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Chronic gastroduodenitis: symptoms, treatment, diet. Gastroduodenitis acute and chronic

Gastroduodenitis is a fairly common disease that affects the stomach and duodenum. The reasons for its occurrence are great. It can be both nervous exhaustion, and unbalanced nutrition, and the previous pathology of the gastrointestinal tract. Only a doctor can confirm the diagnosis of gastroduodenitis. Symptoms, diagnosis, treatment, diet in this disease are just some of the questions answered in this article.

general information

Gastroduodenitis is an inflammatory process that develops in the duodenum and on the gastric mucosa. The disease manifests itself in the form of nausea, an unpleasant aftertaste in the mouth, discomfort in the epigastric region and a constant feeling of fullness of the stomach. In addition, the pathology can be accompanied by eructations, rumbling in the abdomen, constipation or diarrhea.

Gastroduodenitis develops due to the action of exogenous and endogenous factors. The first implies a physical influence, which is based on the use of excessively hot or spicy food. Particular attention should be paid to the vital activity of the bacterium Helicobacter pylori. Endogenous causes of the disease include increased acidity, reduced production of mucus, concomitant pathologies of the biliary tract and liver. In addition, hereditary factors are not excluded, in which predisposition is determined based on the presence of such an ailment in close relatives.

Distinguish between acute and chronic gastroduodenitis. Symptoms, treatment (diet in particular) of each form will be considered in more detail. According to WHO, currently more than 60% of the world's population suffers from the disease, of which 28% of the disease is characterized by a chronic course.

Acute gastroduodenitis

The disease occurs due to gastritis, in which the inflammatory process smoothly flows from the stomach to the area of the duodenum. In addition, the causes of pathology can serve as a hereditary factor, frequent stresses, malnutrition, liver pathology.

Patients with this diagnosis note acute pain in the area of the stomach. Such discomfort can pass independently, that is without medical intervention. Also, patients often complain of dizziness, vomiting and nausea. Of course, such symptoms may indicate other pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract, so the final diagnosis can be confirmed only by the doctor.

Chronic gastroduodenitis

Symptoms, treatment and diet, characteristic of this pathology, are more serious. In this article we will dwell in more detail on this particular form of the disease.

Chronic gastroduodenitis occurs in two stages - exacerbation and remission. Most often, the period of exacerbation is in autumn and spring. This is due to eating disorders, climate change and the effects of various viruses.

During the remission, there are no obvious clinical signs that indicate the presence of the disease. Neither endoscopic nor morphological methods of diagnosis are practically impossible to confirm this ailment.

Forms of chronic gastroduodenitis

This pathology is not the same in its manifestations, as well as the consequences. Specialists identify several of its forms. In particularly difficult cases, they complement each other, which significantly complicates therapy.

  1. Superficial gastroduodenitis is the simplest form of the disease, in which only the upper layers of the mucous membranes are affected. It is formed due to the constant effect on the walls of the duodenum of so-called aggressive factors (alcohol, harmful food, drugs). Patients report severe pain in the area of the stomach.
  2. Hypertrophic form differs more pronounced symptomatology. In the language there is a characteristic mucous plaque, small foci of hemorrhages appear. Nausea, vomiting, pain in the epigastric region - such signs are characterized by hypertrophic gastroduodenitis (symptoms).
  3. Treatment (diet 5 + medication) an erosive form of the disease always requires special attention. Pathology is characterized by atrophy of the walls of the organs. The mucous membrane with this diagnosis is covered with foci of inflammation, which over time can degenerate into an ulcer.

Why does the disease develop?

The root cause of this pathology may be permanent stress, malnutrition, alcohol abuse, smoking, hormonal dysfunction, the life of the bacterium Helicobacter pylori.

As a rule, the disease is diagnosed in people already in old age. Due to the fact that in the modern world every day a person has to face a lot of stresses, and there is practically no time for normal nutrition, the disease became significantly "younger". Today, gastroduodenitis is diagnosed even in children in adolescence.

