Food and drinkSalads

Salad "Whisk" for losing weight. "Whisk" salad for bowel cleansing

It's not a secret for anyone that the intestines need to be cleaned from time to time. After all, when there are slags and toxins in it, digestion disorders are observed, which, in turn, affects the body's condition and weight. And today, more and more popular is the salad "Metelka" for weight loss.

"Melutka" salad: composition and calorie content

This dish is easy to prepare. In addition, for the purification of the intestine you will need those products that almost always exist in every kitchen.

So, the main ingredients of the salad are white cabbage, carrots and beets. These are low-calorie foods that are not difficult to get at all. And for filling use lemon juice. Some experts recommend adding a little garlic to the salad for piquancy.

Thus, the calorie content of 100 g of this dish is only 32 kcal, which is quite small.

Why lettuce helps to lose weight? Valuable properties of the dish

In fact, this dish has very valuable properties. The most commonly used salad is "Panicle" for cleansing the intestines. The fact is that practically All the constituent components are rich in fiber and pectin substances. Fiber is a natural mechanical stimulator of intestinal peristalsis. It's not a secret that products with a high content of vegetable fibers clean the intestines of toxins and normalize the digestion process.

Thus, regular consumption of salad normalizes peristalsis, accelerates digestion and promotes rapid cleansing of the body. But this is not all of the valuable properties of the dish.

After all, the part is used salad "Panicle" for weight loss. First, the body weight decreases due to the release of stool and other slags. Secondly, some of the products have a so-called negative calorie content. This means that the body requires to spend on their assimilation is much more calories than they contain in themselves.

Thus, if you replace one of the meals with this salad (most experts recommend this dish for dinner), you can lose weight and by burning the subcutaneous fat. And do not have to suffer from hunger, as plant fibers swell, filling the stomach and intestines and creating a sense of saturation.

On the other hand, beets, carrots and cabbage are rich in vitamins and minerals, which is very useful for the body. Regular use of this dish improves skin condition, promotes rejuvenation and gives perfect well-being.

Salad "Whisk" for losing weight: a recipe

As already mentioned, cooking this dish requires very little effort. Salad "Metelka" for weight loss is prepared as follows:

  • First chop some fresh white cabbage.
  • Now grate on a small grater fresh beets and carrots.
  • The quantitative ratio of products should be 3: 1: 1
  • Remember the vegetables slightly so they start to start the juice.
  • If desired, you can add a clove of garlic (optional).
  • Season the salad with a little lemon juice.
  • By the way, if you want to refuel, you can use and vegetable oil, but only unrefined. It is best to add a bit of linseed oil to the dish, as it contributes to the process of splitting fats. But olive is not recommended.
  • Leave the salad for ten minutes so that all the vegetables have time to start the juice.

Salt, as well as other spices, can not be added to the dish. It is worth noting that the salad "Metelka" for weight loss can be consumed on fasting days - so losing pounds will be much easier.

Salad "Mistletka" for people with a low acidity of gastric juice

Unfortunately, you can not eat salad "Metelka" for weight loss not all. After all, many people suffer from diseases of the digestive tract. And if you have gastritis with a low acidity, then the prescription can be slightly changed. In particular, instead of fresh cabbage, you can use sauerkraut.

If you suffer from an anatomic gastritis, in which the amount of hydrochloric acid in gastric juice is minimal, you can also use pickled instead of fresh beets. And do not regret lemon juice.

Salad recipe for people with high acidity

If you suffer from gastritis with high acidity, then, naturally, acidic foods, including lemon juice, are contraindicated to you. But do not get upset, as a slightly modified salad will act no worse than the classic.

For cooking, you will need fresh cabbage, raw carrots and boiled beets. But the ratio of products should be changed to 1: 1: 2 (less cabbage, more beets). In addition, you can steal a small amount of prunes and add it to the salad. Cooked beets and prunes favorably affect the intestines, cleanse it of toxins and are considered an excellent prevention of constipation. To fill a salad it is necessary vegetable oil without juice of a lemon and garlic.

Salad "Whisk" for losing weight: reviews

It is worth noting that today there are many options for cooking this dish. But in any case, many people who want to lose weight, choose the salad "Mistletka". Reviews about this dish are really inspiring.

Men and women claim that they really manage to lose weight without giving up their usual diet and adhering to a strict diet. Some say that in just a month of eating this salad for dinner, they manage to get rid of 4-5 extra pounds. In the first half of the day you can eat anything, including sweets.

In addition, once a week you can arrange unloading days, in which only this dish is allowed: the results are also inspiring. Many also note a significant improvement in the well-being and newfound freshness and firmness of the skin. Some people argue that if breakfast is a salad, then more energy and activity during the day is guaranteed.

If you really want to lose weight with this salad, then do not forget about physical activity. After all, regular exercise and walking outdoors help to tighten muscles and saturate tissues with oxygen.

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