Education, Colleges and Universities
Residency and internship: the difference. What are the differences?
The students of the last courses of medical universities and institutes often have different questions: "What is the difference between internship and residency?" Or "Why does a doctor need a postgraduate education?" It's quite easy to understand this question.
The educational process in any higher educational institution is considered fully completed, when the graduate will receive an appropriate diploma, confirming the level of his professional knowledge. The document on the formation of the state master in the first place indicates that the newly-made qualified specialist has opened a direct road to the labor market and vacancies.
Student of medical school after graduation
However, with the release of students of higher medical institutions, the situation is somewhat different. Here, each graduate will have to find out what the internship and residency differs. Independently take responsible decisions related to the treatment of patients, a person who graduated from university, even with a red diploma, will not be allowed immediately.
The value of internship and residency
In fact, both are the passing of the stage of the formation of individualism and the independence of the doctor after the award of the diploma. In addition, this approach was fixed at the legislative level in 1994. The order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation approved the procedure for admission of specialists to medical and pharmaceutical activities. To go to an independent medical and professional life, a graduate of a university should receive another important crust - a certificate of professionalism, which will become a symbolic pass to self-healing.
More information about interns
Internship is the primary passage of post-graduate training of young professionals, graduates of educational institutions of higher levels of accreditation of medical or pharmaceutical profile. Often, former students of specialized medical faculties of high schools of state ownership entered the internship. As a rule, internships are held in places where the elements of practical training of specialists, research activities and treatment of outpatient and inpatient patients are combined as much as possible.
To pass internship is recommended in those medical institutions that combine in the nature of their activities training of specialists, research work and direct treatment of patients.
Residency is ...
What is the difference between internship and residency, you can find out by finding out the meaning of the second category.
It turns out that postgraduate periods of preparation are both residency and internship. The difference between the two concepts is contained in the nomenclature of specialties in the medical and pharmaceutical sphere approved by the order of the Minister of Health of the Russian Federation.
Differences in the two types of training
More details can be said about the existing distinction between interns and residents, where the first are trained in the main specialties, while the latter are trained for the period of passage in residency and receive in-depth knowledge.
The Federal Law of the Russian Federation "On Higher and Post-Graduate Professional Education" contains a provision confirming that residency and internship of difference are only in the course of the postgraduate training process. Interns and residents, increasing their qualification level, acquire the status of students of higher educational profile institutions. In fact, they are formally equivalent to the status of university students.
To understand for sure what residency and internship in medicine, you should indicate the purpose of passing these types of training.
Features of internship
In general, study in an internship predetermines the professional future of a graduate of a medical college. The intern who has received the certificate, as a rule, continues his medical activity in municipal or private clinics, in outpatient settings.
The main types of training, which is a graduate of a medical university, in order to independently treat people, include the following:
- Supervising patients, filling in the relevant documentation directly under the supervision of the head of the internship;
- Periodic duty followed by a report at the morning "five-minute";
- Acquisition of experience in the work of the diagnostic units of the medical institution, in admission or intensive care units.
Residency and internship (the difference does not play any role here) include compulsory training in the implementation of medical procedures. In addition, interns and residents need to visit scientific societies, take an active part in conferences.
Specificity of employment of residents during training
It is worth highlighting a few more positions, according to which internship and internship differ. The difference is, for example, that interns undergo a certain number of classroom classes per year, the total number of hours of which should not exceed 120. At the same time, highly trained residents are trained according to the curriculum developed.
- Independent supervision of sick patients;
- In the same way as interns, residents acquire a lot of medical experience in laboratory, diagnostic (ultrasound, CT, MRI, ECG, encephalography, endoscopy and many other types of examination) departments;
- For resident surgeons, the main requirement in the course of residency is the participation in operations;
- Participation in practical seminars.
The peculiarity of training in residency can also be called that some days a week, according to curricula, are assigned for self-disciplinary study.
The timing of the internship and residency varies. Within 1 year is trained in an internship, after which the intern passes exams and receives a certificate. The residents are trained for 2 years.
What is postgraduate study
An interesting fact is that many people are still confused about internship, residency and postgraduate study. And if everything is defined with the first two terms, then graduates-physicians can enter graduate school after graduation from the university. This option of postgraduate education is suitable for those who decided to link their future with scientific work and research in this or that field. The writing of a dissertation, its defense and the conferment of a Ph.D. degree in science is something that successful and hardworking graduate students will eventually gain.
A lot of common points in the course of training are internship and internship. What this is and for what it is generally necessary to undergo postgraduate training will become clear not only to specialists and graduates of medical institutions.
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