Health, Diseases and Conditions
VSD: what is it and how to treat it?
VSD - what is it? This diagnosis puts many people, but how to live with it and how to cope with the disease, often do not explain. In this article, we will try to answer the questions that most often concern patients.
VSD: what is it?
Many do not pay attention to such manifestations. Think, VSD! What is it - just fatigue and weakness! But it is better to take your health more carefully.
Causes of the IRR
Many teenagers suffer VSD, but outgrow the disease. Often children who have grown very quickly suffer from VSD. What it is? In this case, the child grows quickly, and the organs, including the heart, do not keep up with his growth. Because of this, the load increases, and the body can malfunction. But more often the problem remains in adolescence.
The disease can also appear due to severe stress, nervous breakdowns or a prolonged stay in a dysfunctional emotional atmosphere. If there are often conflicts in the family, this can also be the cause of the IRR, even if the aggression is manifested only between the spouses and does not affect the child.
Among the causes are also chronic infections, intoxications and endocrine changes in the body.
VSD: what is it and how to treat it?
First of all, you need a full-fledged sleep (8-10 hours a day). Also need to charge and stay in the fresh air for two to three hours. It is desirable to show motor activity. For example, sports games are recommended, but in "no-limit" mode. Excellent fit swimming, biking and skating, table tennis, etc.
Proper nutrition is also important. It is necessary to limit the consumption of floury, fatty, sweet, to reduce the amount of salt. Choose foods rich in magnesium and potassium (oatmeal and buckwheat porridge, apricots and dried apricots, carrots, parsley, dogrose, beans, nuts, etc.).
Will go to benefit and fizioprotsedury, including water. Well hardening, because It will help strengthen the nervous system.
In extreme cases, patients are recommended medication. Sometimes it is not superfluous to visit a psychotherapist who will prescribe his own treatment methods - for example, hypnosis or group visits.
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