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Treatment of osteoporosis in elderly women: drugs, gymnastics

Osteoporosis is a dangerous disease that is associated with a breakdown in the structure of bone tissue, a weakening of the skeleton and fragility of bones. This is a fairly common ailment, especially when it comes to elderly people, because as the body ages, bone tissues begin to lose their strength. That's why many people are interested in the question of how the treatment of osteoporosis in older women looks like.

The fact that female representatives are more likely to suffer from this disease, which is associated with hormonal changes during the menopause. So what symptoms are accompanied by ailment? Can I somehow prevent the development of osteoporosis? What methods of treatment does modern medicine offer? Answers to these questions will be useful to many readers.

Osteoporosis: what is the essence of the disease?

Osteoporosis is a dangerous ailment, which in people is also known as a disease of bone fragility. The disease is associated with a decrease in bone density, a kind of "liquefaction", resulting in the skeleton becomes more fragile, more susceptible to various kinds of injuries and deformities.

Normal formation of bones is a process that is possible when there are a number of factors. In particular, the body needs a sufficient amount of calcium (a kind of building material), zinc, magnesium and other minerals. Normal absorption of calcium occurs when there is a sufficient amount of vitamin D. This substance is formed in the skin of a person under the influence of ultraviolet rays. Nevertheless, in some cases, avitaminosis develops, which, naturally, affects the structure of bone tissue.

In addition, the process of bone formation is regulated by hormones. In particular, such biologically active substances as parathyroid hormone, calcitonin, growth hormone , and estrogen in women are important. That's why female representatives are more susceptible to this disease, as against the background of menopause there is a significant change in the level of sex hormones.

According to statistical studies, the maximum strength of bones in women is observed at the age of 30 years. Further, as the body ages, the structure of the bone tissue changes, the skeleton becomes more fragile.

The main causes of the disease in women

Before considering the treatment of osteoporosis in elderly women, it is worth familiar with the main causes of the development of this disease. In fact, there are a huge number of risk factors that are divided into several main groups:

  • If it is a question of female osteoporosis, then first of all it is worth mentioning about menopause. The fact is that during the menopause there is a steady decline in estrogen, and these hormones are very important for normal calcium metabolism in the body. As a rule, problems with bone strength begin to appear after 50 years.
  • Osteoporosis, which develops after 70 years, is called "senile" and is associated not only with a decrease in the number of hormones, but also with age-related metabolic changes.
  • Secondary osteoporosis may be associated with the administration of certain medications. It also develops on the background of other diseases, including renal failure, lesions of the endocrine system.
  • Risk factors include an incorrect lifestyle, unbalanced diet, strict diets, smoking, alcohol and caffeine abuse, drug addiction, etc.

Osteoporosis: symptoms in women

Unfortunately, the initial stages of the disease are rarely accompanied by any serious signs of deterioration of well-being. Nevertheless, some changes can be noticed. So, what signs are accompanied by osteoporosis?

Symptoms in women include discomfort and stiffness during movement, soreness in the joints. Sometimes patients complain of severe pain in the back and back, especially if they have to spend a long time on their feet or sleep in an uncomfortable bed. It is noticed that the growth of the patient with osteoporosis decreases by 1.5-3 centimeters, and this is already a serious reason to consult a doctor.

Because of the weakness of bone tissue, women often develop various deformities of the spine, including scoliosis and the so-called widow hump. At later stages of the development of the disease, patients often become frequent visitors to traumatology offices, because even the slightest blow can lead to bone fracture.

What is the risk of osteoporosis?

In fact, this ailment is very dangerous. Fragile bones significantly reduce the quality of life of a woman, limit mobility, cause constant soreness and discomfort. At later stages of development, the disease can lead to spontaneous fractures. By the way, wrists and radius bones are most often injured. A fracture in the elderly, especially when there is a violation of calcium metabolism, grows very slowly.

If it is a fracture of the head of the hip joint, then approximately 80% of elderly patients after injury can not recover completely, and therefore until the end of life are chained to a wheelchair. Severe forms of osteoporosis deprive a person of mobility, and therefore, the ability to take care of themselves independently.

Modern diagnostic methods

In the presence of any deterioration in the state of health or the slightest suspicion of osteoporosis, it is worthwhile to see a doctor. First, the specialist will conduct a general examination and collect anamnesis. To produce an accurate diagnosis, several additional studies will be needed. In particular, women are recommended to pass an analysis for sex hormones. It is also necessary to find out the peculiarities of calcium metabolism in the body.

To date, the most accurate method of diagnosis is bone densitometry. This is a relatively new procedure that allows you to determine the presence of the disease in the early stages. The essence of the technique is in the ultrasound examination of bones, and even a minimal decrease in bone density (about 5%) can be determined during the procedure. Radiological examination is also very informative, although it allows one to detect changes only if bone strength has decreased by 15% or more.

