
BMI is the norm. What is it?

The problem of excess weight and slenderness of the figure in our time excites almost every person. Everyone strives to look beautiful, and without a slender, aesthetically attractive body, to achieve this is almost impossible. In addition, overweight is often the cause of various diseases. Accordingly, a fat person is absolutely healthy by definition can not.

To control the weight, a special indicator was created, called the body mass index (abbreviated as BMI), which is the ratio of the person's weight and his height. With the help of this indicator, you can determine the presence of extra pounds. It is calculated very simply: you need to divide the total body weight (in kilograms) into a square of growth (in meters). BMI is normal for both men and women - 22.

Unfortunately, not everyone understands that lack of weight is as dangerous as its excess. Of course, leanness often looks more decent than dangling fats, but it can bring a lot of problems to the person suffering from it. This is, first of all, fragile, fracture-prone, bones and lack of menstruation in women. Of course, you can not start yourself, but you also need to remember that the BMI-norm should be observed. Strong distortions in both directions, nothing but harm, the body will not bring.

The exact correspondence to an indicator such as BMI (norm) means that the person is in good physical condition and does not suffer from obesity or painful thinness. The main task of such people is simply to maintain weight at the existing level, and also to strengthen the muscles with physical exertion.

The value of the BMI can fluctuate between 25 to 27. This stage is called an unattractive word - "pre-fatigue". In this case, you can already beat the alarm and begin systematic work to reduce weight. To the same stage are the values of BMI from 27 to 29. People whose body mass index is within these limits, it is urgent to try to lose weight at least to the value of 25-27, so as not to go smoothly to the next - the first stage of weight redundancy. The term "obesity" (BMI above normal) means already a large enough stock of extra kilograms, which invariably entail the emergence of a whole bouquet of diseases. To prevent this is possible, losing weight by at least 5-10%. However, in order to completely restore the metabolism and bring the figure in order, most likely, without the help of a dietitian, you will not manage.

Those who ignored all the warnings of doctors and did not bother with the problem of weight loss, quickly reach the next stage - obesity of the second degree. In this case, the specialist's help is already mandatory, because the person alone can establish a culture of nutrition and cope with excess weight a person simply can not. In some cases, drug therapy may be required.

The third degree of obesity is the most neglected and dangerous of all that were listed above. At times, the risk of cardiovascular and oncological diseases, as well as diabetes, increases. To combat such a mass, most likely, you will need drugs, and even surgical intervention.

As practice shows, the BMI for women is often much more important than for men. Unfortunately, in most cases the representatives of the stronger sex do not consider it necessary to follow the figure. However, in order to avoid health problems, such a notion as "BMI-norm" should not be an empty sound for them.

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