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Angina in children (3 years): treatment. Angina in a child of 3 years: how and what to treat

Everyone knows that children are more likely than adults to have angina. This is due to the fact that the child's body is not sufficiently protected by immunity. That is why he is most often exposed to various infections. Malicious microbes have a negative effect on the defenses of the body, significantly reducing them. According to medical statistics, three-year-old children are most often sick with angina.

Pathogens of the disease

The cause of angina can be various infections - either viral or bacterial. Pathological microorganisms that provoke flu or cold in adults cause angina in young children. Children also suffer from the effect on the body of the virus that causes mononucleosis.

The most common bacteria that provoke the appearance of angina are streptococci, which belong to group A. The very cause of the development of pathology can be a strong hypothermia. In some cases, angina is a consequence of chronic inflammation of the tonsils, then it is called tonsillitis.

Quite often, angina is transported by airborne droplets on contact with an infected person. Children can also get infected through drinking and eating. Malicious microbes spread in kindergartens, as well as in contact with sick family members.

Sometimes angina is not only an independent disease. It is one of the signs of other infectious ailments, for example scarlet fever or diphtheria. Angina can be a symptom that indicates the presence of blood pathology (leukemia). That is why the first manifestations of angina should be the reason for an immediate appeal to a doctor. This will eliminate the development of other, more serious ailments.

Symptoms of sore throat

In most cases, the ailment occurs spontaneously in children. What are the main symptoms of angina? They include:
- high temperature (38-40 degrees);
- Acute pain in the throat;
- difficulty opening the mouth;
Pain when swallowing;
- hoarse voice;
Difficulty in swallowing saliva;
- the appearance of unpleasant odors from the mouth;
- weakness;
- headache;
- the appearance of a purulent plaque on the tonsils, which are the brightest sign that the angina in a child is 3 years old (see photo below);

- an increase in the size of the lymph nodes.

Diagnosis of pathology

Angina in children of three years of age does not need complex and special diagnostics. The doctor during a visual examination determines the redness of the throat, the increase in lymph nodes and tonsils, as well as a purulent coating of white color. Diagnosis by a doctor is also made on the basis of the description of the parents of their child's symptoms.

The exact cause of angina is determined after a laboratory examination of a smear from the secretion in the throat. Only the results of such an analysis will indicate which infection caused the disease - bacterial or viral. To determine the causative agents of angina, a small patient's blood test is also performed.
If angina occurs in a three-year-old child, treatment can be prescribed only after clarifying its exact causes. The doctor determines the necessary course of therapy, based on the results of the tests.

Degree of pathology

At the initial stage of the disease, the inflammatory process does not have time to spread to the deep layers of the tissue of the tonsils. In this case, we can say that there was a catarrhal angina. In a three-year-old child, the symptoms and treatment of this pathology do not differ from those of older children. Such a sore throat, as a rule, is easy to treat. The drug course lasts only two to three days and leads to a full recovery. If untimely started treatment, there may be some neglected angina in the child (3 years). Symptoms of this pathology are follicles (yellow-white suppuration). They appear on the tonsils. Getting rid of this pathology requires a lot of effort.

The most severe variant of the disease is the sometimes occurring lacunar angina in a child (3 years). Symptoms and treatment of this form have their own characteristics. A sign of such an angina is the fusion of follicles between themselves. Tonsils completely covered with a kind of bloom. The course of treatment in this case is longer and more complex.

Normalization of temperature

In the event that viral angina in children (3 years) is detected, treatment is performed with antipyretics, local antiseptics, and antiviral drugs. Then, when the cause of the pathology are bacteria, there is a need for the child to take antibiotics.

When the body temperature is raised to 38.5 and above the degrees that angina provoked, in children (3 years) treatment should consist in the appointment of a drug such as Ibuprofen. This medication helps to increase the pain threshold, remove swelling and eliminate fever. You can buy the drug "Ibuprofen" in the pharmacy network without a prescription prescribed by your doctor. The instructions, which are attached to the medication, give a detailed description of dosages and reception conditions. It is necessary to strictly adhere to these recommendations. Otherwise, the drug may cause bleeding in the kidneys and stomach.

If the fever has caused angina in the child (3 years), than to treat the pathology yet? You can also use Paracetamol. This drug will almost completely eliminate the pain and lower the temperature. The medicine can be given and without the appointment of a doctor, while observing the instructions attached to it. Incorrect use of the drug can cause liver disruption.

If angina in children is diagnosed (3 years), what can be done to treat it with the inability of Paracetamol to lower the temperature that has risen to 40 degrees? In this case, the child is given the drug Nurofen and takes some additional measures. For example, make a mixture consisting of 1 tbsp. L. Apple vinegar, the same amount of medical alcohol and a similar volume of water. This means rubs the child's body.

