Spiritual developmentDream Interpreter

Let's look into the dream book: tears - why would it?

In the life of every person there are moments that cause him violent emotions and Accompanied by weeping and tears. And it is not necessary that some sad and tragic circumstances contribute to this : you can cry from happiness. What if the tears came to us in a dream? What to expect and what to prepare for? We will try to find answers to these questions by applying for the interpretation of dreams to the most famous and popular dream books of our time.

Ancient French dream book: tears for joy

According to the interpretation of this source, tears and crying in a dream promise the arrival of pleasant and joyful events. Also, the dreamer can expect various meetings, which in the future will play an important role in the career.

What does it mean to cry in a dream?

The modern dream book of tears treats as a sign, predicting impending trouble and trouble. If in a dream you see other people crying, then your problems and troubles will cause anxiety and a desire to help those around you, friends and colleagues.

If you dream that you are shedding tears while chopping onions, then in real life you risk showing weakness and yielding to persistent demands, which you will later find very difficult to tolerate. In the event that the cause of tears is grinding on the grater, the cause of your problems and concerns may be accidentally discovered by you a letter or a note to your husband or lover from a mistress. What other interpretation of such dreams offers us this dream book? Tears of someone else's child, he treats as a forerunner of future troubles with children. A mother shedding tears symbolizes a feeling of desperate loneliness, experienced by a dreamer. If in a dream you laugh to tears, then in real life you risk very much offending your loved one with an unjust reproach.

Why crying? Islamic dream book

Tears are very often a sign that a person is experiencing loneliness and is very homesick for relatives and friends, being forced to be far from them. Deserted cold tears, according to the interpretation of this dream book, promise the dreamer a variety of joys and pleasures, and hot - sorrow and anxiety. If you saw tears in the eyes of someone you know, then most likely this person suffers from his own waste.

What do we foretell the Roma dream book? Tears

To cry in a dream is to get a letter with bad news. If you see a crying baby, then you are waiting for good and pleasant news.

Magic dream book: tears in a dream - a sign of weakness

If in a dream you saw yourself crying and unable to stop tears, then in real life you are most likely a very weak person who can not find the strength to resist the blows of fate and life challenges. And you do not want to admit to yourself of your own weakness, but shift responsibility to other people and circumstances. This dream book recommends that you stop whining and look for excuses to failures, and get down to building your own destiny. If in a dream you have a great desire to cry, but with all your might hold back tears, then in reality you try not to share your problems with others, but you experience them yourself, alone. Do not be afraid to show your emotions! After all, there are people around you who are always ready to help or even to console.

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