
Yox spray, instruction

"Yox spray" is a preparation that has an antiseptic effect. The package must contain a liner "JOX-Spray."

The composition of the remedy includes allantoin and polyvidone-iodine. Iodine has a good bactericidal effect and raises the secretion of mucus excretory cells, while it has a mucolytic effect and has proteolytic features, exhibits little immunostimulating effect.

Polyvidonum is a high-molecular compound and is used as an iodine carrier in the preparation "Yoks-Spray". The instruction to the agent indicates that this compound reduces the toxic effect of iodine on the cells of the body. When released, iodine decreases the catalytic activity of the enzymes of the capsid envelopes of viruses and proteins, as well as the replicative system of protozoa and bacteria, and changes the structure of the protein. The presence of polyvidone in the formulation provides rapid penetration of iodine into cells and delays a high concentration of antiseptic in cells after administration.

Polyvidone-iodine has a bactericidal effect on such microorganisms: Sacchoromyces cerevisiae, Staphylococcus aureus, Bacillus cereus, Streptococcus pyogenes Neisseria sicci, Enterobacter cloacae, Streptococcus faecalis, Proteus mirabillis, Staphylococcus epidermidis, Candida albicans. The drug "Jox-Spray" has an antimicrobial effect in acute respiratory infections, as it penetrates deeply into the layers of the epidermis of the mucous membranes. This gives a good and quick effect for chronic and acute forms of the disease. But before using the product, it is necessary to study the "Jox-spray Instruction" insert to avoid the side effects of these compounds on a separate organism.

The composition of the drug includes a substance such as allantonin, which has a reparative and anti-inflammatory effect, and the effect of polyvidone-iodine is enhanced. This substance is distinguished by the ability to suppress the growth of bacteria and soften the mucous membrane, stimulate the regeneration of cells and remove irritation.

Polyvidone-iodine is well adsorbed through damaged skin and mucous membranes when applied locally. When a large amount of iodine enters the body, interference of the thyroid function can form. Iodine in the body is metabolized to iodides and has the property of accumulating in the thyroid gland. The drug is excreted from the body by the kidneys, in small quantities with sweat, feces, saliva. Iodides have the property of penetrating the hematoplacental barrier, and then are excreted in breast milk.

At what diseases should you use "Yoks"? Instructions for use indicate the use of the drug for the following diseases:

- tonsillitis (chronic and acute);

- angina (lacunar, catarrhal, follicular);

- inflammatory processes of the mucous membrane (including inflammation of the aphtha, tongue, larynx);

- signs of influenza.

How to apply the "Jox-spray" correctly? Instructions for using the drug are as follows: aerosol yokes are used, if necessary, every 4 hours. Directly before use, remove the cap, put on the applicator and press it a couple of times to fill the applicator, and inject into the mouth, doing irrigation.

The "Yoks" agent in the form of a solution is used for rinsing, which must be carried out 2 to 4 times a day.

The drug is well tolerated by patients, and it is very rare to see allergic reactions (hyperimia, urticaria, pruritus). Prolonged use of the drug often causes the development of iodism.


The drug is not recommended for use in cases of hypersensitivity to components that are part of the drug, heart failure, thyroid hyperfunction, insufficient kidney function, therapy and diagnostic manipulations with radioactive iodine for 14 days, and children up to 6 years.

Overdosing is not possible, but patients often complain about metallic taste in the mouth, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea and stomach pain. After using the drug for 3 days, observe anuria, aspiration pneumonia, edema of the glottis.

Before using the drug "Jox Spray" always read the instructions.

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