Arts & Entertainment, Films
Actor Mori Chaikin: Filmography
The theme of today's narration is the biography and the creative path of Mori Chaykin. In the filmography of this actor over a hundred works. But world fame brought to him the role of private detective, hero of the novels of Rex Stout - Nero Wolfe.
Mori Alan Chaykin: Biography
The actor was born in 1949, in a Jewish family. His hometown is New York. He studied at the University of Buffalo. Actor's career began in the early seventies. Mori Chaykin became the creator of a small theater company, while still a student. Even then he gained success in the theatrical world. His film career began in 1979, when he played a small role in the Canadian film Riel.
Popularity to the hero of today's article came after participating in the pictures "War Games", "Gemini", "Window of the bedroom", "Dances with wolves", "Beethoven 2", "My cousin Winnie", "Island of thugs". In the mid-nineties he acted quite actively. And for the role in the movie "The Music of Whales" was awarded the "Ginny" award. Three years after this event, Mori Chaykin played in the film "A Glorious Future", for which he also received high praise from film critics.
In 2003, the actor was nominated for the prestigious Canadian film award for his role in the series "Mysteries of Nero Wolf." One of his last works in the movie - "According to Barney."
The actor passed away in July 2010, as a result of severe kidney disease. The performer of the role of the legendary Nero Wolfe died on his birthday at the Toronto hospital. Below is a list of the most famous films in which Mori Chaikin played.
Actors played in the following films:
- "Double negativity."
- "Abduction of the President".
- "Nothing personal".
- "Deadly Hunt."
- "War games".
- "A curtain".
- "Last hope".
- "The Justifier."
- «Criminal stories».
- "Window of the bedroom."
- "Stars and Stripes."
- "Bear cubs".
- "Twilight Zone".
- "Twins".
- "Mister Fate"
- "My cousin Winnie."
- "Sommersby."
- "Island of thugs."
- "Her name was Nikita."
- "Tracy accepts the challenge."
- "Island of pranksters".
- "Secrets of Nero Wolfe."
- "Where lies the truth."
- "The Boy in the Girl."
- Casino Jack.
Mysteries of Nero Wolfe
As already mentioned, it was this film that Mori Chaikin brought world fame. Nero Wolfe is an eccentric genius. He lives alone in his own mansion, located on one of the streets of Manhattan. In his house grows about ten thousand orchids. Niro eats exclusively delicious dishes, prepared by a personal chef named Fritz Coach. In order to maintain his luxurious home in order and to pay for the services of his assistants, he periodically discovers complex crimes that are beyond the ability of the New York police. Wolfe has an assistant - an archa of Archie Goodwin.
It is not known how long the director of the series "Mysteries of Nero Wolfe" was looking for an actor for the main role. But there is no doubt that he was not mistaken. One of the filmmakers called Mori Chaykin a great actor born to play Nero. The series aroused a positive evaluation of critics and was nominated for the Edgar Allan Poe Award.
"A glorious future"
Filmstrip 1997 caused rave reviews of critics. The director was nominated for an Oscar. The plot is based on real events. The film narrates about the bus accident with schoolchildren. As a result of the disaster, all children, except for the girl, became disabled. Parents of the child sued the transport company in order to improve their financial situation. But unexpectedly for them the girl gave false testimony. Mori Chaykin played in this film is not the main role. But after this picture his popularity increased.
"Dancing with wolves"
The film was released in 1990. The main role was played by Kevin Costner. The famous actor also acted as a director during the creation of the film. The picture reflects the events of the Civil War in the United States. The protagonist - John Dunbar - is in a field hospital, he must be amputated. But before the operation, Dunbar manages to escape and complete an unusual feat.
He raises a detachment of northerners to attack, which, it would seem, should lead to numerous deaths. But oddly enough, Dunbar remains alive. The army general evaluates his deed and provides him with his own surgeon for treatment, after which he can choose his own place of service. However, to the general's surprise, the hero of the film asks about the transfer to the very backwoods. His place of service is a small outpost near the northern border. Mori Chaykin played in this film a small role - the role of Major Fambro. However, this actor, even an insignificant image, was able to make bright and memorable.
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