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Alkaline diet: a list of products, menus, recipes, reviews

It's no secret that many Hollywood beauties are experiencing different diets. There are already a lot of ways to get rid of excess weight. But recently an absolute leader among various ways to lose weight has become an alkaline diet. Experts believe that this is rather a rational and thoughtful approach to the formation of their own diet.

Jennifer Aniston, Kirsten Dunst, Gwyneth Paltrow, Victoria Beckham and many other world-class stars have officially recognized this way of losing weight the most effective, effective and safe for health. What is the secret of an alkaline diet?

Everything should be in balance

Scientists have long proven that longevity, health and the absence of disease in humans can be due to the correct internal balance of alkali and acid in the body. Experts believe that many diseases, including obesity, develop because the human body is simply sour. Even, it would seem, the most useful and dietary dishes contain a large number of acids. Remember that you are familiar with such things as heartburn, bitterness in your mouth, unpleasant sensations in the epigastric region, and sometimes even pain in the stomach. Add here a touch of gray language, bad breath, constipation, dark circles under the eyes and even pain in the neck. All these signs may indicate that your body is acidified.

The main rule, which follows alkaline diet - the right balance of acid and alkali. Initially, this food system, developed by well-known nutritional doctors, was created simply to normalize the acid-alkaline environment in the body. But practice has shown that this method allows not only to normalize human health, but also to stabilize the appetite, it is better to absorb nutrients coming from food. As a consequence, lose extra pounds, and without harm to health.

As the developers say, the alkaline diet allows you to lose weight slowly, but surely. For a month about four kilograms go. And the normalization of weight comes after half a year of proper nutrition.

Alkaline diet

The nutrition system, in which the basis of the diet - fruits, vegetables and foods, devoid of various chemical additives (emulsifiers, stabilizers, dyes, etc.) - this is the alkaline alkaline diet. Also, it is necessary to limit or exclude from the diet some products of animal origin. Scientists have proved that fruits and vegetables, in addition to a large set of useful vitamins and trace elements, are able to create and maintain an alkaline environment in the body.

It seems to many that the use of fermented milk products is a great way to maintain your bone system in good condition. In fact, the acid that enters the body with these products, on the contrary, flushes useful calcium from bone tissue. But the substances contained in fruits and vegetables create an alkaline environment. It neutralizes the effect of acid. Consequently, the calcium remains in place, and the bones become firmer.

Fundamental rules

The main principle of the diet is the correct use of acidic and alkaline foods. Twenty percent of the diet should be food that "carries" the acid into the body. And the remaining eighty percent are alkaline foods (the list with the exact list will be presented later in the table).

It is very important that the transition to such food is carried out smoothly and gradually. Otherwise, there may be a malfunction in the digestive system. Nutritionists are advised to take a comfortable comfortable position for you during meals. No snacks, even fruit and vegetable on the run, in transport, in the car, etc. The food should be thoroughly chewed. Only in this case all useful substances will be properly absorbed, and the brain will receive a signal about saturation.

It is also recommended that the last meal be attached at seven o'clock in the evening. Late suppers and snacks are not welcome. If there is a feeling of hunger, then you can quench it with the help of herbal or green tea, broth of rose hips.

As for exercise, then with any diet a mobile lifestyle will only be a plus. If you do not have the opportunity to visit the hall, just go for a walk in the park by bike or on foot.

Important points about nutrition

Vegetables can be consumed in any form. They can be stewed or boiled, but it is better to eat raw. They can be both independent dishes, and additions - side dishes.

The alkaline diet provides well-thought-out and moderate consumption of meat products, fish, as well as legumes (no more than three times a week). It is allowed to eat seeds and nuts, only in moderation. Welcome fruit juices, herbal and green tea and, of course, pure drinking water.

Having decided to switch to a similar food system, you should immediately realize for yourself that you will have to give up many of your favorite and often consumed products. On such a diet you can not drink strong coffee, alcohol, carbonated and tonic drinks. It is also recommended to completely abandon the "unpatched" or, as they are called, "dead" products.

Allowed to eat various oils. It can be peanut, sunflower, soy or olive oil. They can be added to salads or cooked for them. Yes! You can fry the food! The main thing is that there are no chemical impurities in the oils. Products must be natural and safe for health.

Acid Products

Nutritionists believe that every slimming person who has chosen an alkaline diet should know exactly the complete list of acidic foods in order to be able to avoid them in the diet. Let's list the most popular of them.

  • Any sweet pastries: waffles, cakes, pies, pizza, as well as white wheat bread.
  • Beef liver, veal, pork.
  • Chicken eggs.
  • Various canned food, including vegetables.
  • Sausage products, peanuts and various "chemical" sauces, ready marinades.
  • Pasta, cereals and rice.
  • Refined sugar and any products with its "participation": jam, jam, sherbet, chewing gum, cookies, puddings, etc.
  • Milk desserts, kefir, yoghurt, milk, ice cream.
  • Sweet carbonated drinks.
  • Any smoked products.
  • Salty foods, such as crackers, chips, nuts.

