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"What is the tragedy of Pechorin": an essay on literature

What is the tragedy of Pechorin? The writing on this subject of the teacher of the Russian language and literature is asked by his students from year to year. In order to write it, it is not enough to read Mikhail Lermontov's novel. It is also necessary to understand the peculiarities of the society to which the great Russian poet and writer belonged.

Cruel Time

Grigory Pechorin is a character who has the striking features of an "extra person". But you can not take it to this literary type. What is the tragedy of Pechorin? Composition on the novel "The Hero of Our Time" presupposes the availability of a ready answer to this difficult question, no matter what topic it is devoted to. Before you start writing this written work, you need to understand the specifics of the era in which Lermontov's novel was created.

Grigory Pechorin is a typical representative of the nobility of the thirties. This period historians are often called the "gloomy decade". After the defeat of the Decembrist uprising in the country, the Nicholas reaction was progressing. Any ideas that have signs of free-thinking were harshly persecuted.

What is the tragedy of Pechorin? The writing of the young writer, which became the first Russian psychological novel, gives an idea of what the thinking person, who was striving for high ideals, was experiencing at that time in Russia. The thirties of the nineteenth century is an age of timelessness. During this period, Russia's best minds did not have the opportunity to direct their energy and strength to achieve a high moral goal. Contrary to their desires, they were forced to vegetate in inaction.


What is the tragedy of Pechorin? It is easier to write an essay on this subject if we first study the sources and "draw" a historical picture in our mind, against which Lermontov created his novel. But important is the character, the individual qualities of the hero. How did the author of his character depict?

The essay on "Pechorin's tragedy" should begin with the character's characterization. And he is the personification of cold egoism. This trait causes pain to others, but is not innate. Pechorin is the product of his time. The inseparable connection between the character of the hero and the historical period described in the novel is the basic idea on which to base an essay on the theme "Pechorin's tragedy".

Mind and talent

But egoism, of course, is not the most striking feature of the character of the hero Lermontov. The composition "The tragedy of Pechorin's life", as it was already said, is to begin with the characterization of this character. And if selfish thoughts were all-consuming for him, he could hardly have become the central figure of the great literary work. Brilliant mind and extraordinary willpower - these are the qualities that Pechorin possesses.

He is a person not only extraordinary, but also very contradictory. Independence of the mind and extraordinary energy are qualities that did not allow Grigoriy Pechorin to become a reflective intellectual-a person who belongs to the psychological type that exists at all times. Hero Lermontov is vital to act. He does not dream of ranks or ranks. He does not strive for success. And this is the tragedy of the fate of Pechorin. The composition dedicated to this hero is a characteristic of a man who is incapable of reconciling with what is happening, no matter how sad consequences for him this protest may turn around.

Ideas and views

The Tsar in the understanding of Pechorin is a tyrant. The official world is mired in slander, careerism and envy. Representatives of it spend time idly, do nothing for the benefit of the Fatherland, but at the same time depict a serious activity. Pechorin does not want anything to do with these people. Therefore, he does not aspire to ranks.

In his youth, ideas were stifled. Pechorin was sure that it was not accidental. He supposedly has an important mission, and his life will make a significant contribution to the development of the Russian social system. But the years have passed, and this beautiful illusion has dissipated. Frustration, disbelief, fatigue - this is also the tragedy of the fate of Grigory Pechorin.

Lermontov's composition about the cold and cynical nobleman was written many years ago. But the topic, which the author raised in him, remained relevant today. The fate of a person can be extremely sad if he does not have the opportunity to realize himself. The discrepancy between the inner world and the external is a tragedy that no material wealth can smooth out.

In the heart of Pechorin there is emptiness and cold. Life for him is of no value. He despises her and not only does not fear death, but even seeks a meeting with her.

Pechorin and other heroes

The hero of Lermontov's novel is distinguished by intelligence, ingenuity, insight and, as already said, absolute independence. These character traits are not negative, but people who meet on the path of life of Pechorin, bring only grief. He took Kobzich's horse, broke Makim Maksimych's peace of mind. Breaking the plans of "honest smugglers", Pechorin begins to believe that he brings trouble to everyone. And this delusion even more sends him away from other people. Behavior of Pechorin deserves condemnation. But at the same time the reader gets sympathetic. After all, the main tragedy of this hero is that he can not - by force of circumstances - realize his abilities and energy.

In the nature, behavior and outlook of Pechorin his contradictoriness manifests itself. Skepticism and disappointment are surprisingly combined with a thirst for life. Attention to women, which he shows, is explained only by ambitious thoughts. But, having received a letter from the Faith, he at all costs seeks to find her in Pyatigorsk.

What is the tragedy of Lermontov's hero?

Pechorin is inclined to introspection. The constant observation of his own personality deprived him of the ability to indulge in ordinary human feelings. He can not be content with the small and come to terms with reality. And, answering the question, which is the topic of this article, it is necessary to recall the words of Belinsky. The critic argued that the tragedy of Pechorin is a contradiction of high nature and miserable reality.

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