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Cake from mastic "Puppy patrol": design, stages, recommendations, photo

This funny children's cartoon is incredibly popular today. He likes to look like girls and boys, and their parents. Desperate rescuers - Marshall, Zuma, Skye, Racer, Krepysh, Everest - fell in love with many spectators. A small birthday boy will be extraordinarily pleased with a bright and delicious cake made of mastic "Puppy Patrol". If you want, you can cook yourself.

Cake made of mastic "Puppy Patrol": tools and materials

This master class is devoted to the creation of the figure of the Racer. The rest of the puppies can be made by the same principle, only the color of the mastic and some details change slightly. To make a children's cake "Puppy Patrol", you should use:

  • Rolling pin;
  • A rug;
  • Stack with a ball on the end;
  • Scalpel;
  • With a knife;
  • Toothpick;
  • Confectionery gel;
  • Water for wetting your fingers;
  • With powdered sugar.

Main material

Mastic is the main material from which each figure of "Puppy Patrol" is made. It is best to use mastic, created on the basis of powdered milk or powdered sugar. This material does not dry very quickly, unlike mastic, prepared from gelatin, it takes a good shape and all the bends repeats almost perfectly. From such mastic, experienced confectioners advise to create three-dimensional figures of the "Puppy Patrol".

In the process of work, the material will have to be painted in different colors. To sculpt the figure of the Racer you will need a mastic of blue, yellow, brown, white and black shades. Accordingly, the figures of the remaining characters are created from material of other shades.

Dyes should be used gel liquid, they can be easily mixed with mastic. After the figure has dried on its surface, there is no divorce.

How to make a cake of mastic "Puppy Patrol": we model the head of the Racer

The modeling of mastic figures resembles a similar process using polymer clay or plasticine. Therefore, if possible, you must train in advance to sculpt a cartoon character.

First you need to roll a ball of black mastic - this will be the head of the puppy. From a smaller ball, molded from the yellow mass, it is necessary to make a triangle and glue it in front, like a beak. Two yellow circles are attached from above - eyes. Next, the dog's mouth is formed: a piece of mastic is attached to the triangle from the bottom. A small black ball is placed in the center - this will be the nose. Of the white unpainted mastic, two round eyes are created, pressed against the stack, two black dots are applied centrally with a gel stain.

We sculpt the body of a puppy

The next stage of creating a cake made of mastic "Puppy Patrol" is the making of the body of the figurine.

From the blue mastic rolled oval, then - a small circle of brown. Both pieces are applied to each other and rolled up on the table in such a way that the pieces are stitched along the seam - this is how the puppy's body turns out. Then, from the dark brown mastic should roll a small sausage, on top of it attach a ball of yellow and also rolled on the table, connecting the two parts. It is necessary to create four such blanks, they are the front and rear paws of the "rescuer". From the top, toothpicks are inserted in the center, necessary to attach them to the body.

We connect details, we decorate the figure

With the help of toothpicks, the paws are attached to the trunk. A ball of black mastic is rolled out, pressed down with a round stack, the bottom is lubricated with gel and glued on top and front to the body of the dog. A toothpick is inserted into the center of this ball, a head is attached to it. The joint is pre-lubricated with a gel.

On the puppy's chest, stick a strip of white mastic, attach it with a stack. Using a stack, cut out the pentagon-icon and glue it on the chest of the figure, on top of it is attached a circle of blue mastic. A badge is attached to the side, a medal is fastened on the chest in the form of an asterisk, eyebrows are attached above the eyes. From a ball of blue mass it is necessary to form a cap, above a visor to attach a strip of yellow color. Separately, the ears are made and attached to the side of the head. A black tail is created from the black mastic and joins the back to the body. At the final stage, create a backpack and attach to the back of the puppy. It is created from black mastic, decorated with branded symbols.

In the process of creating a character's figure, you need to monitor the proportions of the character - the Racer's head should be large, as in the cartoon, the tail - thick and short, the ears - long.

Making a cake

After the figure of the Racer is ready, you can proceed with the design of the dessert. If desired, you can sculpt the figures of all the main characters of the cartoon, but many housewives believe that the perfect decoration of the cake can be even one of them. The dessert will be especially pleased with the little birthday, from the surface of which the mastiff character, who is his favorite, will look at him.


We use a round and high cake, made according to a recipe chosen by the hostess in accordance with her taste. Its surface should be large enough that it could fit all the created decor. On top of the cake should be covered with a dark green mastic, imitating the lawn. Coverage should not be even, it is necessary to achieve the effect of velvety.

For this, a coarse-grained confectionery powder of green color is applied over the cover. The top of the cake is covered with a cream colored with a green dye. On the edges of the meadow, decorations are placed in the form of different colors. They can be bought ready in a specialized store.

Flowers are individually attached to the surface of the cake with a confectionery gel. Lubricates only the reverse side of the flower in the center. The flower should be densely glued to the surface of the cake and pressed slightly with hands. You can "sit" on butterflies cake, ladybirds and other jewelry at your discretion.

Figures of cartoon characters are also attached to the gel. They lubricate the soles of the feet. In case of significant massiveness of the figures, they are attached to the surface of the cake with the help of toothpicks or wooden skewers, which should be carefully inserted into the center of each paw.

A cake made of mastic "Puppy Patrol" is ready. It can not be called the simplest confectionery product, but the efforts of the home-made confectioner will certainly pay off with interest, because thanks to him there will be a joyous glint in the eyes of the little birthday boy.

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