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American writer and psychologist Liri Timothy: biography

Nineteen years ago, a scientist, psychologist, progressive public figure and writer Timothy Leary passed away. The work of a man who embodied his time with works and ideas, gradually faded away about half a century ago. We know him as one of the most influential personalities of the last century. Biography Timothy Leary inspires and shock. He won public acclaim with narcotic experiments, battles with the narrow-mindedness of the man in the street. Liri Timothy knew exactly what his mission was, and confidently carried it out.

Early childhood and family

Such an outstanding personality was born in the small town of Springfield in Massachusetts on October 22, 1920. An inspiring example for him was his grandfather - a wealthy Catholic, inspiring little Tim reverence and love for art. Father Timothy worked as a dentist in the army and drank heavily. Domestic violence was unbearable. When Timothy was twelve years old, his father gave him a hundred dollars and left home to seek a better life alone. Liri was raised by his devout aunt. In contrast to the education received, the boy grew up as a rebel with a subtle spiritual perception of the world. Having set up teachers against themselves in school, Timothy did not receive the necessary recommendation to the college. Instead, he went to a Jesuit school near Worcester. Despite strict discipline, the guy distinguished himself in studies and stayed there for almost a year.

Military Academy and the first steps in the study of psychology

Discovering a craving for military art, Liri Timothy successfully passed the exams at West Point, the military academy. At that time he was twenty years old. After spending three months in the strictest discipline, the guy began to drink alcohol and solder his peers. He was punished: for a year he could not communicate with his classmates.

In the summer of 1941, Leary left the army and entered the University of Alabama at the Faculty of Psychology. There, too, he did not linger - he was expelled in the fall of 1942 for his dissolute behavior. Liri was taken to the army in 1943. In the courses where the officers were trained, Timothy meets the girl Marianne, who later becomes his first wife.

The future scientist still gravitates toward psychology, therefore, despite the received rank of corporal, he returns to science. The diploma of the University of Washington Timothy received, studying the statistical analysis of intellectual indicators. He defends his doctoral dissertation at the University of California. Success and recognition come to Leary. He starts multifaceted work (simultaneously exploring interpersonal diagnostics and group therapy), works in Berkeley and helps to select candidates for priests. His research was gaining popularity, and the first book, "Interpersonal Diagnosis of Personality," was honored with the title of the Year of the Year by the American Psychological Association in 1959.

Wife and kids

The personal life of Timothy Leary was full of tragedies. With his wife Marianna they raised two children. Liri Timothy did not differ parental talent: together with his wife they often got drunk. Marianne committed suicide the day after the 35th birthday of Timothy. Next year Leary takes the children and leaves for Europe. He is worried about the future - it seems gloomy and unpromising.

Acquaintance with psilobicin and first experiments

At this very moment Leary learns about the wonderful properties of the sacred Mexican mushrooms. Initially, Leary is frightened of their properties and tries to dissuade their friends from using them. Staying in Florence, Timothy meets McClelland, who promises him a successful future in psychology and gives him a job at Harvard for three years.

In the summer of 1960, at the age of forty, Dr. Liri visits Mexico and acquires the experience of consuming mushrooms. Liri's experiment is described in his work "Religious Experience: Its Realization and Interpretation." Returning to Harvard, the scientist establishes a project to study psilobicin. His goal was to study the hidden potential of the human nervous system. The project was a success: hundreds of people became interested and joined it. The press actively covered their discoveries, demonstrating the potential of psychedelic drugs.

"Good Friday"

Leading artists, intellectuals and scientists of that time participated in the development of Leary. Timothy Leary's method was that the participants in the experiment took psilobicin, and then shared their experiences. The so-called "Good Friday", an experiment with a religious beginning, was conducted by Walter Panke. Students studying theology took psilobicin and had religious visions comparable to the experience of famous saints and mystics.

Expansion of activities and conclusion

To expand the scope and popularization of Liri's research, Timothy and his colleagues base the International Federation of Internal Freedom. All experiments and studies of psychedelic experience are made public. Leary believes that his own development is more important than the position at Harvard, so the leadership dismisses Timothy and his assistant. Leary believed that education anesthesizes consciousness, lulls and does not allow thinking on your own. In his view, education is designed to fully control the mind of the student.

Liri expands the scope of her propaganda. He is interested in environmental, legal and anti-war movements, in which he immediately occupies important positions. With their headquarters, Timothy and the staff announce the estate in New York, where they continue their activities with the well-known motto "Cut, tune, recline," for which Leary will lose membership in the scientific community.

Three years later, Leary was waiting for an arrest: he was found marijuana. Not only that he won the court, subsequently thanks to his case, the laws on marijuana taxes became unconstitutional. Leary decided to run for governor of California, which caused a flurry of negative reactions from the prosecutor's office, and the case resumed. Everything was arranged so that Leary could not get out of the water dry. The largest deposit in the history of the court of America (five million dollars), a few crumbs of marijuana as evidence, a refusal to appeal and ten years of imprisonment were the result. Timothy escaped nine months later.

Escape and a second conclusion

Leary and his second wife Rosemary went to Europe, to Algeria, and a year later fled to Switzerland. He sought political protection in various countries, and meanwhile the entire intellectual elite raised uprisings in his defense. Switzerland agreed to shelter Leary, but later still issued it. Even Rosemary left her husband, she will spend the next quarter of a century underground.

Liri was once again in prison since 1973. Now he was waiting for a term of 75 years. Leary testified against his friends that after liberation a year later he tried to deny.

The last years of life and death

The last twenty years of his life have passed in glory. He continued to embody the psychedelic movement, although he did not so zealously propagandize them.

Even his death was a spectacular event. He was diagnosed with "inoperable prostate cancer." On May 31, 1996, the psychologist died, his death was recorded on video. The cremated remains of Liri were distributed to friends and relatives, some of them were burned in the atmosphere.

The great scientist and psychologist Timothy Leary was satisfied with his life and believed that he had done everything he wanted. Lyrie embodies the whole of the stunning and rebellious twentieth century. His life perfectly describes his last words: "Why not?".

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