LawState and Law

Characteristics, concept, structure and types of sense of justice

The process of regulating public relations at all times has caused a lot of questions. After all, it has not only its own specifics, but also quite an atypical subject of direct impact. For many centuries people have tried to find the best way to regulate social relations, until they saw the high role and effectiveness of law.

Since then, legal norms have flooded the whole world. Today, with the help of law, any vital activity of a person is regulated. This allows not only to control it, but also to direct it to the channel where it can bring the most favorable result. However, the regulation of society is an extremely complex process. It should be noted that it is produced both by the state, by law, and by the citizens themselves. That is, for successful coordination of the actions of the society it is necessary that the latter should realize the principal benefit of this kind of activity. His thoughts and ideas about the process of legal regulation a person directly realizes. Thus, the activity on the interpretation of law in a concrete state is called legal consciousness, as will be discussed later in the article.

What is right?

Before the author presents the concept, structure and types of legal consciousness, it is necessary to consider the features of a different, more important category. In this case, we are talking about the right in its classical version. What is it for humanity? What is the use of it? These issues are increasingly being asked by lawyers in our time. In simple terms, the right is a set of rules of conduct sanctioned by the state. They, in turn, are guaranteed by the authorities, and also have a universally binding and formally defined character. It is worth noting that the modern life of a person is almost completely subordinated to these rules, because they regulate all aspects of social life without exception. In this case, all right is not used chaotically. In its structure it is subdivided into branches, sub-sectors and institutions, which makes it much more convenient to use its norms. The sense of justice in this case testifies to the degree of "popularity" of the country's legal sphere among people.

The concept of legal consciousness

The sense of justice, concept, types, functions, whose structure will be presented later in the article, is a specific form of consciousness of society. In other words, it is a combination of views, ideas, moral norms, principles, assessments, beliefs, sentiments and feelings that arise in relation to law. It should be noted that the opinion can be addressed not only to the legal system of the national state, but also to the law as a whole. That is, a person has the opportunity to put forward his thoughts about the most expedient structure of legal phenomena and their necessity. The human's legal consciousness testifies to its cultural level of development, as well as the level of state consciousness. As a rule, the presence of the category presented in the article is the main indicator of civil society.

It is also necessary to note the similarity of such categories as legal awareness and legal culture. The concept, structure, types of these phenomena are very often identified. But the view of their identity is erroneous. As a rule, the second category, the legal culture, is more extensive. That is, it includes such elements as concept, structure and types of sense of justice. TGP in this case suggests that the sense of justice is only a structural element of such a large category as legal culture.

How does the sense of justice relate to law?

Many scientists and ordinary people do not understand the question of how the sense of justice relates to the entire legal sphere. In this case, it should be noted that these categories are, in fact, contiguous. That is, one is completely revealed through the other. After all, law is a statistical category that influences all relations that arise in society. As for the sense of justice, it is precisely this that allows people to change the legal system of the state for more effective regulation of their lives. But this is not the only positive aspect of this category. Its true advantages lie in the term itself.

Features of legal awareness

As mentioned earlier, the sense of justice, the concept, structure, types and levels of which are presented in the article, is one of the types of social consciousness. Thus, the category is a cognitive-evaluative factor that allows people to express their attitude to legal phenomena in the state. That is, the sense of justice is an attribute of modern civil society, in which people not only struggle for their natural and national abilities, but also understand the personal role for the state and its regulatory system as a whole. The term also characterizes the behavior of people within the framework directly created by legal acts.

The connection of the sense of justice with other forms of social thought

The category presented earlier in the article is closely connected with other forms of social consciousness in a particular country. For example, this factor is strongly influenced by political views, philosophical concepts, ideological theories, religious beliefs, etc. That is, the direct connection of legal consciousness occurs with the culture of society. Moreover, the category is due in large part to the historical development of mankind. For example, earlier people allowed a slave trade, which, in turn, was quite legal. But after democratic transformations at the end of the 20th century, the legal consciousness of society changes towards freedom, equality, etc.

Category structure

The concept, structure and types of sense of justice are, of course, terms related to each other. However, the system of the category presented in the article plays a rather significant role. Because it is thanks to its elements that we have the opportunity to visually see the effect of this phenomenon on other components of human life activity. To date, the structure of the category is divided into the following components:

  1. Ideology of a legal nature is the greatest element of legal awareness. It represents the most abstract concepts, ideas and visions of the legal sphere. It should be noted that the structure and types of legal consciousness are closely interrelated. Therefore, the ideological element actually generates a large number of forms of legal comprehension, since it unites many specific concepts.
  2. Legal psychology consists in most of the moments of cognition, which are based on direct cognition with the help of feelings, emotions and in some cases experiences of people. It is believed that this component of the sense of justice is biased. After all, society evaluates all the events that occur, taking them to heart, without using the logic.
  3. The third structural element of legal consciousness, of course, are the factors of behavior. They represent a person's reaction after the actual "digestion" of information. Most of the behavioral factors are based on motives and internal attitudes that appear due to psychological and intellectual perception of information.

