
A guest from the tropics is a manante. Home care has its own nuances

"Oh, what a beautiful maranta! Care at home for her is not so complicated, I can manage," I thought, and left all my cash, available at that time in my wallet. In exchange, I had a smart Brazilian guest - a tranquilanto maranta.

Brazilian beauty - the range is small, but which copies ...

The family of maranthans has so many varieties - only about 25. But what ... Not all representatives of the flora can boast of such faithful lovers of florists, landscapers, phyto-designers. The fact is that this beauty, unlike the flowering of a certain period of time of indoor plants, is decorative all year round. Its beauty is due to the coloring of the leaves, which sometimes have up to 5 shades in their color, not only green, but even red. Perfectly illustrate all the beauties of the most famous specimens of such plants as the arrowroot, a photo. Care will be described below.

Marantha red-lobed (M. tricolor) has the richest coloring. On the outside, the leaves are painted in three basic colors - dark green, light green and red. The underside is purple. He attracts his tricolor with his brocade design. Care for her should also be worthy - under bad conditions, her leaves lose color and quickly die.

Marantha is white (M. leuconeura E. Morren) - variegated plant, which along the main vein of each leaf is drawing a light green triangle. Silvery-green lateral veins give the plant the elegance and playfulness of the color. Marantha reed (M. arundinacea L.) - an alien from the forests of Central and South America. Can reach a height of 1.5 m. This arrowroot differs from the rest with its long (up to 25 cm) leaves and their irregular variegated color.

Marantha Kerhoven (M. leuconeura var. Kerchoveana) is the most common and unpretentious of all. Its small bushes with light green in a black stroke leaves can withstand both short-term drying and direct sun.

Whimsical or not, it's up to you

A very cunning plant with its own character - the arrowroot. Care at home for her should be done with some rules. She comes from the tropical forests of Brazil, respectively, as a real tenant of the lower tier of the rainforest, the maranta does not like the bright sun, but adores the great humidity and warmth. When overexposure, the leaves may suffer greatly from burns, so the baby is protected by twisting and lowering them. And in the case of lack of lighting, the beauty raises them upward, trying to catch as much sunlight as possible. If your arrowroot placed the leaves horizontally, then everything is in order, and the lighting for it is the most optimal.

Maranthe will like it if you spray her every day. But will you like it? It is best to put it next to an open aquarium or other vessel-evaporator. This is an excellent plant for the bathroom, provided there is a window or lighting, which works for at least 8 hours a day. He does not like cold drafts of the arrowroot. Care at home after it should be done in such a way that the ambient temperature does not fall below 18 ° C. Watering it should be abundant, especially in the heat. But the frequency of watering should be reduced in winter, not allowing the stagnation of water in the pan. With "cold feet", in the boggy soil, the arrowrock will quickly depart into another world. She likes the earth nutritious, but weakly acid. A mixture of garden soil, peat and sand (3: 2: 1) is suitable. You can not feed the arrowroot all the way.

When overfeeding, this plant can simply discard the leaf and, accordingly, never grow it again. Feeding is better liquid fertilizer for decorative, diluted two times weaker than the recommended dose.

Not too prone to diseases of the arrowroot. Care at home should still provide for and prevention from pests. This plant is affected by a spider mite in dry conditions at low humidity , so if you can not increase the humidity around it, spray it with acaricidal means (Aktellik, Molniya, Fitoverm) or rinse the leaves with a soap solution.

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