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Natural increase in population

The natural increase in the population of Russia (as well as in other countries) is formed from the difference between mortality and fertility. In this case, the number of births should exceed the number of deaths. In Europe, this indicator has minor differences from the Russian Federation. However, in European countries, a mechanical increase in the population, including emigration, is very common. In this regard, the number of residents in most countries of Western Europe is increasing.

The natural increase in the population can be established according to statistical data. This indicator is influenced by a large number of factors.

For example, the level of fertility is affected by the nature of the socio-economic structure established in society, as well as the living conditions of citizens. However, this relationship is not considered straightforward. For example, when women begin to participate more actively in the productive and public life, the birth rate begins to decline, despite the increase in the financial condition of the family. This fact is one of the main reasons, in connection with which in relatively rich families the number of children is the same, and sometimes less, than in the less well-off. At the same time, an increase in income can stimulate an increase in the birth rate.

It is also necessary to take into account the influence on the level of fertility of religious and national traditions, as well as the degree to which they are preserved in society. Equally important is the level of middle age, in which they marry, the degree of stability of the foundations in the family, climatic features, the nature of the resettlement.

Undoubtedly, wars exert a negative impact on the natural growth of the population.

The mortality rate is mainly related to the level of well-being of citizens, with the degree of development of the health service and the culture of nutrition in society.

All the above reasons have a significant effect on the natural growth of the population, making great differences in the territorial distribution of people. For example, in the Northern Caucasus and in certain regions of the Volga region, large families are widespread . In these territories, a large natural increase in population is recorded. At the same time, a high proportion of people in old age is noted in the Non-Black Earth Region, which is related to the outflow of young people. In the territories of the Far East and Siberia over the past 50 years, the number is increasing due to the influx of people from European regions. This, in turn, contributes to an increase in natural growth.

Indicators of the number of citizens were among the first to note scribal books. During the whole of the long history of Russia, the changes in indicators were mainly related to numerous wars, crop failures, and epidemics. The first census in the country was conducted in 1897. As a result, it was found that 124.6 million people lived in the Russian Empire, on the whole territory, of which sixty-seven and a half million were in Russia itself. Over the years of the Soviet Union, the number of citizens in the country has increased by fifty-six million.

According to experts, the number would increase even more if it were not for the impact of demographic crises. Thus, during the revolutions, during the famine of 1933-34, repression, during the Second World War, the loss of human beings amounted to tens of millions.

In peacetime, the number of born citizens depends directly on the type of reproduction that has developed in the course of history. The term "reproduction" refers to the generation change. Depending on the type, the process can be characterized by a certain level of mortality, fertility, natural increase and other demographic indicators.

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