Clinical picture

What signs are accompanied by chronic gastroduodenitis (symptoms)? Treatment, diet, necessary for this disease, are appointed only after the doctor confirms the final diagnosis. For primary consultation, patients most often come with such complaints:

  • Pain in the abdomen in the epigastric region.
  • Nausea, vomiting, belching.
  • Decreased appetite.
  • Unstable chair (diarrhea alternates with constipation).
  • Yellowish or grayish coating on the tongue.
  • Pale skin.
  • Excessive sweating and irritability.

It is these signs that are accompanied by gastroduodenitis. The causes, symptoms and treatment of the disease is determined by the physician at the primary examination, in the diagnosis, and the patient's duty is to strictly follow all his recommendations. Only in this way can one hope for recovery.

Gastroduodenitis in children

This disease in chronic form in small patients is characterized by a variety of symptoms. The duodenum performs the endocrine function, as a consequence, in children the signs of vegetative dystonia usually appear. They manifest themselves in the form of frequent dizziness, problems with sleep, increased fatigue. Approximately 1.5 hours after a direct meal, the child may experience weakness, increased intestinal peristalsis.

How can gastroduodenitis be confirmed?

Symptoms, treatment (diet + drugs) of this disease are interrelated with its diagnosis. Confirm this pathology by several methods:

  • Endoscopic examination (allows to determine the presence of diffuse changes).
  • Fractional duodenal sounding.
  • Histological examination (necessary to identify a hotbed of inflammation and atrophy).
  • Analysis for Helicobacter pylori.
  • X-ray examination.
  • Ultrasound.
  • CT scan.

What should be the therapy?

An exceptionally qualified specialist can determine the causes and symptoms of gastroduodenitis. Prevention (diet, timely treatment of gastrointestinal diseases) and therapy of such pathology require special attention.

First of all, during a period of exacerbation, a bed rest for seven days and special meals are recommended.

Drug therapy implies the following groups of medicines:

  • Spasmolytics.
  • Enveloping preparations ("De-Nol").
  • Antacids ("Fosfalugel", "Almagel", "Vikalin").
  • Enzymes ("Betazid", "Atsidin-pepsin").
  • Antisecretory drugs ("Cimetidine", "Famotidine", "Omeprazole").

Treatment of a chronic form of the disease is recommended courses that need to be completely completed. This approach helps to reduce the likelihood of complications and lead to a malaise in the stage of remission.

Talk about nutrition

Regardless of the symptoms of gastroduodenitis, treatment + diet can reduce their manifestation. In general, virtually every disease of the digestive tract is accompanied by the selection of proper nutrition. The digestive organs are interrelated. This means that if the inflammation begins its development in one of them, it will almost inevitably change to another.

With this disease doctors are urged to eat often and in small portions, the food should be thoroughly chewed. This helps the digestive tract to digest food more quickly. The diet should be varied. If the clinical picture indicates that gastroduodenitis has worsened (symptoms), treatment is diet 1 with the mandatory taking of pain medications. This means that you should limit the consumption of salty, acidic, fried foods, as well as coffee and alcoholic beverages. It is better to cook steamed, the dishes should have a mushy consistency.

As soon as the symptoms of the disease begin to subside, you can gradually switch to the diet that is used to the physiological needs of the body. At this stage, low-fat meat, boiled fish, porridge, dairy products, a small amount of vegetables are allowed.

Talk about the duration of such a diet can only a doctor, based on the patient's condition.


Do not ignore such a disease as gastroduodenitis (acute and chronic). The signs and symptoms of such a common pathology should alert and become an excuse for prompt consultation with the appropriate specialist. Today, doctors increasingly place this diagnosis on people not only elderly, but also adolescents. Treatment of the disease is a fairly long process, which requires patience.

Its prevention consists in the correct and balanced nutrition, the rejection of bad habits (smoking, alcohol). It is necessary to avoid popular diets for weight loss and fasting, but overeat is also not recommended. Doctors do not advise in unlimited quantities to take antibiotics and other medicines.


This article describes the main differences between chronic gastroduodenitis, symptoms, causes, treatment and diagnosis of the disease. Unfortunately, such a disappointing diagnosis is heard by many, but the pathology with timely access to a doctor is very treatable. It is important to follow clearly all the prescriptions of a specialist and follow the recommended diet.

We hope that all the information presented in this article will be really useful for you. Be healthy!

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