Health, Diseases and Conditions
Causes of Autism in Children
Autism ... Often this word sounds like a sentence for parents who want their child to be the happiest, smartest and most successful.
What distinguishes an autistic child from other children? When should parents begin to "sound the alarm"? It is worth noting that autism manifests in the child even before the age of two, but parents usually identify it at the age of 2.5 years. Although the disease has no clear signs, it is possible to distinguish its main features. In children with autism, speech functions are disrupted, there is a tendency to seclusion from others, their actions are stereotyped, thinking is different from the usual; For them, in general, it is problematic to communicate with surrounding people. Due to these and other characteristics, it is difficult for such children to adapt in society. The child mentally goes into his own fantasy world, where he is comfortable. At the same time, any external influences are perceived by him, as unpleasant, sometimes even intrusive. Such kids like to play with the same subject for a long time.
The main causes of autism are organic disorders of the child's brain during its development in the womb. The likelihood of such violations in a child is increased when the mother carries infectious diseases or strong mental trauma during pregnancy. In addition, to aggravate children's autism, the reasons for which have not been fully investigated, can be the parents' wrong attitude toward the child, the coldness of the child-parent relationship. This is due to the fact that such children have a special relationship to the mother. They can carelessly treat her or even drive him away, and also fall into the other extreme - be inseparable from the mother and react painfully to her temporary absence.
Some researchers call such causes of autism as epilepsy (there is a connection between these diseases, as children suffering from seizures may develop autism and, conversely, an autistic child may have seizures) and a disease known as "weak X- Chromosomes ". In addition, many scientists trace the dependence of his appearance in the child from the level of serotonin.
The causes of autism can also be associated with a low content of Cdk5 protein. This element is responsible for the regulation of substances in cells, as well as for the development of synapses. The function of synapses is the ability to memorize a material, to study it.
The disease can cause an increased content of testosterone, as a result of which the left hemisphere of the brain develops poorly. Its functions begin to be compensated by the right. Due to this, the manifestation of abilities of some autists to languages, music is explained.
The reason may be an accident such as a conflict between the parents' genes. A special role in this is assigned to the gene nureksin-1. His task is to synthesize the neurotransmitter glutamine, which provides contact between nerve cells of the brain.
It is interesting to establish an established relationship between the increase in the number of vaccines and the frequency of the disease. Often, vaccines - the causes of early childhood autism, tk. Some of them include neurotoxin-mercury.
Currently, many causes of autism are known (about 30). This includes both genetic factors, such as poor development of neural structures in the womb, chromosomal abnormalities, and social ones, caused by the negative impact of the environment after birth. As a rule, their combination leads to autism.
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