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Coriander: useful properties of plants in medicine, cooking and cosmetology

Coriander is a very popular spice and spice, also known as coriander or Chinese parsley. Cilantro leaves have a sharp refreshing taste, and its seeds are used as a culinary seasoning, thanks to a specific, slightly sweet taste. Coriander, useful properties of which were known 5000 years ago, come from China. At first it was used in medicine, and then it was used in cooking. The Chinese believed that coriander causes excitement, so they made love potions on its basis. And in China it was believed that it has coriander properties that make a person immortal.

Composition of coriander

Cinnamon is an excellent natural source of many vitamins: C, B2, B1, PP, A, organic acids, mono- and disaccharides, trace elements (such as sodium, potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, calcium, iron, iodine, etc.), dietary fiber And other nutrients and minerals. Therefore, the therapeutic effects of this plant are very diverse.

Coriander: healthy properties for good health

Since coriander is a natural source of vitamin A, it is useful for seeing and producing red blood cells. And the vitamin C entering into its composition is necessary for increasing our immunity, as well as improving the body's resistance to various ailments and diseases. In addition, the vitamin B1 present in the plant is necessary for skin health and improving the functioning of digestion, and vitamin B2 determines such properties of coriander as a rejuvenating and strengthening effect.

Seeds and leaves of cilantro are distinguished by a high content of a complex essential oil, in which the main component is linalol. This oil has a strong bactericidal and anti-worm effect. But we must remember that his reception in large numbers depressingly affects the heart. The essential oil of this plant is the raw material for preparations used for glaucoma, conjunctivitis, etc.

Coriander, useful properties of which include regulating, analgesic and many other therapeutic actions, with regular use in the diet contributes to better health and well-being. And since the content of vitamin C coriander exceeds even lemon, tinctures and decoctions of seeds are taken as choleretic and antiseptic for colds and gastric diseases, gastritis and ulcers as a soothing and wound healing agent, strengthening the formation of gastric juice.

Cilantro has an invigorating and bactericidal effect, which counteracts the spread of infectious diseases. Doctors in the Middle Ages recommended rubbing coriander juice in the eyelid region with smallpox to prevent eye damage, and also recommended eating coriander for the prevention of typhus.

Coriander helps improve heart activity, feeding blood, improving the functioning of the heart muscle and strengthening the vessels. It is useful for brain activity, it helps with hysterics, depression, asphyxiation.

Cilantro seeds break down food, strengthen the walls of the stomach, stimulate appetite, exert a favorable effect on the functioning of the sex glands, and possess sweating and carminative properties. They are used for hemorrhoids and digestive tract diseases. For these diseases, it is best to brew 20 grams of seeds per liter of water. Cilantro oil helps to absorb heavy food, remove waste products, especially improves the absorption of root crops and starchy food. With coriander, any food is easier to digest, faster to digest, leaving no sense of heaviness.

Infusion and decoction from the seeds have a calming effect, relieve cramps. Seeds of cilantro are added to food by patients with epilepsy. More seeds eliminate the alcohol smell and slow down intoxication. If you soak a few leaves and coriander seeds in vodka or wine, and eat after the party ends, it will help to quickly fall asleep and greatly relieve the hangover syndrome in the morning. Coriander juice is good for the treatment of stomatitis, it stops the bleeding of the gums and strengthens them, perfectly calms the toothache.

The essential oil found in grains has an antibiotic and antiviral effect. Going out with the urine from the body, it disinfects the urinary ducts on its way and heals the injuries and ulcers in them. And it stops bloody diarrhea. Eaten coriander leaves soothe pain in the gallbladder, eliminate thirst, stop inflammation in the stomach and prevent vomiting.

If the child is sick with mumps, a compress of crushed coriander leaves with barley flour will remove the inflammatory process. In addition, coriander is also used for insomnia, and also serves as a remedy for high blood pressure. A decoction of leaves and seeds of the plant give people with colds, including pneumonia, as a good expectorant.

Coriander: useful properties in the food industry

Cilantro seeds are often used in the food industry: confectionery, bakery, liqueur, brewing and other industries. This is the main ingredient for seasoning "kari", added to marinades, sausages, sauces, cheeses.

Still it's a great seasoning for different dishes. Green coriander is served as a snack or as a seasoning for the second course. Add it to meat dishes, as coriander works very well for digestion and is perfectly combined with meat heavy food, besides, the leaves rich in vitamins and microcells give health and decorate the taste of dishes.

Without cilantro, Abkhazian Adzhika, Borodino bread, most Georgian sauces (tkemali, satsibeli, etc.), canned fish, Korean carrots, lub-kebab, soup-kharcho, shish kebab, lobio and other dishes are inconceivable without cilantro. So with complete certainty it can be said that coriander is a universal seasoning along with salt, laurel leaves and pepper.

Coriander: useful properties in perfumery and cosmetology

Essential oil of a plant and in perfumery is widely applied. From it often make aromatic substances and colognes, which smell of lily of the valley, roses, lemon, lilies, violets, etc.

A compress made of crumpled plant leaves, applied to the wound, eliminates burning, it is recommended for erysipelas, eczema and other skin diseases. Anti-infectious and antibacterial properties of coriander are also used externally for the fastest cure of acne, various skin lesions and eruptions, dermatitis and suppuration in wounds. Decoction from the seeds can be burned, and infusion or decoction of the leaves are recommended to use regularly to cleanse the skin.

Before applying coriander for the treatment of ailments make sure that you are not allergic to it, and use with caution. Avoid overdose, as eating more than 35 g of leaves or 4 g of seeds can lead to various, sometimes very unpleasant abnormalities in the body.

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