Business, Agriculture
Chernushka sowing: photo, cultivation, sowing terms
Chernushkoy in the common people usually call the seeds of onions. Once planted in the ground, by the end of the season they give a small sevok. The latter for next year can be used already for growing large heads. In some cases, it is possible to get a real onion from a black cherry for one season. However, this is possible mainly only in warm regions of the country with a prolonged vegetation period.
How to choose a variety
Some truck farmers use the purchased seed for the production of onion-turn heads. But using a blackberry, growing it yourself, of course, is much more profitable. Good harvests of onions from their own seeds in the future can be obtained, of course, however, only with the right choice of variety. The best varieties of onions for the Middle belt, the Urals and Siberia, for example, are Myachkovsky, Odintsovets, Zolotnichok. Also very good harvests in the conditions of the Russian climate are given by the Dutch varieties of this culture.
Selection of planting material
ернушки посевной сле дует брать только здоровые, ровные и большие головки лука-репки. To obtain a seedling, it is necessary to take only healthy, smooth and large heads of onion. Before planting, they should be placed in a warm place for three weeks. At the end of this period, each bulb should be cut approximately 1 cm juicy part of the tip. This will speed up the release of stems and feathers. Before planting the bulbs it is desirable to soak for about half an hour in a weak solution of potassium permanganate. This procedure will avoid many problems with pests and infectious diseases in the future.
Leading-in times
семена лука - чернушку посевную - самостоятельно на даче несложно. To grow onion seeds - Chernushka sowing - it's not difficult on the dacha on your own. Plant this crop for this purpose can be both in spring and winter. In the latter case, the bed after the penetration into the soil of the bulbs is necessarily mulched by the organic. If you use this method of planting, peduncles with black mushrooms can be obtained by the middle of next summer. Plant an onion for the winter before the onset of frost. Most often it is done somewhere around mid-October. Under the winter for the production of seeds, onions are planted mainly only in the southern regions. In the north, this is usually done in April.
How to Plant on Seeds
когда сеять чернушку посевную. So, we found out when to plant a blackberry inoculum. . Onions from it can be grown only for the second year . того же чтобы получить ее гарантированно, следует выбрать на участке самое солнечное место. In order to get it guaranteed, you should choose the most sunny location on the site. In the shade, the onion seeds can simply not ripen, and all the gardener's efforts will be wasted. The best predecessors in this case are cabbage, tomatoes and legumes.
In the garden must be added well-repaired cow dung. It will also be a good idea to fertilize the ground with ashes. It contains just a huge amount of micronutrients useful for this culture. Plant the bulbs on the black one to a depth of about 4 cm.
Helpful advice
дело относительно простое. Cultivation of black cherry seed is a relatively simple matter. However, in this case, there is still one difficulty. When the inflorescence of the onion ripens, the onions are opened with the rupture of the protective shells. As a result, Chernushka falls to the ground. To avoid loss of seed material, inflorescences after reaching the maximum height of the peduncle it is desirable to tie gauze. You can do something a little different. Sometimes summer residents simply cut off inflorescences and leave them to ripen indoors. In this way, it is also possible to obtain qualitative onion seeds of onion.
Ripen black begins around mid-July. It is at this time and should do the above operations. Cut flower stalks with seeds from plants best using scissors. Keep them in a dark place. In this case, it is worthwhile to make sure that the black mice are not eaten in the winter by mice.
How to plant: preparation
Used seeds of onions, as already mentioned, for growing seedling. Before landing a black sheep in the ground, it should be carefully prepared. случае можно будет получить более качественный севок. In this case, it will be possible to obtain a better sieve. ернушка посевная взошла б ыстро, перед посадкой на грядку ее нужно замочить, завернув в марлю в 0.5 литрах теплой воды. In order for the chernushka sowing to grow quickly , before planting on the bed, it must be soaked, wrapped in gauze in 0.5 liters of warm water. Further, the seeds should also be kept in a weak solution of potassium permanganate for about 15 minutes.
At the final stage, the blackie is placed directly in the gauze in an illuminated place and covered with a film. After 4-5 days from the seeds sprouts sprouts. Next, the blackie can be planted on the garden. It will germinate very quickly.
Terms of planting
которой представлены на странице, в землю следует вовремя. Planting a blackberry inoculum, the photo of which is presented on the page, should be landed on time. This is done in May, when the soil warms up to at least +7 C. Best of all, plants from blackies develop in cool weather.
How to care
Sow a blackish on the beds in a groove depth of about 1.5 cm. The distance between individual seeds should be 5-10 cm. The grooves in the final stage are closed and slightly compact the soil. After that, the bed is poured with warm water. Do this carefully, so as not to wash the planting material. In the future planting will need to periodically weed and loosen. Sewing watering is performed as the upper layer of the soil dries up. After the appearance of leaves, the black one is cut in such a way that a distance of about 4 cm remains between the individual plants.
Feed onions from seeds twice a season - 20 days after planting and in the second decade of July. For the first time the soil is fertilized with chicken litter, in the second - by complex mineral composition.
Another blackie
это не только семена лука. Chernushka sowing is not only the seeds of onions. пряное растение, используемое для приготовления разного рода блюд и всевозможных лекарственных составов. This is also called a very interesting spicy plant, used for the preparation of various kinds of dishes and all sorts of medicinal compounds. This is the only representative of the family Lyutikov, which can be eaten.
ернушки посевной я вляется жаркая Индия. The native country of the spicy cernus is the sowing season of hot India. In this country, it still freely grows in the wild. черные, похожие на луковые, семена. The name of this culture was for black, like onion, seeds. As a spice, the latter can be used for marinating and pickling. For therapeutic purposes, they are used for hepatitis, restless sleep, female diseases, etc.
онечно же, при желании в саду можно вырастить и это южное растение. By the same token, if desired, you can grow this southern plant in the garden. Plant seeds of black cherry seed in the ground in April, sealing to a depth of 2 cm. Grow this plant in the garden can be as a spice and at the same time decorative culture. Often, for example, they are decorated with curbs.
Fertilize this plant can be the same as the usual blackie - chicken litter and mineral purchased compounds. Do this at least two times per season. ернушки посевной собирают по мере почернения - примерно в сентябре. Seed seeds are harvested as they blacken - around September. Store them in the usual way - in a dark, dry, cool place.
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