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Benefit and harm of tuna. The Benefits of Canned Tuna

In Soviet times, tuna fish was considered a delicacy, dishes from this fish were served at dinner parties for the first persons of the state. Since then, many years have passed, today anyone can buy tuna in any supermarket in a fresh, frozen and canned form. Fish really has a delicate flesh, an incredibly pleasant taste and a high nutritional value.

According to the doctors, the meat of the sea predator contains a lot of Omega-3 fatty acids, which take an active part in the work of the brain and heart muscle. Dietitians fully agree with this and advise to consume fish to those who control their weight.

The benefits and harm of tuna have long been studied and appreciated by the people of Japan. This country occupies a leading position in the absorption of marine life. Japanese cooking uses fish pulp to prepare rolls and sushi. Dishes are almost a national pride of the country, they are used everywhere: at home, in the street, in a restaurant, in a bar. Tuna is a true favorite among fish species.

Where is the fish of the Smymbrian family found?

A large predator, reaching three meters in length, is considered one of the fastest marine inhabitants. Surprisingly, the schools of the fish are constantly on the move, they can reach speeds of up to 70 km / h and overcome huge distances in search of food (shellfish, crustaceans, small fish). Their body and circulatory system are simply perfectly formed for long and long journeys.

Tuna has chosen the waters of the Atlantic, Indian and Pacific oceans. It is not easy to catch it, since the pack prefers deep-water places. In the world of cooking, its meat is very popular, one of the reasons for this high demand is that the carcass is not exposed to parasites. Fish are absorbed in salted, fried, boiled and even raw form, sprinkled with salt.

The benefits and harms of tuna are predetermined by the biochemical composition

The meat of this marine creature is characterized by the presence of nutrients (magnesium, selenium, potassium, iodine, phosphorus, calcium) and proteins. Huge content in the pulp of vitamins B, E, D, K. The latter group of substances is extremely necessary for a person for the proper functioning of the cardiovascular system and hematopoiesis.

The individual is enriched with iron, which takes an active part in the supply of oxygen and has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the thyroid gland. It is a real storehouse of valuable amino acids and Omega-3 fats. Useful properties are preserved after heat treatment. If you do not have the opportunity to buy a fresh carcass, you can always buy canned tuna, the benefits and harm of which largely depend on the availability of additional ingredients.

Experts advise buying fish in its own juice without the content of aromatic additives, oil and spices. Carefully inspect the packaging, on it must be indicated the assortment marks, expiration date, components included and the date of manufacture. The natural product is preserved by integral elastic pieces.

Meat of tuna for health maintenance

Scientists from different countries have repeatedly conducted clinical studies, during which the impact of fish on the human body was determined. Almost all specialists agreed in a single opinion, which prevents early aging of our body tuna. Properties of this kind are due to the rich content of proteins, fatty acids and hemoglobin. These substances activate brain activity, increase efficiency, normalize metabolic processes and significantly reduce the risk of heart attacks.

For a strong heart

For more than one decade, medicine has publicly stated that fish, tuna, whose useful properties can compete with many pharmaceuticals, is a natural medicine that successfully combats thrombophlebitis, cholecystitis and arrhythmia. It is indicated to be used for persons with weakened immunity, inflammatory diseases and low hemoglobin levels. Regular application (once a week) will keep the heart and circulatory system in a healthy state.

Improving eyesight

The benefits and harm of tuna are scientifically unequal. It has long been proven that products enriched with omega-3 acids, especially sea fish, have a beneficial effect on the visual apparatus. Predator meat protects the retina from drying out, prevents the development of glaucoma and macular degeneration.

Cancer Prevention

The problem of oncology is extremely important all over the world. Repeatedly proven that destroys free radicals and toxins not only fresh fish, but also canned tuna. The benefits and harms of this product have worried humanity for many years. It turns out that in order to prevent the appearance of malignant tumors, you must visit the gastronomic shops every week and buy the exquisite carcass or canned food. It helps to avoid breast, intestine, esophagus, stomach and mouth cancer tasty fish treat.

For the brain

Again, we return to the vitally important for human Omega-3 acids, which our body can not synthesize on its own. Therefore, we must receive them from food. In this gigantic marine life, fats abound. From their deficiency memory weakens, Alzheimer's disease, nervous diseases and other physical ailments develop.

That is why it is extremely important to feed yourself with polyunsaturated fats. The benefits and harm of tuna are time-tested. Clinical studies have confirmed that people who eat fish show better results in their studies, they do not experience apathy, have good blood supply, and rarely have inflammatory conditions.

Natural antidepressant

Melancholics and people with a tendency to depressive conditions, you can advise you to be treated not with chemical preparations, but with natural product - tuna. Consumption of sea fish will save from negative emotions, cheer up, eliminate tension and stress. Omega-3 acids will improve blood flow, hormonal background and immune system. Tasty therapy will have a positive effect on mental health.

Caloric value

The benefits of canned tuna are expressed in a small amount of calories and an abundance of fish oil, but only if there is no marinade and salt in the composition. On 100 g of the product is 190 kcal. This figure is significantly lower for fresh fillets. The percentage of mineral substances and vitamins is almost identical.


To the deep regret of the admirers of the sea delicacy the fish have flaws and contra-indications. These include the presence of hazardous mercury. Tuna accumulates toxic metal through the skin and circulatory system. A large amount of the substance can lead to dangerous consequences: provoke problems with hearing, vestibular apparatus, speech, memory.

This fish is not allowed to be used by women during the period of the baby's nurturing and feeding, as well as to small children (up to 3 years) and persons prone to allergies. The surplus of harmful substances in fish can cause nerve diseases, intoxication, urolithiasis and gout. If, during eating, laryngeal edema appears, red rashes, dizziness, runny or stuffy, this indicates that the product is toxic. Or you have a food allergy.

It is difficult to overestimate the valuable qualities of tuna, and in order not to harm the health, it is necessary to observe the dosage. When buying fish or canned food, carefully monitor the quality and shelf life.

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