
Choose the best remedy for a hangover

Excessive consumption of alcoholic drinks leads to intoxication of the body with poisonous organic compounds. The first symptoms of this condition are weakness, sweating and nausea. The next morning after alcohol abuse comes a headache and dizziness - the true companions of a hangover and a hangover syndrome.

Since alcoholic drinks violate acid-base and electrolyte balance, and also lead the body to severe dehydration, there is such a phenomenon as hungover thirst. That is why many believe that the best remedy for a hangover is liquid. Its lack in the body after a strong alcohol abuse can reach one and a half liters. That is why the first step to returning to a normal state is quenching thirst. This is explained simply: the more liquid is drunk, the more toxic compounds will be excreted from the body with urine.

To avoid vomiting, drink should be in small sips, but not in a gulp (even if you really want it). The best remedy for a hangover is not just drinking water, but its mixture with any salt preparation (for example, "Regidron"). For these purposes, and mineral water, the most effective is "Borjomi", "Essentuki 17" and "Essentuki 4".

Some people think that the best remedy for a hangover is brine. They are also right, because such a liquid, along with bread kvass and sauerkraut, contributes to the replacement of lost salts - phosphorus, magnesium, potassium, sodium.

But doctors are sure that the best remedy for a hangover is medicines "Asparks" and "Panangin", because they are rich in potassium. Such drugs are used in a dosage of 2-3 tablets at a time. The salts in them are constituent components of blood plasma and strongly affect the physical and intellectual activity of a person. Having completed their shortage, it is possible to normalize the work of the nervous and cardiovascular systems. Taking such medications will also help to get rid of weakness and aching muscles, chills, and many other unpleasant symptoms. Asparkam and panangin are used by the service of emergency narcological help, caused for patients at home.

In order to remove the hangover, it is also necessary to replenish the vitamin C in the body, as it very effectively binds and neutralizes toxic substances that worsen the human condition. Its deficiency is eliminated after the adoption of several tablets or dragees of ascorbic acid.

Hangover treatment at home. The most effective folk methods are:

  • Take a warm shower (water temperature - 50 degrees). This procedure is an excellent way to hold a whirlpool that improves sweating and metabolic processes.
  • It's good to have breakfast. For this purpose: low-fat meat, boiled potatoes, sour-milk products, vegetables.
  • Take a few tablets of glycine, a beneficial effect on the nervous system.
  • Try not to overload yourself with mental and physical actions.
  • It will be effectively helped by a mixture of raw eggs, a few drops of vinegar and ketchup, and a pinch of salt. The product must be drunk.
  • Another tasty and useful remedy is a cold. It contains many fats that bind the effect of alcohol.
  • Overcome the hangover will also help a strong long-term sleep.
  • Deep breathing will help to cope with poor health. Do this in the fresh air, for at least five minutes.
  • From unpleasant sensations in the stomach, the mint candy or chewing gum works well.

The main thing in the treatment of a hangover is not to try to get rid of this unpleasant condition with the help of alcohol. Acting in this way, you can go into a deep binge.

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