Use of local antiseptics

If there are signs that angina has developed in children (3 years), what is the treatment for this pathology of the throat? At the earliest stage of the disease, babies are prescribed local antiseptics. These are such drugs as Miramistin, Ingalipt, Tangum Verde, Angal Spray and others. They will reduce pain in the throat and disinfect the oral cavity.
If angina is found in children (3 years), the treatment of pathology should include the use of rinsing solutions. Babies are prescribed such drugs as:
- 0.1 percent potassium permanganate;
- a solution of furacilin;
- a mixture of ½ tsp. Baking soda with salt, which is added 2-3 drops of iodine;
- 1% solution of boric acid;
- "Stomatolin".

If the baby can not rinse the neck by itself, then pus from the tonsils is removed with tampons dipped in the medicine. To do this, the parents should wrap the cotton wool on the index finger of their hand, dip it into the preparation and lubricate the child with a throat. This procedure will be much more effective than rinsing.

To lubricate the throat, such drugs as "Stomatolin", "Chlorophylipt" (oily), and also "Leugol" and peroxide with low water content, are suitable.

Use of antibiotics

If, in the event of a streptococcal infection, angina develops in the child (3 years), than treat it? Elimination of pathology will require the use of antibiotics. These drugs are prescribed if there is a raid on the tonsils, tenderness of the lymph nodes on the neck, high fever and there is no cough. In the presence of three of the above signs during the period when angina occurs in a child (3 years), antibiotics are prescribed by a doctor even without microbiological examinations. If one or two symptoms are present, these drugs can be prescribed to the baby only after receiving positive test results.

Angina is an infectious disease. That is why its course takes place in a severe form. The main condition for successful getting rid of the disease is timely measures. This will not only alleviate the condition of the patient, but also prevent serious complications.

Streptococcal infection that causes angina is most sensitive to penicillin. Therefore, these funds are prescribed by the doctor for the baby. So, the preparation of the penicillin group is "Amoxicillin". It is produced in various forms. These can be tablets, syrups or capsules.

If angina in children (3 years), treatment is usually carried out with the use of suspensions. Sometimes babies are given injections. In the case when the child is experiencing penicillin intolerance, or the bacteria to this substance are insensitive, antibiotics assigned to the macrolide group are prescribed. These drugs destroy a large number of pathogenic microorganisms and are highly effective. The first drug of this group is Erythromycin. Currently, its analogues - "Zitrolid", "Sumamed" and "Chemomycin" have received wide circulation.

What drugs are most effective if the baby's angina (3 years)? More quickly eliminate pathology such medicines as "Amoxiclav", "Sumamed", "Flemoxin-solutab", "Augmentin", "Suprax" and "Amosin".

Advice of folk medicine

If the angina in a child (3 years), how to treat it with products given to us by nature? According to experts in the field of health, folk remedies contribute only to alleviating the condition of a sick kid. They relieve painful symptoms in the throat and help the child's body to cope with the disease more quickly. However, they can not replace antibiotics.

If the angina in a child (3 years), how to treat folk remedies of a small patient? There are many recipes for this.

The first advice is to warm your throat. It must be tied with a mohair or woolen scarf. Such a simple procedure will improve blood supply and strengthen the lymph flow. In addition, the child should begin to give abundant and warm drink. At the same time, tea with lemon, fruit jelly, fruit drinks, fruit and potatoes, mineral water, etc., will drink. Using a lot of liquid will help the body to get rid of toxic products that accumulate in the body during illness.

Already in the first stage of the ailment of the baby must be laid in bed. This regime will need to be observed not only during the rise in temperature, but also after two or three days after its normalization. This is necessary in order to avoid violations in the work of the cardiovascular system, which are not uncommon in angina. That's why a dangerous period is desirable to spend in bed.

If the angina in a child (3 years), it can be treated with inhalation. To do this, suitable tools, which are in every house. Onion inhalation is very effective. Healing vegetable rubbed on a grater and put in a glass. Next, a towel is taken and curled in the form of a funnel. Through this homemade tube, breathe onions. The session usually lasts about three to five minutes and is repeated every three hours. It should be borne in mind that the onion should be freshly grated. Otherwise, the effectiveness of the product is significantly reduced.

Such inhalations can be carried out with garlic and onions. Effectively breathe and over freshly cooked potatoes.

Folk healers recommend warming up the throat with buckwheat. For this, the groats should be poured into a frying pan and calcined on fire. After that, the hot buckwheat is placed in a bag and the throat is warmed by it. This method is especially good at the initial stages of the disease. However, it should be borne in mind that heating is prohibited when the body temperature rises.

