HealthDiseases and Conditions

Acute gastroenteritis. Causes, symptoms, treatment

Acute gastroenteritis is a fairly common disease, which is most common in children of school and preschool age. This disease affects the stomach and intestines, it affects the mucous membranes of these organs. Symptoms are sudden and painful.

Reasons for the appearance:

1. Irrational and unbalanced nutrition is often the cause of the onset of a disease such as acute gastroenteritis. If a person, having breakfasted tightly, leaves for work, does not eat any food the whole day, and when he comes home, ate before bedtime, one should not be surprised to notice signs of this disease.

2. Frequent and in large quantities using a variety of hot condiments and sauces, excessive craze for alcohol. All this strongly irritates the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines.

3. The use of products of poor quality. Here you can include all the fast food products. Various kinds of noodles, mashed potatoes and stuff.

4. Overdue products.

5. Frequent consumption of too dry food. Sandwiches, biscuits and the like.

6. Consequences of poisoning.

7. Prolonged treatment with antibiotics of any diseases.

8. The occurrence of the disease is not excluded due to the ingress of various bacteria in the intestine, which promote irritation of the mucous membranes.

Acute gastroenteritis. Symptoms :

1. Very sharp and quite painful sensations in the stomach. Pain resembles spasms, cramping.

2. Significant deterioration and decrease in appetite.

3. When pressing in the navel, there is dull pain.

4. Violations of the stool. The feces become liquid or mushy. Sometimes there is mucus or blood in it. Desires in the toilet occur almost immediately after eating.

5. There is general weakness, the pulse decreases. A person quickly becomes tired, feels tired, sometimes there are dizziness and even fainting.

6. Increased gas education, bloating and constant rumbling.

7. Acute gastroenteritis leads to weight loss.

If in time to diagnose acute gastroenteritis in children and begin treatment as soon as possible, the result can be a speedy recovery. But if you start the disease, then it can take a chronic form.

Treatment of acute gastroenteritis

If symptoms appear, you should contact your local GP who will refer the patient to the gastroenterologist. The patient is assigned a comprehensive examination to exclude other diseases, such as salmonella, dysentery and other intestinal infections.

The first stage of treatment is gastric lavage. The patient drinks about three glasses of a solution of sodium hydrogencarbonate or a weak solution of potassium permanganate, then vomiting is induced artificially. The procedure is repeated until the vomit will not be water. Then a laxative is taken.

During treatment, the patient is given complete rest and bed rest. In some cases, the doctor can recommend abstinence from food for one or two days. A special diet is compulsory, which requires strict adherence, otherwise the treatment will be useless. Also, the patient must drink a sufficient amount of liquid, the minimum daily allowance is 1.5 liters. It can be tea, plain water or with the addition of lemon. For effective treatment by a physician, medicinal preparations that improve bowel function and normalize the balance of microorganisms are prescribed. As a rule, hospitalization is not required.

After recovery, a person must follow a diet prescribed by a doctor, otherwise acute gastroenteritis will manifest itself again. Special attention should be paid to the balanced nutrition of the child.

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