LawState and Law

Civil service is ... Federal Law 79-FZ "On the Civil Service of the Russian Federation"

The activity of any state is realized thanks to the authorities that exist in it. This principle was derived when people began to found empires. It is very difficult to manage peoples when they are completely different.

To ensure the stability and prosperity of the state, a managerial apparatus was invented. Paradoxically, the structures of state administration were known even in Ancient Egypt. The pharaoh had subordinate special organs, which greatly facilitated his "reign."

If you look at the Russian Federation in the modern prism, you can see that its organizational structure is very similar to those ancient mechanisms of exercising power. Over the centuries, people in every way modernized the management apparatus, which led to the achievement of a level of ideality. Nevertheless, state coordination is carried out by its bodies. Therefore, much time and money is devoted to their study. Management is realized at the expense of civil services of a public nature, the essence of which will be disclosed later in the article.

History of public service in Russia until the 15th century

Many people do not understand the essence when they speak about the civil service of the Russian Federation. This fact can be called negative, as it indicates a crisis in the legal culture of the population. Experts advise to understand what civil service is, not only to read FZ 79 "On the Civil Service" But also analyze the history of this activity.

Service for the benefit of the state was formed in its embryonic state even in the times of the Old Russian kingdom. Initially, the princes and governing bodies, created by them, acted in opposition to each other. This is due to the fact that many people wanted to gain access to power, because the prince's post had already been occupied. The best way became the bodies of "helping the ruler". But after a while the princes and their civil service bodies began to work together.

State civil service in the imperial period

Despite the development of bureaucracy in the territory of Russia at that time, the orders of the acting rulers did not have a correct regulatory mechanism, which appeared only after the reforms of Peter I.

In fact, it is from this time that the history of the civil service in Russia begins. A significant breakthrough in the legislative framework of this sphere was the creation of the Table of Ranks. It contained provisions that previously limited the rights of the unprivileged layers of society.

Nevertheless, according to the report card, every ordinary person got the opportunity to become a nobleman, giving his life to serving the homeland. Also a major breakthrough was the division of the entire civil service into three components: military, law enforcement and civil. This principle is used in the legislation of Russia to this day.

Modern period

To date, the state civil service - It is a professional activity for the exercise of the powers of federal state bodies, as well as the work of those persons who actually replace federal public offices. The types of positions considered to be a civil service are regulated by the provisions of the Constitution of the Russian Federation.

In simple terms, civil service is an activity not related to law enforcement or defense spheres, aimed at realizing the functions of the country's authorities. In other words, the essence of civil service lies in the fact that it manages the country by means of hardware. This kind of state activity has legislative regulation, which will be discussed later in the article.

Which bodies are considered civilian?

According to the constitution and the law "On the Civil Service of the Russian Federation," only the activities of individual bodies are considered civil, namely:

  • Activities of the Presidential Administration;
  • The activities of the Federal Government of Russia;
  • The work of executive bodies, beginning with ministries and ending with territorial departments;
  • Activities of courts and regional ministries.

The list can not be considered other bodies, because the regulation of the civil service is carried out exclusively at the legislative level. Therefore, any changes require compliance with a certain procedure of rulemaking.

Normative acts regulating the work of the service

As we have already found out, civil service is an activity whose purpose is to fulfill the functions of the state in the sphere of departmental management and coordination of government bodies. It has an elaborated system of regulatory regulation, which consists of the following acts:

  1. FZ "On the system of civil service". This act outlines the basic concepts and principles of building civil service in Russia. It is in this law that the principle of separation of service into three main types is fixed.
  2. The second act is special, this is Federal Law 79 "On the Civil Service of the Russian Federation". It details all aspects of the civil service, provides the rights and duties of employees, the order of employment for service, etc. The law is a special act, therefore its norms are of paramount importance for all employees of the civil service. However, the process of implementing employees' activities is governed not by the Federal Law "On the Civil Service of the Russian Federation", but by the Labor Code.