Neutrality "observe" only ghee and butter. Their use is allowed, but undesirable. The choice is for a dieting person.

Alkaline products

With such a diet, alkaline foods are allowed. The list will look like this.

  • Vegetables: artichokes, cabbage, green peas, garlic, tomatoes, leeks, asparagus, beets, carrots, aubergines, potatoes, pumpkin, spinach, zucchini, celery and others.
  • Fruits: pineapple, bananas, kiwi, apple, pear, grapefruit, mango, lemon, avocado, prunes, orange, watermelon, melon, persimmon, strawberry and others.
  • Legumes: soybeans, peas, beans, lentils.
  • Seeds and nuts: Brazil nuts, almonds, walnuts, peanuts, chestnuts, cashews, coconut. Two of any kind can be safely added to your food for breakfast or lunch.
  • Meat: beef, veal, lamb, turkey meat, chicken. Avoid pork and goose, as fatty meats contain a lot of cholesterol.
  • Fish: any varieties and species three times a week. It is permissible to consume seafood.
  • Oil of walnuts, olive, sunflower, soybean, corn.
  • Drinks: decoctions and herbal teas, distilled water, fruit juices without sugar.
  • Sweets (only natural): yellow sugar, treacle, maple syrup, raw sugar, honey. Sweet foods in minimum quantities.

The lists of products are, of course, very extensive. But we tried to make a summary table, which draws an analogy and tells what allows you to eat, and what forbids the alkaline diet. The product table is as follows.

Products |



Allowed use with restrictions

Bakery products

People with a sedentary and sedentary lifestyle

Active sports allow up to one piece (50 grams) per day





Poultry meat


In addition to duck meat







Vegetable oils


Sweet drinks, coffee


Mineral water, tea



In moderation, like any other natural sweetness

Sausage, canned food


A fish


Only low-fat varieties



Skimmed milk


Macaroni, rice


Mayonnaise, sauces


The correct diet

Nutritionists say that the safest and steady way to lose weight is an alkaline diet. How to make a diet to achieve results?

  • We keep the ratio 20 to 80%. The most part should be made by the alkaline products.
  • The best way to improve the body and improve the figure will be the use of a large number of fruits. Especially good are apples, grapes, bananas, pears, lemons.
  • Be sure to include in the diet fresh vegetables from the garden.
  • Be sure to drink enough liquid. Carrot and watermelon juices are especially good at fighting acidic conditions.
  • Do not forget about spices. They not only make lean food tastier and smoother, but also add benefits. Preference is given to turmeric, coriander, cumin, cinnamon, cloves.


As the authors assure, the alkaline diet has virtually no contraindications. Such a diet is not allowed only for the elderly. For those who have acute kidney or cardiovascular disease, an alkaline diet is also not recommended.

Feedback about this food system is extremely positive. People note that as a result, appetite normalizes, weight decreases, the skin turgor improves, memory, attention and mood become better.

Breakfast Menu

Alkaline diet, the menu of which in fact is very diverse, provides for several simple principles for building a diet. For breakfast, as a rule, something fruit is used, sometimes porridge, for lunch - meat and vegetable, for dinner - again fruit.

  • Porridge with the addition of a small amount of walnuts, prunes and dried apricots.
  • Favorite fruit and a glass of herbal tea.
  • Banana and cocoa, cooked with skim milk.
  • Fruit salad and briar infusion.
  • Low-fat milk and cookies made from whole-grain flour.
  • Salad from boiled beet with the addition of nuts and olive oil.

Lunch menu

  • Potatoes baked in the oven.
  • Eggplant caviar, tomatoes and sweet pepper.
  • Boiled chicken breast with a salad of fresh vegetables.
  • Boiled beef with stewed vegetables.
  • A large portion of salad from vegetable greens and vegetables.

Dinner menu

  • Vegetable stew.
  • Baked in the oven a large apple or pear.
  • Vegetable cabbage rolls.
  • Salad from green vegetables.

Salad Recipe with Cabbage and Apple

In fact, the alkaline diet recipes include the most diverse and diverse. Many at first it seems that it is impossible to live without a sandwich with sausage for breakfast or pasta with minced meat and mayonnaise for dinner. Cooking the right dishes is very simple and easy. The main thing is to follow the recommendations and not be lazy to make yourself beautiful and healthy.

To make a simple cabbage salad you will need:

  • 250 grams of white cabbage.
  • One large green apple.
  • One tablespoon of olive oil.
  • Spices, salt and pepper.

Cabbage should be finely chopped. Cut the apple into small long bars. Now mix all the ingredients, season with olive oil, salt and add spices to taste. This salad will be a useful and quick snack. Also it can be used as a side dish to meat dishes. Alkaline diet allows different methods of preparation, a variety of combinations of products. The main thing - that extra acid does not get into the body!

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