Do not forget about raspberry jam and honey. These products not only help the sick neck, but also become entertainment for the baby. Spread jam or honey deep dish and ask the child to lick it. Usually, children gladly agree to do this. In the process of licking the product, the root of the tongue will be strained and blood circulation in the pharynx will improve. At the same time, the neck is disinfected.

Folk doctors advise to treat angina with a lemon. Two or three slices of this fruit should be peeled off and removed from them white film. Alternately, slices of lemon will need to be put in the child's mouth closer to the throat. The ideal option is one in which the baby absorbs the lobules. But even if the child can not do this, the curative fruit will have its disinfecting effect. The procedures are repeated every three hours. At the initial stages of the disease, this method can even stop the spread of the infection.

When raining on the tonsils will need rinsing. To do this, prepare a solution of 1 tsp. Alcoholic tincture of St. John's wort, calendula or eucalyptus and a hundred grams of warm water. With this drug the neck of the child should be washed five to six times a day. For rinses, you can take a head of garlic crushed into a gruel and filled with a glass of warm boiled water. During the procedure, the solution should not fall through the throat in the ears. To avoid this, with the baby it will be necessary to play in the chicken, throwing his head back and asking him to continuously repeat "co-to-co."

At the end of the rinsing procedure, it is advisable to give the child a preparation with an antiseptic in the form of a candy. With angina, a good effect is provided by drugs, the main component of which are phenol, chlorhexidine or dequalinium chloride. Lozenges can be made independently. The formulation of such a drug includes the following ingredients:
- 2 tbsp. L. Carrots, grated on a small grater;
- 1 tbsp. L. Honey;
- 20 droplets of propolis tincture (sold in pharmacies);
- 1 tsp. Lemon juice;
- 1 tsp. Sea buckthorn oil or rose hips.

All components should be mixed, then put the floor of the teaspoon of the drug under the child's tongue. Such a candy baby should dissolve slowly.

The warming compress will alleviate the child's condition. For its preparation you will need to take two parts of honey, one - aloe and 3 - vodka. This mixture is impregnated with several layers of bandage, which should be put on the neck of the baby closer to the jaw. It's all covered with a film and wrapped around with a warm scarf. This compress is changed three times during the day. In addition, it must be done a new one at night.

On an acute stage of the disease the baby will be helped by a compress of cottage cheese. He will remove even the most acute pain. For this procedure, one hundred grams of pressed cottage cheese at room temperature should be wrapped in linen cloth. Prepared in this way, the product is placed under the jaw of the baby. On top of the fabric with curd is covered with a film, and the neck is wrapped in a scarf.

Advice of a famous pediatrician

Eugene Komarovsky is considered modern Spock. This is a pediatrician who has thirty years of medical experience and writes about the care of the child and his upbringing. Komarovsky's books are very popular with parents. The Soviets of the famous pediatrician are followed by many families raising young children. About the difficulties that arise in the first five years of life, Komarovsky says without categorical and dramatic. His writings are written in a simple and rational language, with a touch of humor.

According to the famous pediatrician, angina always begins suddenly and has an acute nature of the course. This child "picks up" this virus disease much quicker after the hypothermia, stress, SARS or acute respiratory disease suffered by him. It is during this period that a small patient is weakened by immunity.

Komarovsky does not refer to doctors who frighten parents with various horror stories. He argues that angina can pass quickly enough with timely and proper treatment. Otherwise, the ailment will cause serious complications in organs such as the heart, joints and kidneys.

If there was such a nuisance as a baby's angina (3 years), Komarovsky advises to immediately begin treatment of the baby. At the same time, he gives his parents some recommendations. So, if the angina in a child (3 years) than to treat it:
- give antibiotics to fight the virus, and also apply these drugs to the neck;
- comply with bed rest, which will normalize the temperature;
- Give the child only soft food, which will not hurt the tonsils;
- Provide the baby with a plentiful drink of room temperature (mineral water, tea, fruit drinks, compotes);
- rinse the neck or wipe it, if the baby can not perform this procedure on his own;
- Give painkillers and antipyretic drugs at high temperature.

Prevention of disease

Parents should first of all prevent the occurrence of any diseases in the child. The well-known pediatrician Komarovsky insists on this. In order that children as little as possible hurt, they must have strong immunity. How to achieve this? To strengthen the defenses of the body will need to create an optimal temperature regime and normal humidity in the room. In addition, contact with allergens should be minimized. It is necessary to develop a rational and balanced diet for the child. The kid needs a lot of walking outdoors, actively moving and tempering.

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