muscle fibers, the presence of an overload in various departments, cicatricial changes after a heart attack. In addition, the ECG makes it possible to detect persistent ischemia with a supposedly unfavorable prognosis.
  • Ultrasound of the heart. Ultrasound indicates the image and visually the activity of certain cardiac divisions, the operation of the valve system between the ventricles and atria, large vessels. With the help of ultrasound revealed hypertrophy (thickening in the wall) muscles of the organ.

All the above studies can significantly reduce the waiting time for results after consultation with a cardiac specialist.

Coronary angiography of the heart: description of the procedure, indications

This method of investigation is necessary in case if the patient chooses an option for surgical intervention, the purpose of which is to facilitate the patient's condition. A survey is recommended for those who plan to do stenting or bypass surgery. The coronary angiography of the vessels allows the doctors to decide which operation is necessary.

What is a survey?

Coronary angiography of the vessels of the heart, the price of which varies in Russia, is performed not only in specialized centers. In large cities, the study can be accessed in multi-disciplinary clinics. As a rule, the survey is planned. First, a puncture is performed. Usually the site is the femoral artery in the groin area. Through her, a plastic catheter is implanted in the heart. A contrast medium is injected into the tube. Thanks to his presence, a specialist on an angiograph transmitting an image to the screen, sees what is happening in the patient in the coronary vessels. During the study, the doctor assesses the condition of the network, determines the sites of constriction. Coronary angiography of the vessels of the heart allows you to carefully study all the sites. The conclusions of the study depend on the experience and qualifications of the specialist. As a result, not only the effectiveness of the treatment, but also the life of the patient, depends on how adequately the study is carried out.

Course of examination

During the procedure, local anesthesia is used. The femoral or ulnar artery is pierced with a thick needle. The best site is chosen by a specialist. Typically, the study goes without the use of general anesthesia. Coronary angiography of the heart vessels (reviews of most patients confirm this information) is a generally painless method of investigation. Some patients noted only unpleasant sensations in the area of needle insertion. A thin and long catheter is advanced through the lumen. It is brought as close as possible to the vessels of the heart. Behind the movement of the catheter is observed by a specialist on the monitor screen. After the tube is installed in the desired location, the contrast medium begins to enter. In accordance with the instructions of the specialist, images are taken in different projections. After removal of the catheter, the injection site is closed with sutures or with a special bandage.

Appointments after the study

The patient is recommended bed rest, and is also given advice to limit limb movement, which was used as an entry into the artery. For several days after the study, a generous drink and a light diet are prescribed, which promote the excretion of contrast agent by the kidneys. According to numerous reviews, patients are usually recovered quickly enough after coronary angiography has been performed. The consequences can be if the bleeding in the puncture site did not stop. In this case there is a development of swelling, a bruise is formed; Patients complain of dizziness, weakness. Such a condition must be notified to the doctor immediately.

Activities on the eve of the study

Preparation for coronary angiography of the heart vessels is carried out in accordance with certain rules. Due to the fact that it is performed in a hospital, the patient must follow all the recommendations of a specialist. The doctor decides which ones to continue taking the drugs, and which ones to cancel. Before the coronarography of the vessels is performed, it is necessary:

  • Refuse to eat in the evening, do not eat on the day of examination. This will prevent nausea and vomiting in the process.
  • Empty the bladder immediately before the procedure.
  • Remove glasses, chains, rings, earrings. In some cases, a specialist may ask to remove lenses from the eyes.

The doctor should be aware of all medications taken, the presence of allergies or intolerance of any substances.

Who is not recommended for examination?

Patients who have ever had an allergy to a contrast agent are not assigned a coronary angiography of the heart vessels. Complications in this case can be quite serious, up to anaphylactic shock. It is not recommended to perform the study with an increase in temperature, anemia of a pronounced nature (anemia) or insufficient coagulability of the blood. Contraindications for coronary angiography include reduced potassium concentration, diabetes mellitus, liver, lung and kidney pathologies, overweight, and elderly age.

additional information

Before the examination, the patient is given anesthesia and other medications. The patient is shaved off the hair on his arm or in the groin area (depending on the site of insertion of the catheter). A small incision is made in the selected place. It will be inserted into the tube, through which, in fact, the catheter will move forward. The specialist must do everything carefully so that the movement of the elements does not cause pain. Electrodes will be fixed on the patient's chest. They are necessary for controlling cardiac activity. According to the testimony of those who left feedback about this procedure, the patient does not remain in a dream during the study. The doctor talks with the patient, is interested in his condition. At some point the doctor may ask you to change the position of your hands, take a deep breath or hold your breath. During the examination, the blood pressure and pulse are measured. Usually the procedure lasts about an hour, but under certain circumstances it can last longer. Within a few hours after it, the patient is not allowed to get up. This is necessary to prevent bleeding. The same day the patient can go home. In some cases, he is recommended to stay in the clinic. According to the state of the person, a specialist will determine when it is possible to return to the usual life: take a shower, take the prescribed medications again, and so on. For a few days after the examination, physical activities are not recommended.

What can be after the examination?

According to reviews of the procedure of doctors, complications after coronary angiography are noted in about 2% of patients. An easy side effect can be considered itching, a rash on the skin, swelling of the tongue and part of the face. All this is an allergic reaction to the contrast agent. Very rarely there is a shock. Local complications are possible, manifested in the form of thrombosis, hematoma, damage to the vessel. All this is eliminated under stationary conditions. Among the serious consequences is worth mentioning a stroke or a heart attack. However, specialists, as a rule, do not associate the development of an acute condition directly with the performance of the study in the presence of arterial stenosis and an atherosclerotic process of pronounced character. As practice shows, a fatal outcome is recorded in one case out of a thousand.

How much should I pay for the examination?

In Russia, one of the most common diagnostic methods used in cardiac practice is considered to be coronary angiography of the heart vessels. The cost of the study depends on many factors. The amount of payment affects the level of the clinic, the qualifications of the diagnostic specialist, the number of consumables, the type of pain medication, the need for additional services, the length of stay in the hospital and so on. For people with an MHI policy, the study is free. For other people, the price is in the range of 8000-30 000 rubles.


As experts show, the doctor must be treated with the appearance of the first signs of pathology. It is timely visit to the doctor can often avoid serious, and in some cases, irreversible consequences. It should be borne in mind that the study can not be called absolutely safe. In this regard, to reduce the risk of patients need to listen to the recommendations of doctors.

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