HealthDiseases and Conditions

Lacunar tonsillitis, causes, symptoms and treatment

What is angina? This is the name of an acute infectious disease affecting the entire body. But first of all it affects the palatine tonsils. Depending on the depth of inflammation of the lymphoid tissue, there may be a catarrhal, superficial form of the disease; Lacunar - angina with a deeper lesion, and follicular - with purulent inflammation of the follicles.

With the catarrhal form of the disease, inflammation is superficial. Such a disease usually ends with a quick recovery. But with weakened immunity or lack of catarrhal treatment, lacunar angina may develop - with more pronounced manifestations of general intoxication, high fever and pronounced inflammatory phenomena. The disease can be caused by an infection that comes from outside or from the foci of the patient. More often, it is a chronic inflammation of the tonsils or carious teeth.

The causative agent most often are streptococci and staphylococci. But there are possible tonsillitis, the cause of which is pneumococci, fungi and other microorganisms. Infection can be transmitted from the patient or carrier by air or through dishes, household items.

Symptoms of the disease

The disease is usually preceded by hypothermia or the use of cold drinks. Sometimes lacunar angina, the symptoms of which consist of general and local manifestations, manifests itself against the background of a decrease in immunity. In this case, it is particularly difficult.

Of the common symptoms, one can note a feeling of weakness, a headache, and a temperature increase sometimes up to 39 ° and above. The patient may have chills, increased heart rate, pain in the heart, muscle pains, a feeling of aching in the bones.

Locally lacunar tonsillitis manifests itself as symptoms of purulent inflammation of the tonsils. Patients are troubled by a sore throat, a feeling of persecution. The pain increases with swallowing. Zev is brightly hyperemic. Palatine arches are edematous. Tonsils are enlarged, edematous. Against the background of hyperemia, you can see white purulent plaque in the mouths of the lacunae. With lacunar angina, inflammation occurs in the deeper follicles, and they are not visible on the surface of the tonsils. But purulent discharge from them enters lacunae, forming a plaque.

Treatment of lacunar angina

When a patient has lacunar tonsillitis, how to treat it, the doctor should decide. Self-medication is unacceptable, since this disease can give serious complications to the heart, kidneys, joints. Treatment is appointed individually. It consists of antibacterial therapy, symptomatic treatment and local treatment. Antibiotics are taken in the form of tablets or in injections intramuscularly. Continue treatment for at least 7 days.

When carrying out antibacterial therapy, ampicillin, ampiox, oxacillin, amoxiclav and others are prescribed. Sometimes sulfonamides are prescribed simultaneously, although their effectiveness in such a disease as lacunar angina is low.

As a symptomatic therapy prescribed antipyretic, antihistamines, vitamins. To relieve pain in the throat, you can take strepsils, falimint. You can use for processing throat gum, inhalipt, hexoral.

The patient should often rinse his throat to remove pus and microorganisms from the tonsils. For rinsing, you can use rivanol, baking soda, furacillin, tincture of calendula, eucalyptus, chamomile broth.

The patient is usually treated at home. It can be a source of infection. Therefore, it is isolated from the healthy, it is necessary to give him a separate dish. He needs to lie, observing bed rest. It is necessary to give abundant drink, if there are no contraindications to it in the form of kidney disease or hypertension. Before discharge from the sick leave, the patient must by all means submit to a general analysis of blood and urine.

If the treatment was carried out correctly, the disease ends with complete recovery. For the prevention of angina, you need to sanitize the nasopharynx, in time to treat sick teeth. Do not forget about it. Good health to you!

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