Food and drink, Recipes
Almond cookies - a recipe according to GOST and its variations
We have been known since childhood to be an amazing, crunchy-nutty and at the same time delicate taste of almond cookies. Baking cakes with this fragrance is also popular. Now this culinary product is produced in a variety of options, and the names they have in different countries are different (in Ukraine, for example, it is called "Cracow cake"). Let's try to recreate this famous masterpiece of baking in our kitchen. Fortunately in shops you can now buy almond flour - powdered nucleoli. The most difficult thing - the preparation of the nut mass - is already behind us. It remains only kneading the dough and baking itself.
Almond cookies: recipe according to GOST
The Soviet food industry did not like delicacies, but because this product does not need a lot of products and hassle. Take 120 g of nucleoli nuts, not peeled from the brown peel and not fried, and grind them in a coffee grinder or blender into flour. As already mentioned, you can buy ready-made almond mass and put it in a high saucepan or mixer. Add a glass or a little less sugar and three egg whites. Lightly beat everything with a mixer. Put the saucepan on a small gas and bring to a temperature of about 40 degrees Celsius. Check with your finger: the mass should be warm, but not burn. During warming, do not forget to mix the contents so that it does not settle. Pour 30 g of flour into a saucepan through a sieve. The dough should still remain liquid, like a pancake. The oven should be heated to 200 ° C, no more, and cover the pan with oiled paper (for accuracy, and lightly sprinkle with flour). Spoon the dough into circles 4-5 cm in diameter. There should be free space between the cakes, as they will increase during baking. In an oven to keep them it is necessary no more than 15 minutes, up to an easy blush. Remove from the baking tray only when the products are completely cooled.
Almond cookies without flour
In this recipe, we increase the number of proteins from three to five. We start with whipping them (well cooled) in a mixer until a thick foam forms. Gradually add a glass of sugar in several receptions, continuing to whisk at high speeds. You should get a thick and shiny white mass. Two hundred grams of almond powder or a mixture of different nuts (you can even add coconut chips as a bold experiment) into proteins. Stir the spoon from the bottom up, so that the dough does not opal. We put it on the baking tray as in the previous recipe. With a half-hour oven at 150 ° C. If you overdo it, you will get almond biscuits - also delicious, besides they are kept for a long time.
Almond Cookies: French Recipe
This product in France is called "Macaroni". For him, you do not need almond flour, but powder. Mix 75 g of nut powder and 150 g of sugar. Two whites to beat, add almond mass, beat again. Put in small circles, let stand for half an hour, then bake at 150 ° C for 20 minutes. Bizet glued together with jam or caramel.
Almond cookies: recipe "Amaretto"
It is made similarly to the French version, but in the dough is added grated lemon peel, a teaspoon of lemon juice and almond essence. This dish is baked for 45 minutes at 150 ° C.
Almond cookies: recipe for Moroccan
Three whipped egg whites are beaten with a pinch of salt, add half a glass of sugar, put on a slow fire and continue whipping until the crystals dissolve. Remove from heat, add almond flour (200 g). Whisk for another five minutes with a mixer at high speed. We put it into a pastry bag and squeeze it onto paper baskets. We put in the oven, heated to 150ºС, for 20 minutes.
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