HealthHealthy Eating

The benefits of tomatoes. What do we know about them?

The tomato, which is also a tomato, has not only an appetizing appearance and fine taste, but also has a number of medicinal properties. The benefits of tomatoes are due to the presence in this vegetable of vitamins, minerals and other nutrients. It will be quite difficult for the human body to perform its functions without these substances, although they are not critical (that is, you can get along without tomatoes). Useful substances include:

- fructose and glucose;

- pectin, fiber, folic acid;

- carotene, lycopene, xanthophyll - stains the fruit in a bright red color;

- organic acids - tartaric, succinic, malic, oxalic, citric;

- starch, protein nitrogen, carotenoid - provitamin A and a natural antioxidant.

It is worth noting that the benefits of red tomatoes are much greater than their yellow counterparts. Tomatoes are very useful for problems with the digestive system. Lemon and malic acids promote the normalization of digestion, the regulation of acid-base balance and thereby prevent premature aging of the body. Especially tomatoes are useful for gastritis with low acidity. Tomatoes have the property of indigestion, so they are recommended for constipation. There are many more diseases with which the most common tomatoes will help. Therefore, if you still do not know what good tomatoes are, you are absolutely healthy and you have never had to balance your diet.

We go further, lycopene - an active antioxidant, superior in its properties, even vitamin C. Therefore, the benefits of tomatoes in reducing the risk of cancer are indisputable. Likopen is also useful in diseases of the cardiovascular system and for the prevention of the development of dystrophy of the "yellow spot". This disease causes blindness, and they suffer people older than 55 years. It is important to know that the concentration of lycopene increases if the tomato is cooked or baked. Therefore, not only fresh tomatoes are useful, but also subjected to heat treatment, as well as tomato paste, sauce, juice and ketchup.

To feel the benefits of tomatoes, you need to eat at least 20 fruits a week. Lycopene, found in fresh tomatoes, will be better absorbed if you add olive or other vegetable oil to the tomato salad. Tomato is an excellent antidepressant, not worse than chocolate, so in critical situations, just eat a few fruits, and you will see for yourself the benefits of a tomato. It contains a large dose of serotonin and thiamine, the hormones of happiness that promote mood and fight depression. Agree, in terms of urbanization, this is perhaps one of the most valuable products. Tomatoes are perfect for people with chronic fatigue, a decline in strength, in a depressed state after mental or physical upheavals.

The benefits of tomatoes are also manifested in the fight against excess kilograms, since this is a low-calorie vegetable. Using tomatoes for food, you will not only gain excess weight, but lose some fat. The effect of losing weight is achieved thanks to the content of chrome in tomatoes. This microelement suppresses the feeling of hunger, and during food accelerates the appearance of a sense of satiety. On the basis of fresh and baked tomatoes even special mono-diets have been created.

Contraindications to the use of tomatoes - a cholelithiasis, hypertension and a tendency to the formation of kidney stones. As you can see from all of the above, to use a bag you need any product, including tomatoes, the benefits and harm of which are obvious. In the diet of almost every person, if there is no probability of occurrence of undesirable reactions, these products must be present.

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