It should be noted that the structure and types of legal consciousness are in many respects related categories. After all, each species has its own characteristics, but in the system question it completely copies the classical category. Thus, in order to more fully realize that such a concept, structure and types of legal consciousness, it is necessary to consider its varieties.

Kinds of the presented category

Classification of sense of justice is made through various criteria. To date, the scientific community does not have a single view on the specific division of various forms of legal thought. However, most often the classification is made on the basis of its subject composition. Thus, the following types are distinguished:

1. The sense of justice, the concept, the structure, the types of which are presented in the article, in the context of society is a set of generally accepted concepts, ideas, views and opinions that exist at the level of the whole state. That is, it is a consolidated view of the legal realities of the country. As a rule, public legal awareness is manifested in legislative acts, because they are issued by public authorities elected directly by the people. Thus, this type of perception is reflected in the largest institutions that are of a mass nature. They include not only the legal sphere, but also religion, political ideology in the state, art, etc.

2. As practice shows, group, or separate, social sense of justice distinguish in the form of a separate species is not always. This is because the scientific community still does not agree on the existence of such a form in general. Nevertheless, it can not be denied. After all, the sense of justice passes into the minds of individuals not immediately. Initially, certain moral ideals, concepts and views should penetrate into separate social groups. In this case, grouped sense of justice is characterized by a number of specific factors. First, it forms not just a sphere of like-minded people, but a separate subculture. Secondly, all social groups are not homogeneous. Therefore, each of them puts forward his own vision of the individual components of the state system and regulators of social relations.

3. The last kind is an individual sense of justice. It is characterized by the fact that the development of certain views about the legal policy of the state occurs in the mind of the individual. At the same time, each unique personality forms a legal vision based on his own experience and social thought.

As we see, the concept, structure and types of legal consciousness, the ways of formation of these structures are closely intertwined with each other. In this case, each individual term makes it possible to reveal the essence of the whole category as a whole.

Levels of the category action

The concept, structure and types of sense of justice were briefly considered earlier in the article. But it is also necessary to take into account the fact that the presented category exists on several levels. In this case, the selection of a particular stage of legal consciousness is carried out on the basis of its subjects. For example:

  1. Everyday sense of justice is the lowest level of the category. He characterizes the concept and vision of a legal policy on the basis of the personal qualities of each individual in the process of his daily life. That is, it is the level of perception of ordinary people who have special knowledge in the field of jurisprudence.
  2. The second most important is the theoretical level. It, as a rule, has its manifestation in the activity of theoretical scientists who are engaged in scientific understanding and development of legal concepts.
  3. The last most significant level is professional. Such a sense of justice, as a rule, exists in the minds of practicing lawyers who directly use legal norms to solve certain situations and perform other functions.

The doctrine of the levels of sense of justice is of great importance. Because it clearly shows how the category is formed, which actors are involved in this process. After all, the concept, structure and types of legal consciousness, levels of sense of justice are all products of human activity.

Functions of legal awareness

Of course, the concept, structure and types of sense of justice are very important elements of the category for its analysis. However, its role can be fully realized only on the basis of key functions. They, in turn, are the main directions of the action of sense of justice. Functions clearly show the benefits and features of the existence of the category. As a rule, today scientists distinguish five main functions, namely:

  1. The regulative function proves that the sense of justice is an actual continuation of the law. That is, it has an impact on social relations. But if the law directly coordinates them, then the sense of justice allows us to evaluate the behavior of the subjects and make an actual verdict.
  2. Regulatory function of the sense of justice is closely intertwined with the evaluation one. But the latter is aimed at developing a specific vision of certain legal features.
  3. Cognitive function determines the process of obtaining and accumulating a certain body of knowledge about law and its institutions. On the basis of these statements, the individual has the opportunity to create his own conceptions of the theory about certain phenomena.
  4. The most specific is the prognostic function. Its essence lies in the fact that the individual on the basis of acquired knowledge has the opportunity to anticipate the further development of legal situations.
  5. Of course, the law-making function is the most important in its essence. It is expressed in that, on the basis of a vision of the features of law, virtually everyone has the opportunity to change the existing legal regime by issuing normative acts. However, in order to do this, it is necessary to own the possibility of a norm-setting initiative.


So, in the article the concept, structure and types of sense of justice were considered. Their characteristics indicate the great importance and role of the presented category not only for society, but also for the process of its direct regulation.

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