EducationThe science

Amazing experiment with egg and vinegar

Not many thought what would happen if the egg was put in vinegar. This action can be conducted with children in primary and secondary schools. Then your crumbs will flash knowledge in the field of chemistry, as well as in the lessons of the surrounding world. It's time not to think, but to conduct an experiment with the egg and vinegar. The instruction in our article.

What is needed for the experiment

For this experiment, you need to have two chicken eggs on hand. Although amazing properties you will only observe one of them. But the second you will need to compare. In our experience there were two brown eggs. You will also need a glass, but you also need to use two. And, of course, a bottle of vinegar. A surprising experiment with vinegar and egg is low-cost and budget. This is his main advantage. The two eggs that you take for the experience should be the same in color and size. And, in general, they should not be different from each other. The main thing is that they fit in the size of the glasses you have prepared. Check that the test eggs are intact, without any chips and cracks.

Experiment with egg and vinegar. Stage one: preparatory

The first glass is filled with ordinary tap water. But not to the brim, as when immersing the egg in a glass, the contents will pour out. To prevent this from happening, fill 2/3 cup of liquid. The second vessel you fill with vinegar in the same proportions.

Phase two: experimental

We begin the experiment with egg and vinegar. The first fruit you immerse in a glass of water, and the second - in a bowl of vinegar. Egg in a glass of water is necessary in order to compare the changes and transformations that have occurred with what is in vinegar. Do not regret one more copy, as the experience with the egg and vinegar will show the difference and changes with them in the first minute.

Stage Three: Observation

Chicken egg in acid instantly covered with small bubbles. After 10 minutes it starts to strangely strange in the glass. And then it does float up to the surface of the vinegar in the vessel. While in the glass with acid there is a chemical reaction with the egg, in the dishes with water absolute calm. The egg just lies on the bottom of the glass. For what happens in a glass of vinegar, it's very interesting to watch. You just look at how beautiful the egg looks, covered with small bubbles, which periodically float to the surface. Experiment with egg and vinegar can be done for a long time. True, in two hours it looks no longer so beautiful, as in the beginning of the experiment. On the surface of the vinegar a brown stain was formed.

Stage four: observation after 12 hours

Our curiosity has not disappeared, so we continue the experiment with egg and vinegar. After 12 - 15 hours, the situation did not change much. The brown stain acquired a more intense shade, the foam on the surface of the vinegar became even thicker, and the bubbles covering the egg increased in size. Where do you think the brown spot came from? Yes, it's that brown egg shell.

Stage five: observation after 20 hours

Here comes the moment when you can take the eggs out of the dishes with liquids. Chicken fruit, which was in a glass of water, outwardly, in our opinion, did not change anything. What can not be said about the egg that was in acetic acid. Attention! It is necessary to extract this egg from vinegar with the help of improvised means, whether it is a spoon or large forceps. Pay attention to what properties it has acquired. The remains of a brown shell can be erased with a finger, it has become very soft. Wash it under running water. And now, it is not at all what it was at the beginning of our experiment. About the egg you will be reminded only by the shape of this object. Now it has turned into a jumping-off. But do not rush to beat him to the floor. Changes with the egg were amazing.

Stage six: the discovery of new functions in the acetic egg

Our egg became elastic, elastic and translucent. This means that from it you can make a unique night light. Since it has become semi-transparent, then if you shine a flashlight in the egg, you can see how it moves the yolk. If there is a great desire, then you can even make a musical light show to surprise your friends at one of the home parties. In our opinion, this looks very beautiful and unusual.

How to make color music

For this invention, you will need a music column with color music. Paint superfluous light-emitting diodes by a dark electrical tape or something suitable that is at you near at hand. Put the egg on the open bulbs and enjoy the effect.

If you are tired of color music

There will come a time when you want to do something new and unusual with this egg, then you can check it for strength. If it is thrown to a small height above the surface, then the egg, due to its elasticity, will slightly rebound from the landing site for short distances. This game can continue until the shell breaks through. Protective film egg-poprygunchika was quite dense. The yolk was no different from the usual, except for the sharp smell of vinegar.

Amazing experiment with vinegar and egg: how to make it rubber

This experience will last for three days. Similarly, take a chicken egg, immerse it in acetic acid, leave for three days. After a few days, you also use the tools to remove the egg from food acetic acid. It will no longer be as elastic and elastic as the egg was in the main experiment. But in this case it can not burst.

Easter Egg

So there were Orthodox traditions, that on the bright holiday of Easter it is customary to paint chicken eggs. A dye is added to the beaker with hot water. Depending on the method of preparation, table vinegar is added in the same way. It is necessary to make the egg shell loose, that is, to release some of the carbon to the surface (just in the form of the film that we observed on the surface of the vinegar). But the coloring of the egg lasts not 20 hours, but only a few minutes. Due to this, the surface of the shell and becomes slightly loose, the particles of paint fall into the micro-holes, thereby the egg acquires the color we need.

Study science, put experiments and always remember that chemical experiments are conducted under the supervision of adults and in chemical protection suits.

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