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What is the name of Olga? Let's figure it out!

What do you think, what is the name of Olga? And what is its origin? If you are interested, read this article soon!

What is the name of Olga?

Origin. First version

Olga is an Old Russian name, which was previously borrowed from Scandinavian languages, more precisely - on behalf of Helga. In translation, this means "sacred," "bright," "holy," "clear." But that is not all! There is another story of his appearance.

Origin. Version two

You are for no reason in the world to guess what the name of Olga means by the second version of its origin! It is believed that this name is Old Slavonic and comes from the male names of Volkh and Volga. It turns out that in this case Olga is a female form of male names, which in itself does not mean anything.

Name Olga. Characteristic

General interpretation

This female name coded cautiousness and isolation, combined with external activity. The name pushes its owner to give as much time as possible to herself and her own experiences, which she, incidentally, is not inclined to share with others. It is curious that Olga can easily control her behavior: she knows where and how she needs to behave. This is a calculating and diplomatic person.


Little girl Olya since childhood is thoughtful, but vulnerable and touchy person. Random remarks can easily upset her. In addition, the girl is stubborn and does not like to admit her guilt. Olga communicates the same way with boys and girls. She is not attracted by studies and everything connected with it. The undoubted advantage of the girl is that Olya is a fairly calm and balanced person and will never commit insolent and rash acts.

Mature years

At the older age Olga is true to her friends, she has quite a few friends and acquaintances. The girl puts friendships above different material wealth. She (without exaggeration) is ready to make any sacrifices for the sake of her friends. Olga is the soul of any company!

Relations with the opposite sex

Women's name Olga gives her owner a very reasonable attitude to the opposite sex. The girl does not fall in love with the guys without a mind and without a memory, as do her peers and girlfriends. On the contrary, she is cold with men and treats them like her friends. Many guys are, of course, upset. And what does the name Olga mean in terms of family relations?

Family life

Here things are somewhat more complicated. The fact is that in most cases the first Olin love will pass by. She will never marry this man, which will postpone her family happiness for a long time. Do you know why this will happen? Yes, because Olga has a bad habit to compare those men who care for her, with the subject of first love, which seems to her an ideal!

Olga can stay alone even for several years. If a woman still decides to get married, then her fiance will be extremely lucky, because this is a good housewife in the house, a caring mother and, most importantly in her family life, a faithful spouse!

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