EducationSecondary education and schools

Class hour on "Tolerance": tips for developing

Tolerance at the present time is a very promising and, importantly, modern concept. Although the same Buddhism many years ago introduced this principle into its teaching, at the present time it has come off the religious context. A tolerant person is now considered reasonable.

Indeed, a person sometimes loses a lot if he does not accept someone else's point of view. As an understanding of this, there is a celebration, celebrated on November 16, "International Day of Tolerance." The class hour spent at this time should tell in detail about what is being given in this article. After all, tolerance is the basis of any mutual understanding. This article will consider recommendations on how to make a cool hour on this topic.

What is tolerance?

Tolerance is the acceptance of someone else's point of view. It is important to understand that this does not mean having to live like another person. In general, this definition is rather simplistic. In translation, this word means "tolerance." What can be tolerated?

  1. The opinion of another person.
  2. The image of his life.
  3. Style of education.
  4. Negative personality traits.

And much more. As we see, tolerance is really a sign of a healthy person. And a class hour on the theme of "Tolerance" should agitate children for how good it is.

Signs of Tolerance

Tolerance is a phenomenon that has certain properties, by the presence of which it is possible to determine its presence and whether the bar does not overstep this indicator. These are the signs:

  • A non-valued attitude or one that does not affect the relationship with another person;
  • The desire to understand the motives of another person instead of analyzing the behavior through their own;
  • High level of empathy in relation to the interlocutor;
  • The ability to defend their personal borders and not attack others.

These are the main signs by which you can determine that a person is tolerant of other people. And when you will spend a class hour on the topic of "Tolerance", you need to explain to children not only what a person should be, that he is considered tolerant, but also how the acceptance of the opinion of another person from consent with him differs.

The difference between tolerance and lack of personal position

Children accept other people's opinions. Moreover, they do this even in cases when they are incompatible. They do not have their own position and attitude to life. That's why they agree with what adults do. Unlike children, mature people have their own system of assessing the behavior of other people. Tolerance does not imply approval.

A person can also be bad about what the other is doing. But he does not make others act as he thinks is right. It just does not need him. He understands that other people are free to do as they see fit.

So, let's sketch out theses, what are the differences between tolerance and agreement with the opinion of another.

  1. Control your own and others' borders.
  2. There are compromises instead of war for psychological space.
  3. A person tries to look at his point of view from a different angle.
  4. It is even possible to build a common opinion that will be more qualitative than individual ones.

Now you know that children, when holding such an event, like a cool hour on the theme of "Tolerance", need to be told so that they do not confuse concepts and develop in the right direction.

Types of tolerance

It is also important to tell the older children and the types of tolerance. How much this information will be detailed depends on the age. Here, what kinds of tolerance can be highlighted in the classroom "Tolerance":

  • 2nd class - sexual tolerance, racial, national, religious, interclass;
  • Grade 7 - we add political;
  • 10 class - we add sexual orientation tolerance.

It is very important to focus your attention on the fact that a person can have his own opinion and not approve of any actions. But it can not be discriminated against.

Forms of tolerance

Tolerance has many forms. Class hour "Tolerance" 10 class in itself should include this item with a thorough description of the merits and demerits of each form of tolerance. In total, there are four:

  • indifference;
  • Equality of opinions, but their approval does not always appear;
  • Leniency to the weakness of another person, having a certain amount of contempt;
  • Expansion of experience.

Each form of tolerance is good in its own cases. This is important to understand. It all depends on what kind of person you are dealing with. In principle, this material is also possible when you spend a class hour "Tolerance", grade 7. At 13-14 years old adolescents are already quite good at absorbing abstract material. However, do not forget that according to the basic laws of didactics there should be as much visual material as possible.

Why is tolerance good?

Tolerance is an excellent quality of personality. It's not just that the class hour on this theme was introduced on the International Day of Tolerance . Let's take a closer look at the advantages that tolerance has.

  • It allows you to quickly adapt to new conditions.
  • Thanks to tolerance, it is easier to establish contacts with people.
  • Effective business.
  • Influence on people.

And much more positive results in tolerance. That's why you need to spend a cool hour on the day of tolerance. This information should be in the playful or serious, necessarily visual form to be submitted to children. It is the demonstration of the numerous advantages of tolerance that will make it possible to fulfill the main task - to ensure tolerance in school. A class hour should be effective.

How to Develop Tolerance

The development of tolerance is not an easy matter. Especially it concerns children. How can this be done? The development of the classroom "Tolerance" must necessarily be aimed at training this worldview in children. However, everything depends on age.

Complicating the situation is that for the development of any psychological quality one class hour will not be enough. Therefore, the teacher should guide the children in the right direction all the time of training, during 11 classes. But since each child is individual, a separate approach is needed. And this is always difficult. Therefore, instructions for the development of tolerance can only be used in the upper grades fully. Or at least in 9th grade.

How to raise tolerance in children?

But what should be the instructions for the development of tolerance? In general, life is full of unique cases. Therefore, everything under the template can not be adjusted. Nevertheless, universal advice is in any case. So, here they are.

  1. Develop a habit.
  2. Set yourself a rule: at least once a day to take the right to the existence of someone else's point of view.
  3. Do not let other people prove something to you, but do not try to convince anybody.
  4. Respect both your personal boundaries and strangers.
  5. Look for compromises.

Here are five tips to help you become more tolerant of other people.

How to spend a cool hour on this topic in different classes?

So, what features should have a class hour conducted on the day of tolerance? Each child needs to explain in his own way. That there was not such: parents told the child that something is impossible, and the latter accused them of intolerance. This is a fundamentally wrong position. So, what are the features of holding such classes in different classes?

  • Junior classes. Children here are still small. Therefore, they do not need to tell them all about discrimination in detail. There is no need to hurt the gentle psyche. Moreover, they may want to repeat all that they are told, by virtue of their childish naivety. Therefore, it is necessary to talk about tolerance here rather generalized.
  • Middle and senior classes. Here it is already possible to devote children and adolescents to the details. Only this does not have to do too much and tell in maximum detail how discrimination occurs. They can still get this from the Internet.

Structure of the class hour

This article briefly described what tolerance is. Now we should pay attention to the structure of the class hour. In principle, you can choose the option that you like. Nevertheless, the presentation should be conducted according to a clearly defined structure. Here is an approximate alternative of what should be.

  • Introduction. Here you need to talk about what tolerance is.
  • History. In this paragraph it is necessary to explain to children and adolescents why tolerance is modern. For students of the older classes, you can make a short excursion into the past, filled with details. You can also pick up photos of a documentary nature.
  • What does it mean to be tolerant? This item includes the features that are described in this article.
  • "Tolerance is ..." In this section, forms of tolerance are given, that is, what kinds of variants it has in the way it manifests itself.
  • Types of tolerance.
  • The advantages of tolerance. The given item should agitate children and teenagers for tolerant way of life.
  • How to develop tolerance. These are tips for middle and high school students, who were also cited here.
  • Conclusions. You can make them as a result of everything that was told.

So, we figured out how to spend a cool hour on the topic "Tolerance". And then you can decide only. The plan given in this article concerns students in general. You also need to adapt it to your audience. This task is very difficult. But why not try it out for you. How to understand that the class hour was well spent?

Since it is impossible to verify changes in the personality of schoolchildren, the effectiveness of this activity can be judged by the number of people involved. It is necessary to make from this speech not a banal boring lecture, but something exciting. Then the task of agitation for a tolerant lifestyle is more likely to be accomplished.

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