
White cabbage: what to fertilize?

White cabbage is a favorite and certainly useful for everyone. Few culture can compare with it, for example, in the content of vitamin C. This wonderful vegetable is suitable for both salads and borsch, and for canning. The quality of the soil is an important indicator when growing such a crop as cabbage. How to fertilize this plant? The answer to this question is of interest to many summer residents.

In order to make the soil more suitable for this vegetable, it is necessary to add manure to it in the autumn. This plant responds very well to organics. Therefore, manure will be almost the ideal solution for a culture such as cabbage. What to fertilize this plant is still not too complicated a question. On acid soils under the digging you can use ash or lime. Especially useful is coal ash. It perfectly reduces the acidity of soils.

Than to fertilize cabbage at landing? In the event that in the autumn the corresponding measures were not taken, it is possible to prepare the soil for cabbage and spring in the preparation of beds. It is best to use compost for this purpose. A small amount of it should be added in the event that in autumn the soil was fertilized with manure. The compost must be slightly prikopat. At the same time, potassium and phosphorus fertilizers should be scattered around the bed . It is best to do this a week before carrying the seedlings into the soil. Nitrogen fertilizers can also be added .

Nitrogen is a kind of top dressing, in the early stages especially necessary for a plant such as cabbage. How to fertilize this culture at the beginning of the season? You can use for this purpose a fermented infusion of herbs or manure. It is also very good to use for this purpose chicken droppings. For the early varieties of cabbage, there will be enough three additional dressings per season. The later will have to be fertilized four times during the summer.

Early ripe cabbage should be fed every three weeks. For late varieties of fertilizer is less often, and the last top dressing should be done around the end of August. What to fertilize cabbage in this period? Especially cautious on the last terms of vegetation should be treated with nitrogen fertilizers. The fact is that this type of feeding results in the accumulation of nitrates in cabbage and leaves. Therefore, the closer the time for such events to harvest, the less nitrogen fertilizers should be used.

The last time you use a double dose of phosphorus and potassium. The content of nitrogen components should be halved. In addition to accumulation in the cabbage of substances harmful to the human body, manure or fermented grass used for top-dressing in later stages of development can lead to such unpleasant consequences as cracking of heads. As you know, this cabbage will not be stored for a long time. Therefore, phosphorus and potassium in the late stages of vegetation - the most acceptable form of fertilizing.

To ensure that plants lack phosphorus, it is necessary to follow and at earlier stages of development. With its lack, the tips of cabbage leaves begin to dry up, and characteristic bubbles appear on the plates themselves. Brown spots indicate a lack of potassium. The lack of nitrogen in the early stages of growth is manifested in the blanching of the leaves and their poor development. If the plant is not fertilized during this period, the leaves will eventually dry up.

Observing the rules of introducing additional fertilizers in the late and early stages of development, you can get an excellent crop of a plant such as cabbage. How to fertilize this culture - the question is now uncomplicated for you. This is manure, phosphorus and potash fertilizers. All of them must be properly used, given the stage of culture growth.

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