In addition to the NA system of regulatory regulation of the civil service, there are other legal sources. There is a subordinate regulatory framework that regulates the activities of individual lines and subjects of the civil service, for example, presidential decrees and government decrees.

Civil service. Positions

Absolutely all bodies of the civil service have a clearly defined structure. Unlike private commercial organizations, it is unchanged, because it is prescribed in the law "On the Civil Service of the Russian Federation". The staff is distributed according to the positions depending on the personal characteristics of each employee, but more on this later. There are only four main categories of posts, which, in turn, are divided into groups:

  1. The first category is the heads of agencies and structural units. Such people not only coordinate the work, but also are responsible for the quality of the functioning of these bodies and units in the process of implementing the assigned tasks. The category of leaders is divided into three main groups.
  2. According to the Federal Law "On State Civil Service of the Russian Federation" The category of assistants or advisers is created for all possible assistance to managers in the process of performing their functional tasks.
  3. The third category is represented by specialists. It is these employees who directly carry out and implement the functions of state civil services on a professional basis.
  4. FROM Specialists are individuals who work for organizational, documentary, financial, economic, information and other types of support for civilian bodies.

The exact name and structure of posts can be seen in the decree of the Russian president, which exists in the form of the "Register of posts of the state civil service of the Russian Federation".

Class ranks

In accordance with the state law "On the state civil service of the Russian Federation", each rank corresponds to a certain rank. Class rank, or rank, is a special title that is assigned to a civil servant in accordance with the position occupied by him, according to the results of a special qualifying examination. The rank is retained by the civil servant for life. In addition, for this kind of title, a premium is paid, and privileges are also granted. The amount of remuneration for the rank is determined by the decrees of the president.

There are times when the qualification rank, more precisely the procedure for assigning it, does not require qualification testing. These employees include the following categories:

  • Substitute category of posts "leader" of the higher group.
  • Replacement posts of the civil service "assistant", the appointment of which is carried out by the president of Russia.
  • Substitute posts for which the Government of the Russian Federation appoints and removes.

It should be noted that the replacement of a civil service post of one type or another is made on the basis of mandatory norms of the regulatory legislation.

How to become a civil servant?

To become a civil servant, it is necessary to meet certain requirements that are established by the federal law on civil service, And also pass the qualification test of a competitive type. The main requirements for admission to the post of civil servant are the following:

The last component is determined through a contest that takes place in two stages.

Stages of the qualifying competition

  1. At the first stage, the body that conducts the competition must report it in the media. Thus, all interested persons can appear at the appointed time to the place of the direct location of the body that made the announcement, with the necessary package of documents.
  2. At the second stage, a competitive selection of all candidates is carried out. Qualification analysis is carried out on the basis of the documents that the citizen submitted, as well as statements on his work, military service, etc. As for the exams, everything depends on the decision of the qualification commission. They can take place in the form of interviews, questionnaires, testing, discussions, etc. After their conduct, the commission through a vote decides whether to accept a candidate for service or not.

Cases when the exam is not conducted

If we carefully analyze Federal Law No. 79 "On the Civil Service" Then it is possible to single out the moments when the qualification examination when accepting a candidate for service is not carried out, namely:

  • When appointing a leader, an adviser;
  • When appointed to the position of leader, which is carried out by the president or the government;
  • When concluding a fixed-term contract for service;
  • When appointing a candidate who already consists in the personnel reserve of the civil service.

Salary of employees

The federal law "On the Civil Service of the Russian Federation" (No. 79) does not give clear instructions on the remuneration for employees. The average salary can vary, because it depends on many parameters that affect its size. At the same time, there are absolutely no records of it. Nevertheless, the average salary of a civil servant varies within the limits of 57 thousand rubles.


So, analyzing all the data presented in the article, we can conclude that the state civil service is one of the main activities in modern Russia, which ensures the uninterrupted operation of the country's administration. We also examined the main features of this type of service.

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