Business, Agriculture
Chicken coop installation on site
The correct arrangement of the hen house presupposes the obligatory presence of nests, perches, drinking bowls, feeders and baths. The nests should be placed in a shaded place and arranged in such a way that the master has access to them to inspect, clean and remove eggs.
As a rule, they are built of boards, plywood or weave from a vine. Always keep clean straw in the nests. Use for the lining of the hay does not follow, as it quickly ripens. Straw must be changed regularly, because insects can get wound up, bringing a lot of trouble.
The best solution will be the location of the nests in the form of a two-three-story bookcase. At an altitude of 40 cm from the ground should be placed the lower nest, where it is necessary to arrange a threshold height of 5 cm and a small board for take-off. It should be remembered that there should not be more than 6 hens per nest.
In order for the chickens to sweep in winter, the arrangement of the chicken coop in the cold season assumes its warming. This can be achieved by spreading straw on the floor, a height of 20-25 centimeters. Chicken droppings, spread over the litter, will gradually warm up, secreting the chicken coop into the heat that is necessary to maintain the optimum temperature. To ensure that chickens are constantly supplied with oxygen, effective supply and exhaust ventilation must be installed in the hen house.
The internal arrangement of the henhouse requires the placement of perches, which are located in a horizontal position, best of all - with the opposite side of the windows. The number of roosts and their length depend on the number of hens. As a rule, about 20 cm of length of a pole is placed on one chicken, therefore it is not difficult to determine its length. To facilitate the raising of the bird to the established perch, small traps should be installed.
The arrangement of the chicken coop involves the equipment of a bath of sand. For this purpose, with the help of boards, a small enclosure should be fenced in the corner and a layer of fine, better than river sand, 9-12 cm high, should be placed there. It is also advisable to add wood ash and sulfur. It is possible to install a trough in the coop, up to one meter long and 15-20 cm high for ash baths. In the prepared container pour sand (in summer dry road dust) and ash in equal proportions. The arrangement of such baths helps to clean feathers and poultry skin, and also to release from parasites.
The construction of a chicken coop is impossible without a trough, which is made in the form of a trough. To accommodate wet stitchbags, feeders made of teso or galvanized iron are used, they are easier to clean and disinfect. Feeding 20 chickens will be suitable for feeding troughs with a length of 110 and a width of 25 cm. To prevent contamination - on top of the brackets, you should install a turntable from the bar or nail the handle. Dry food is more convenient to feed in automatic feeders, on a daily basis.
In the poultry house in small feeders, attached to the wall at the height of the chicken's growth, chalk, shell, large sand, pieces of coal and bricks, hydrated lime, which is necessary for better assimilation of feed and prevention of goiter, must always be present. On the wall you can hang cabbage, hay, grass.
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