HealthHealthy Eating

Amino acids. Harm and benefit

"Mens sana in corpore sano" or "A sound mind in a healthy body". This expression, like no other, will be relevant at any time. Nine out of 10 men, without hesitation, would exchange their "beer belly" for solid cubes of pumped up press. Women dream of a tight figure and least want to exhaust themselves with hateful diets. The best and proven way to bring your body to the ideal is sports. Even one hour of fitness training per day in addition to muscle toning also reduces the risk of visual acuity reduction by 70% , and also completely eliminates the problem of insomnia. In general, the benefits of an active lifestyle are much greater than you imagine.

Sports halls with every day becomes more and more, and the process of classes is being improved every day. To improve the results of training in many rooms, the practice of so-called "chemistry" is practiced. Most often come across some "harmless amino acids." What is it and what is it, as they say, eat, it is easy to understand, but the amino acids are harmful or useful, it is getting harder to sort out. How many people, so many opinions. To begin with, it is worthwhile to learn and consider what this supplement is.

Amino acid - a gear in the most perfect mechanism. It is an element of the protein that is the basis of our life. Each of our organs is made up of protein. Amino acids are divided into interchangeable and irreplaceable. The human organism synthesizes the replaceable amino acids, the irreplaceable ones it receives with the ingestion of food. Their action is similar to that of vitamins. If their number is sufficient - you live long and happily, if not - then this, at least, leads to protracted illnesses. Do the amino acids harm? Very controversial issue. More than a hundred sites are actively discussing such an issue as the benefits of amino acids. There is no unequivocal opinion until now.

The function of the amino acids themselves is quite understandable. They are necessary for the production of antibodies, enzymes, hemoglobin and hormones. Nothing basically fantastic. So what are the advantages of this additive? Well, firstly, it is often recommended to those who want to quickly lose weight or build muscle mass. This supplement significantly reduces the susceptibility to fatigue, and you can really engage in much longer and more effectively. It sounds beautiful, so what kind of amino acids can harm? And everything is extremely simple.

Considering how great the benefits of amino acids and the speed of the effect of their reception, many lovers (and not only) start to abuse them. And indeed, the muscles grow like magic, the physical condition improves markedly, there is incredible endurance during exercise and the like. On the comment that amino acids are harmful, you are proud to answer: "Look at me first." Just a dream! The human body quickly gets used to everything good and adapts to the number of supplements taken. Once you give up supplements, your body will start to get rid of the result of your labors, that is, muscle mass with the same rapid speed. It looks much worse than it sounds. Swollen skin, fast fatigue and much more. And in fact, this is not the worst thing. Amino acids harm can bring much more.

A rather popular phenomenon among nonprofessionals is severe food poisoning. As soon as amino acids are introduced (sports nutrition), harm is not taken into account. Again, more does not always mean better. The measure is necessary in everything. The most terrible thing is that the abuse of this additive leads to irreversible violations of the cardiovascular system of man. And this is serious.

If we derive from aforesaid a certain general result, then we can single out the following. Since the amino acids (sports nutrition), the harm of which is being debated, begin to be applied uncontrollably, the risk of side effects increases. Therefore, the answer in most cases is extremely simple. Do not chase after a quick result, know the measure - and everything will be fine!

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