
ALT. AST in the blood

ALT, AST are special proteins, more precisely - enzymes contained in cells that take an active part in the exchange of amino acids - those substances from which proteins are built. Both ALT and AST are contained exclusively in the cells of the human body. There is only one reason why ALT, AST enter the bloodstream - this is the damage or destruction of the cells in which they were. These enzymes are not contained in the same amount (equally) in all organs. Therefore, if the level of blood in one of these enzymes has increased, this may be a sign of the appearance of the disease in one or another organ. So, for example, during the course of any liver disease AST increases more than AST. In acute myocardial infarction ALT activity is also significantly higher than in AST. ACT activity is significantly increased in severe hepatocyte damage. In general, ACT activity refers, on average, to ALT activity as 1 to 3 (the so-called "de Ritis coefficient"). Approximately 10 or 15 days before the onset of jaundice, the activity of these enzymes also increases. And a few weeks before the appearance of hepatitis B, there is also an increase in ALT and AST , which peaks at the second or third week of the course of the disease. And with a favorable course of the disease on the 30-40th day the amount of ALT returns to its normal level again, and the number of ASTs is 25-31. If the increase in ALT and AST is repeated, this indicates that necrosis of the tissues of the diseased organ has repeated or progresses. But if the disease has passed from an acute period to a chronic one, then the amount of the above enzymes in the blood does not fall for a long time, remaining stable or even continuing to grow.

When liver cirrhosis proceeds in its latent form, an increase in these enzymes is practically not observed. However, if the patient has cirrhosis in active form, then the increase in ALT and AST is stable, but rather small. This increase was found in the vast majority of those who are sick with an active form of cirrhosis.

To fix ALT activity, more sensitive tests are used than those used to establish the amount of AST in the patient's blood. Determine the activity of these enzymes will help blood test. ALT is mainly found in the cells of organs such as the liver, skeletal muscles, heart, kidneys and pancreas. If there is any damage to these organs (most often due to some kind of disease), then ALT penetrates into the blood, which should not be provided that the body is absolutely healthy. The timely analysis of blood plays an important role in diagnosing the increase in undesirable activity of enzymes. ALT, AST, trapped in the blood, it is almost impossible to determine in any other way. An exception can only be a urinalysis.

AST is also found in the myocardium, skeletal muscles, liver cells and nervous tissue. It is smaller in the kidneys, pancreas and lungs. If the aforementioned organs are damaged, this leads to the fact that the level in the blood of the AST increases and significantly exceeds the norm. So, the increase in ALT and AST is the first sign that with any of the organs in which these enzymes are contained, problems have occurred.

The norm of enzymes for women and men is not the same. On average, in men, ALT is not higher than 47 units per liter, while for women ALT, AST - both indicators should not exceed 31 units per liter. For children, these indicators vary by age and sex. In boys, the norm of AST, ALT, on average, can be several units per liter more than the same indicator for their peers.

Not always an increase in these enzymes is a sign of the disease. For example, an increase in ALT, AST is often found in those who are completely healthy carriers of hepatitis B antigen. This indicates that the liver is asymptomatic, but quite active processes. Quite often mothers are worried when they find out what the blood test was - ALT, AST in a child is increased. If the child is small and his age does not exceed 6 months - in this case the level of these substances in his blood can be exceeded, and this is not a violation of the norm.

If, as shown by the blood test, ALT, AST in a pregnant woman is not normal, it is most likely a consequence of biological rearrangements in a woman's body. Approximately in the first 6 months of the pregnancy process, ALT may fall (but in a number of cases it rises during this period, which is also not a sign of the disease). Further, shortly before birth, the amount of these enzymes in a woman can exceed the norm by two or three times. This is usually eloquently evidenced by a blood test. ALT, AST, elevated during pregnancy, usually do not talk about any disease.

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