HealthDiseases and Conditions

Skin rash

Skin rashes are the centers of mass pathological changes that appear on the epidermis. Elements of these tumors are various kinds of eruptions. They are divided into two groups. The first of these includes morphological elements, which appear on the skin that has not previously undergone changes. Secondary manifestations included in the next group are the result of degeneration of the initial rash. They can also appear after the disappearance of the primary elements.

The entire spectrum of diseases, currently known to medical science, is associated with various changes in the skin of the human body. Basically they are manifested in the form of rashes. And this is completely natural from the point of view of physiology. Skin, being the largest organ of the human body, instantly reacts to any pathological process occurring in the body. Therefore, in order to establish the correct diagnosis of the disease, it is necessary to check with a specialist.

Skin rashes can have a different rate of appearance, be located on any part of the body, accompanied by itching or not to have it. In addition, the foci of pathological processes differ in color.

The most common skin rash:

- blisters (dense rough elements, raised above the level of the epidermis);

- Bubbles (filled with a clear liquid of the cavity on the skin);

- stains (not emerging from the skin neoplasm);

- papules (nodules located in the depth of the skin and not having cavities inside);

- pustules (blisters containing pus);

- crusts (neoplasms in places of disappearance of erosions, vesicles, ulcers, pustules, which testify to the process of recovery);

- erosion and ulcers (elements that violate the integrity of the skin, having an internal substance content).

The causes of skin diseases can be infectious. Such pathologies include:

- lichen palsy- like type;

- syphilis;

- A simple wart;

- molluscum contagiosum ;


- rubrophytic;

- Pemphigus;

- shingles of the shingles;

- Ostiophalliculitis;

- pink and red flat lichen ;

- scabies;

- pointed condyloma;

- Candidiasis;

- inguinal epidermophyte.

There are also types of skin diseases that are not associated with infectious causes. They include:

- seborrheic dermatitis;

- Lupus erythematosus;

- melanoma;

- chelaazmu;

- senorrhoea-type senile keratoma;

- vitiligo;

- flat wart ;

- ordinary and rosacea ;

- hives;

- solar keratosis;

- psoriasis;

- dermatitis of a mechanical nature;

- intertrigo;

- medicinal toxicoderms.

A certain role in the manifestation of symptoms of skin diseases is a deficiency in the diet of essential vitamins and trace elements, which causes violations of carbohydrate, fat and protein metabolism. Some pathological processes, the consequence of which are rashes, are caused by dysfunction of the central nervous and endocrine system. Skin diseases can be a consequence of the defeat of blood vessels, as well as organs of hematopoiesis.

Only a specialist with the help of various methods of research can determine the correct diagnosis. He will find out the reason why a skin rash has arisen, and will prescribe the necessary course of treatment. Before examining the doctor should not use ointments to get rid of tumors. These procedures can exacerbate pathological processes, complicate the diagnosis of the disease and slow its further therapy.

Preliminary treatment for the underlying disease. The course of taking medication should be recommended by a specialist. There are cases when the skin rash passes by itself. This occurs in those situations where the cause of the pathology is an infectious disease (chickenpox, measles, rubella).

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