Osteoporosis: treatment, drugs and other therapies

Drug treatment is primarily aimed at eliminating the deficiency of vitamins, calcium and other minerals. That is why the patients in the first place prescribe calcium preparations in tablets, as well as a solution of vitamin D3, which must necessarily be taken in the complex.

Preparations - bisphosphonates, contribute to the restoration of normal bone mass. If we are talking about osteoporosis associated with menopause, patients are prescribed hormonal medications, in particular estrogens, as well as calcitonin hormone, which stimulates the flow of calcium into the bone tissue from the blood.

Diet for Osteoporosis

Treatment of osteoporosis in elderly women necessarily includes proper nutrition. The essence of diet therapy is to provide the body with substances that are necessary for building normal bone tissue.

Naturally, the diet should include a sufficient number of products containing calcium, namely cottage cheese, hard cheese, dried apricots, almonds, sardines, sesame, spinach and turnip leaves. For the formation of new bone tissue, the body needs magnesium, which is found in dairy products, leafy vegetables, walnuts. The diet should include foods rich in zinc: these are seafood, some varieties of fish, legumes, celery, sunflower seeds and pumpkins.

It is also recommended to eat foods rich in B vitamins. Therefore, lentils, eggs, beef, ham, milk, bananas, soy, black bread, citrus fruits, buckwheat, chicken fillet, oysters, etc. should be included in the diet.

Age and health are closely interrelated. Therefore, you must strictly adhere to the correct diet. By the way, there is a category of products that are banned in osteoporosis. First of all it is worth mentioning caffeine, which cleanses calcium from bones. Therefore, patients with this ailment should be excluded from the diet of coffee, cocoa and products that contain it (in particular, chocolate), as well as carbonated drinks with caffeine (for example, energy drinks). It is important to give up alcohol - in severe forms of the disease, it is categorically contraindicated. It is necessary to limit the number of animal fats (lamb and beef fat, mayonnaise, margarine, butter), as they "bind" calcium.

Lifestyle of women with this disease

Naturally, such a dangerous ailment requires not only medical therapy, but also lifestyle changes. So, what are the rules to adhere to patients with a diagnosis of "osteoporosis"? The doctor, of course, will talk about this in more detail, but the therapy includes not only taking medications, but also proper nutrition and special strengthening gymnastics.

In addition, older women are advised to be cautious, because with the fragility of bones, any injury can lead to a fracture. That's why you should give up excessive physical activity. Sometimes, in the first weeks or even months of treatment, the doctor does recommend the patient strict bed rest with a subsequent slow rehabilitation.

Physical activity in the fight against fragility of bones

Prevention and treatment of osteoporosis necessarily include physical activity. For example, it is recommended that women after 35 years of age regularly exercise. You can do gymnastics, morning jogging. Positive on the health of the swimming effect. The main goal of physical therapy is to maximally strengthen the muscles in order to relieve the load from the skeleton and, accordingly, reduce the risk of injuries and fractures.

Treatment of osteoporosis in elderly women also includes curative gymnastics, but in this case we are talking about classes with a specialist. As a rule, all exercises are carried out in a sitting or lying position to relieve tension from the joints. Good on health will show slow long walks. By the way, gymnastics for osteoporosis should be regular - classes can last only a few minutes, but on schedule and at least 2-3 times a week.

Are there any popular therapies?

Now you already know about what osteoporosis, treatment, preparations and other methods of fighting the disease are. Can the patient benefit from traditional medicine? Of course, there is a very impressive list of home remedies. For example, some healers recommend each day to take half a teaspoon of chopped eggshell, extinguished with a small amount of lemon juice - this will help eliminate calcium deficiency.

Well in the state of health will affect the reception of broths of field horsetail (100 g of grass pour a liter of milk, bring to a boil and let it brew, take a glass three times a day). Nevertheless, it is worthwhile to understand that such means can be used only with the permission of a doctor.

Effective methods of disease prevention

Unfortunately, there is no medicine capable of permanently protecting a person from the development of this disease. So what is the prophylaxis of osteoporosis in women? Here, as in treatment, an integrated approach is needed. After 35-40 years, women are advised to carefully monitor their health. In particular, an important part of prevention is proper, balanced nutrition. It is very important that the body receives a sufficient amount of calcium, not only calcium, but also of the group D vitamins, because only they ensure the assimilation of the mineral and maintain the normal structure of bone tissue.

Prevention of osteoporosis in women includes moderate exercise. This does not mean that it is necessary to deplete the body - it is recommended to engage in feasible physical labor and special gymnastics in order to maintain muscle tone.

In the period of menopause and after it, if necessary, women should undergo hormonal therapy. Do not give up drugs that the doctor recommends. And of course, twice a year you need to undergo a planned preventive medical examination. Do not forget that treating any disease is much easier if it was diagnosed at an early stage of development.

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