EducationThe science

Basic properties of the system

To study this or that property of the system, there are a number of general principles. So, each structure is due to the space-time form of communication or interaction between elements. The integrity of the system takes place if the existence of it is necessary to maintain the functioning of any structure or depends on its activities.

In accordance with the principle of necessary diversity, the components can not be identical, they must have an individuality. Elements must be at least two. The exact maximum number does not exist, the components can be an infinite number. If the elements interact in a structure in a strictly defined way, then deterministic systems take place.

It should be noted that the relationships between the components have an important meaning. The properties of the system can not be fully investigated only on the basis of the study of its parts. So, for example, the details of the whole mechanism can not be judged from the details. The overall effect of several factors is almost always different from the result of their separate effects.

Studying the properties of the system, they carry out and investigate the nature of the connections between its components. Corresponding to this feature, several types of structures are distinguished. So, there are isolated, closed systems. There are also open structures, the study of which is carried out within the framework of the theory of organization. There are also dynamic systems. Between the elements of the environment and the components inside them, there is interaction, expressed in the transfer of information, energy and matter.

Considering the properties of the system, one should mention the ability to self-preservation. This is achieved due to the presence of stability and endurance, the predominance of internal interactions over external ones. For this, in turn, the transformation of energy is necessary. The possibility of achieving the main goal is a potential efficiency.

The behavior of the system is its action in time. The change in this indicator is considered a reaction of the structure, its adaptation or adaptation. The consolidation of new properties, in which there is an increase in potential efficiency, is called evolution or development of the system.

One of its important features is the absence of monotony, i.e. Unevenness. The periods at which the accumulation of changes take place are replaced by sharp jumps, which provoke significant changes in the structure. As a rule, such periods are connected with the so-called splitting of the existing evolutionary path. From the choice of this or that direction, a lot depends, up to the formation of new societies, organisms or the destruction of the structure.

The properties of the system make it possible to represent it in the form of a certain sign image or material similarity. It should be said that modeling is inevitably accompanied by a certain simplification, a formalization of the interaction in it.

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